

My wife house trained me 50 years ago. My wife controls the remote and any time a questionable scene comes on that has anything to do with "desires" she immediately turns the TV to one of the Alabama championship football games we have on DVR.
My wife has one up on that...she is the remote, Control Central and Checkpoint Charlie all in one. lol... and she disdains football to boot.
I have been researching and downloaded, the Hebrew bible,tanakh,Talmud and Torah for this name is supposed to be in Isaiah and Ezekiel ,but I haven't found it yet.
Lillith,daughter of Lillith?

My wife house trained me 50 years ago. My wife controls the remote and any time a questionable scene comes on that has anything to do with "desires" she immediately turns the TV to one of the Alabama championship football games we have on DVR.
You have a smart wife.😊
She ought to start a husband training club😇
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The bible mentions wisdom is a "she" in Proverbs 8:1 {“Does not wisdom call and understanding lift up her voice?”}
when I read that Jesus is the Wisdom of God, one can see how it can be confusing. After all, Jesus is a man. I wonder if the writer of that verse was talking about human wisdom which is fallible in contrast to Jesus being the Perfect Wisdom Of God?

but anyway.....women tend to value relationships more, and Wisdom is a relationship word, ( and we need to have a relationship with Jesus)so maybe thats why they use a feminine term. just hazarding a guess I suppose.

It was a very interesting read as were the inserted links in the article.
It is good to have these questions and thoughts sorted for many outside the study of the WOG will have read things to try and confuse the BELIEVERS knowledge.

Thanks !

I remember reading the Da Vinci Code before watching the movie and rejecting the lies surrounding his though for the book.

If however ppl don't know what thus saith the WOG,it might be easy to deceive and lead astray such.
Well, I would say that anyone who does not like Alabama football, just might be a communist! Or a Red neck!View attachment 7202

Lol I live in Alabama and I don't like FOOTBALL !

You might call me a red- neck but you'll only do it once.......... lol
I'm a southern lady born and bred with a childhood in military.
Every human ego (false-self) strives to be valid. The ego will exploit anything that will help it to exploit itself.

Whoa, I can not hack this.
I have just had an identity crisis and suffer from anxiety and mild depression.

I also have no EGO but am healing from a life of self- loathing. I am so blessed that he is closer than a brother and as we walk and talk together he is healing me!
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Whoa, I can not hack this.
I have just had an identity crisis and suffer from anxiety and mild depression.

I also have no EGO but am healing from a life of self- loathing. I am so blessed that he is closer than a brother and as we walk and talk together he is healing me!
Self-loathing is our false-self (ego) fearing the parts of itself which has proven to be false.

Our true-self, our inner-being, knows the truth about the ego as being false. When we acknowledge this truth, it is not the inner being loathing itself, but the ego loathing its exposed truths as being false. The ego fears its own truth as being invalid, as being nothing but a self-fabricated story so our mind can make sense of itself. And it will loath anything, including the exposed, or threatened, parts of the mind's identity story.

Often, when the mind feels that 'it can't hack this'. It feels as if "I am losing my mind", losing its own identity story, and that is exactly what it is experiencing, the false-self, under the light of truth, being exposed as a self-fabricated deception. Other words we use that points to these types of self-deceptions, are 'denial', 'lies', 'blame', 'anger', etc.

Personally, I first learnt about these things when I did a fearless moral inventory of myself. A task required for my repentance. I needed a clean slate from denials, secrets, and resentments which kept me in bondage as the park bench drunk that I had become. The task often took me into parts of myself which my ego hoped would never come to the surface. Any feelings of fear or vulnerability became my signposts that I was on the right track to expose what I feared/loathed most about myself. They all had to be uprooted and thrown into the fire of truth, so to speak.

After exposing my truth to God, and to another human being, I felt tremendous relief. But I also soon felt lost, empty, and alone . . . until God's grace, the Spirit of Truth, filled my heart as a constant companion. Then I realized that I was not here for the false-self or ego; but for the true-self which God sent into the body/vessel/vehicle, which ideally serves to express God's will in the world we walk through. For me, this is Christ's way, the truth, and the life.
Lol I live in Alabama and I don't like FOOTBALL !

You might call me a red- neck but you'll only do it once.......... lol
I'm a southern lady born and bred with a childhood in military.

YOU live in Alabama and YOU do not like football????

Are you saved??o_O.........(Of course I am just kidding!)

Where in the promised land do you live?
It looks like you have been reading a lot of Freudian books.

Would you say that mans "Ego" is the False Self and the "The Soul" is the True self?
Yes, I would say that the ego is the false-self. It was created by the body-mind so the mind can make sense of itself. Body-mind is worldly, fear-based, and conditional.

The true self is known via the spirit-mind; and it is God-based, loving and faithful to what is Truth, and unconditional. In this regard, it is the true-self.

The soul, if regarded as the psyche, becomes under the influence of both body-mind or spirit-mind.

True consciousness is based on spirit-mind, and is aware of what is true and obvious without reasoning or knowledge. Conviction.

False consciousness is based on body-mind, and is aware of what is not true and indecisive, with reasoning or knowledge. Opinion.
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