American 'christians' It Is Time To Test Yourselves...

I still haven't decided whether it's before or after. Can you suggest a scripture to support pre-tribulation?

The book of Revelation from chapter 4 onward is a look at the events on earth---Tribulation, from heaven's perspective---where the Bride of Christ is at that time.

Revelation 22:17
The Spirit and the bride say, “Come.” Let anyone who hears this say, “Come.” Let anyone who is thirsty come. Let anyone who desires drink freely from the water of life.
I still haven't decided whether it's before or after. Can you suggest a scripture to support pre-tribulation?
Here is a verse that supports a certain view...I have not studied this out really because I know no matter what, real believers are going to be with Christ, no matter what...But I do consider this a promise to me and all those who Love Christ in a sincere way.

Re 3:7 ¶ And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth;
8 I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name.
9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.
And thank you Mitspa. I'm beginning to lean towards the rapture after the tribulation. If that's the case I pray we all overcome. But more so to tease certain folks in heaven.;)
The bible doesn't mention rapture. People take certain scripture out of context to support raptures.

Jesus said we will be persecuted not raptured.
That is a Latin translation of a biblical word... I don't have a big problem with the use of that word...don't feel like defending it not sure what that means?...:confused:
As to the PDF...

The wheat and tares judgment takes place during the initial stage of the Milliennial Reign of Christ. That happens on earth years after the Rapture of the Church, and has nothing to do with the Rapture! For you to mix things up and add 1 Thessalonians 4:17 concerning the catching away of the saints is out of context and is a major flaw in your presentation.

I don't think I'll read further past page 6, thanks.
And thank you Mitspa. I'm beginning to lean towards the rapture after the tribulation. If that's the case I pray we all overcome. But more so to tease certain folks in heaven.;)
Hang with me sis and the others who are sold out to Christ and you will see that promise was written to you too!..:D
I still haven't decided whether it's before or after. Can you suggest a scripture to support pre-tribulation?

There is one passage I don't have 100% answer for concerning pre trib rapture. I would almost give it to the post trib side.

That don't remove the 20 others I have that support pre trib.

I can defend post trib better than those that believe it.

Post tribbers have a need to promote fear and put down others. They are clueless to the power in the body of Christ. They judge and use the word as a crutch for their excuse.

There is a group of them that do take the victory position. Their doctrine is a bit different.

I did not realize that this doom America guy was post trib. Makes sense as its the broken drum they all beat.
The bible doesn't mention rapture. People take certain scripture out of context to support raptures.

Jesus said we will be persecuted not raptured.

That is false. We are promised persecution and trouble (tribulation) but we are not promised or destined to suffer THE Great Tribulation which is to come. The word "harpazo" used in scripture in the Greek has the same meaning we give to the English word, "Rapture". It is the catching or seizing away of the Church, the Bride of Christ in accordance with the ancient Hebrew custom of marriage. The connotation of "harpazo" is to seize something away or wrest it away in the sense of ownership.

The Bride of Christ belongs to none other than Jesus Christ, and he will come and seize her and remove her and take her to His house which He has prepared for her.

This is just ONE of many aspects of the Hebrew betrothal and marriage custom that can be brought to bear in any argument against the Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church.
That is false. We are promised persecution and trouble (tribulation) but we are not promised or destined to suffer THE Great Tribulation which is to come. The word "harpazo" used in scripture in the Greek has the same meaning we give to the English word, "Rapture". It is the catching or seizing away of the Church, the Bride of Christ in accordance with the ancient Hebrew custom of marriage. The connotation of "harpazo" is to seize something away or wrest it away in the sense of ownership.

Umm. The English def is not the same. Its a laten word some think based on raptor as a bird snatched suddenly .

Jerome used it.
The bible doesn't mention rapture. People take certain scripture out of context to support raptures.

Jesus said we will be persecuted not raptured.
Persecuted does not mean that we wont be raptured, Im persecuted for the gospel almost every day, but that's what comes with the Word of God.
Umm. The English def is not the same. Its a laten word some think based on raptor as a bird snatched suddenly .

Jerome used it.

The translation from 'harpazo' to the English, 'rapture' took two steps.

1. 'Harpazo' is translated into the Latin, 'raptus'

2. 'Raptus' becomes the English, 'rapture'.

Makes you doubt how?
I could be wrong. But it says Jesus will descend with a shout and the dead will rise first then we who alive will be caught up together with them to meet Him in the air.... So isn't that describing His second coming?

Then there's Mathew 24 from verse 30. It says immediately after the tribb the sun will be darkened etch and the angels will gather the elect. (Sorry, I don't know how to share scripture from the bible here. So, I paraphrased a bit.)

That's why. I hope I explained well.
I honestly can't decide which to believe.

All I know is the tribulation is no minor event. It's the time of God's wrath and it says over a 3rd of the world's population dies! I don't know about you, but I think we as Christians would be saved from his wrath, dontcha think?