the american dream

A Meritocracy is a type of compulsory Socialism or Communism

From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.
Karl Marx

It is in the compulsory Communistic model that “compulsory needs” will play a pivotal despotic role using “State-managed rewards and punishments” in order to mandate things “fair through compulsion and despotism.” Can we agree that a Meritocracy also requires the “compulsory State to manage also what is merited” using the same compulsion and despotism that Communism will use to force a society fair?” Both have an unjust master which will always mature to be the tyrannical State of despotism.

Instead is it possible that it’s proper to understand that the U.S. was a Limited Democratic Republic in the beginning and has now mutated to a Socialistic Democratic Republic; a far cry from a compulsory Meritocracy in the beginning but is now on immoral grounds moving closer to it every minute?

How very true. We should all remember that the 1st step in communism is "socialism".
Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

The christian perspective:

Life- our life is hid in christ Jesus said, I am come that you may have life, and life in abundance
Liberty - in christ we have liberty
Pursuit of Happiness- seek and ye shall find...The joy of the Lord is our strength
The worldly perspective

Life- we can genetically clone anything we please, life is random. Lifestyle of the rich and famous is an aspiration..
Liberty - we can do what we want, we can buy freedom, nobody can tell us what to do
Pursuit of happiness- whatever makes ya happy, do it...mindbending drugs are cool
A Meritocracy is a type of compulsory Socialism or Communism

From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.
Karl Marx

It is in the compulsory Communistic model that “compulsory needs” will play a pivotal despotic role using “State-managed rewards and punishments” in order to mandate things “fair through compulsion and despotism.” Can we agree that a Meritocracy also requires the “compulsory State to manage also what is merited” using the same compulsion and despotism that Communism will use to force a society fair?” Both have an unjust master which will always mature to be the tyrannical State of despotism.

Instead is it possible that it’s proper to understand that the U.S. was a Limited Democratic Republic in the beginning and has now mutated to a Socialistic Democratic Republic; a far cry from a compulsory Meritocracy in the beginning but is now on immoral grounds moving closer to it every minute?
The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money.
i.e. it cannot survive in a vaccuum, it must have a source of prosperity to feed off of, once the prosperity is consumed the system fails
which is where the US (and Europe) are going VERY QUICKLY
Hmm anything to do with federal bank reserve or IMF? America prints money does it not? Thats where the money markets are esp world trade center.

I mean nz used to have pounds etc like the british but then changed to nz dollars, to copy american style currency. Many countries now have dollars.
Hmm anything to do with federal bank reserve or IMF? America prints money does it not? Thats where the money markets are esp world trade center.

I mean nz used to have pounds etc like the british but then changed to nz dollars, to copy american style currency. Many countries now have dollars.

No. It has nothing to do with the Federal Reserve or fiat money.
Thats weird cos many do believe that money is what makes america great. If they worship mammon that is, and their dream is to make it big in america.
Socialism is the scapegoat while fascism is the real threat. Obamacare is the whipping boy of the conservatives as proof of socialism. If Obamacare were an example of socialism, then the government would have just expanded Medicare or created some new medical provider department of the government and then raised taxes. Obamacare is even deceptive by name. It would be more accurately called and described by the name of Corporatecare. The government has forced americans to purchase a corporate product. The "tax" goes to corporations.
Benito Mussolini, one of the founders of modern day fascism, said fascism could be summed up in one word....corporatism. Every president has furthered the cause of fascism. Some go slowly about it while others take us down that path more more quickly. Corporate banks could've stopped the unbridled government spending anytime they liked, but it suits their purposes to "allow" the government to spend itself into default. A corporate officer oversees Detroit's finances(a perfect example of fascism). What do you think will happen when te entire government defaults.......the masses will blame the government and the fascists will step in. It s a classic case of "bait & switch". Thus the Beast is about to be born.
so indivdual-ism..if there is such a better than a collective union thing you think?
Is the american dream individual or corporate? Lots of multinational corporate companies started in america. We have some here like Caltex, Shell, Hollywood film and tv industry...
Coca-cola, McDonalds...although they now become part of the landscape and nzers can own the franchises. Microsoft and Apple...American pop music...
When watching american tv just amazed at the amount of materialism...everyone wears different outfits everyday..lots of advertising for brand name footwear...everything it seems is for sale.
If you got an idea, it seems, sell it, you'll make money. But then corporates want to hoard all the good ideas. I think somebody mentioned patents earlier.
We used to have this kiwi owned and operated family restaurant called Georgie Pie that sold really good meat pies. Well McDonalds bought them out and then proceeded to close all the Georgie Pies down as they didn't want the competition...they wanted more Maccas everywhere. It was only after facebook campaign that we ever got to taste a Georgie Pie again. Now they selling them thru the McD's outlets.
To me the American Dream would be a fishing rods in my hand, while on a boat off-shore fishing. Maybe hoping to catch bluefish or some tuna or a marlin.

That is my American dream.
I think in terms of freedom of worship...this is the good thing about america and also it's achilles heel cos they broke away from Europe and all it's traditions...but then you get all sorts of cults there. The catholic and the anglican(episcoplian) churches even tho they honor their pope and their sovereign, both aren't seen as heads of their state I suppose. Therefore it's easier to be a born-again christian there and to worship in independent, local congregations. Without that overarching hierarchy.
But downside ...cults spring up unchecked. eg. Waco branch davidians, christian science, JWs, mormons, black muslims, scientologists, to name a few, all originating in america.