Pastor doesn't want members praying or reading bible together

Actually no one Curtis. I do not run with lost people or intellectual élite's. The people I know are very well aware that there is a Word of God which is the written words from God to man through men, complete and perfect with no errors and there is also the Word of God who is God's Son and is the Logos.
Let me tell you brother there are many many people who teach in our colleges, and universities who know the scriptures better that most Christian, and they will tell you, they do not believe in God, but they teach it. How can this be? If scripture is the Word of God, if you know the Word of God which is Jesus Christ then you would for sure know him!!! This totally untrue. A man or women who "knows" God has eternal life. Knowing scripture does not give anyone eternal life, but knowing the living active Word of God does!!!.
I just thought of this. Would a Christian sealed with the holy spirit have anything to fear reading the Bible alone? Or in a study group without the pastor present?
There is no problems for anyone to read the Holy scriptures with out any kind of pastor present. The purpose and reason why there are pastors, and teachers in the body of Christ is to teach "how" to hear from the Holy Spirit within you.
Let me tell you brother there are many many people who teach in our colleges, and universities who know the scriptures better that most Christian, and they will tell you, they do not believe in God, but they teach it. How can this be? If scripture is the Word of God, if you know the Word of God which is Jesus Christ then you would for sure know him!!! This totally untrue. A man or women who "knows" God has eternal life. Knowing scripture does not give anyone eternal life, but knowing the living active Word of God does!!!.
That does not stop them from being the written word of God. All that proves is they do not have the authority or power tolearn or understand the true meanings of Gods word. Only a born again spirit filled believer can. However it is still Gods written word.
That does not stop them from being the written word of God. All that proves is they do not have the authority or power tolearn or understand the true meanings of Gods word. Only a born again spirit filled believer can. However it is still Gods written word.
Brother does not the living, active Word of God that which interprets the scriptures?

Luke 24:26.. Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter into his glory?"
Luke 24:27.. And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.

Who was interpreting the "scriptures" here to the two men who were walking to Emmaus? Jesus Christ, who is the living, active Word of God!!!
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Brother does not the living, active Word of God that which interprets the scriptures?

Luke 24:26.. Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter into his glory?"
Luke 24:27.. And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.

Who was interpreting the "scriptures" here to the two men who were walking to Emmaus? Jesus Christ, who is the living, active Word of God!!!

Curtis Hi,
There is no debate or question that it is the spirit of God who brings us insight or revelation unto a deeper understanding of Gods word.

However this view that the written word of God is not the word of God until one gains a spiritual understanding is silly.

Gods word is written in such a way that any person can gain "some" insight to His word or ways. Another words "The Basics" of His word. This allows any one to see or understand the way to the Father and that we must be born again and such.

Now then once a person is born again they become "Qualified" to have access to a deeper understanding of the hidden or locked truths of Gods word. This is done through the spirit of God that is placed in us when we are born again.

Therefore this allows a believer the ability to put forth many area's of Gods written word that they could not have gotten to work on their behalf other wise. This does NOT take away the fact that there is many area's of Gods written word that if any one puts them into action will bring results. Not in the depth that a spirit filled born again beleiver can but never the less they can see some results.

All of this does not change the fact that it is the written word of God. What bothers me is this debate going back and forth about what is and is not the written word of God has Lost a big Huge Part......The Integrity Of The Written Word Of God !!

God Bless Brother
@Major @CCW95A @Euphemia

Here is another quote found on page 7 of this thread by CCW.
((It can be said that scripture is like a "tool box" to be used by men, and women to teach spiritual principles.))

Now this thinking takes away from what the written word of God is to be to any spirit filled believer. It is Not a tool box full of scriptures or tools simply to aid in teaching.

The written word of God or Scriptures is to be Our Life Style. It is to be how we live 24\7\365
This tool box notion is like saying - hmmm I see there is a problem today so I will dig into my tool box and dig me out some faith and get victory over this.

Scriptures are the very same very much alive written word of God and are to be lived as such and are to be operated as in our daily life.

Scriptures are nothing less then Gods written word - AND should be treated as such.
God Bless
Hebrews 4:12.....
"For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart."
Amen and ------
As I mentioned in post # 205 - Where is the Integrity of the written word of God ?
Please read post 205 and let me know if I am off track or on track. I am not here to cause problems anymore then you are my dear brother !!
God Bless
Let me tell you brother there are many many people who teach in our colleges, and universities who know the scriptures better that most Christian, and they will tell you, they do not believe in God, but they teach it. How can this be? If scripture is the Word of God, if you know the Word of God which is Jesus Christ then you would for sure know him!!! This totally untrue. A man or women who "knows" God has eternal life. Knowing scripture does not give anyone eternal life, but knowing the living active Word of God does!!!.

I am sure that is true but do you think it just started to take place???? are making an assumption. You have no idea how many teach in colleges who do not believe in God. YOU have no idea how many preachers in the pullpits do not believe in God.

The comment is without merit my brother as it has nothing to do with the Bible being Word of God and whether it "contains" the Word of God.
Amen and ------
As I mentioned in post # 205 - Where is the Integrity of the written word of God ?
Please read post 205 and let me know if I am off track or on track. I am not here to cause problems anymore then you are my dear brother !!
God Bless

Yes Jim, I agree with you.

Our friend Curtis has been exposed to some very "liberal" teachings recently and has bought into them as they have fit his understanding. Instead of hearing and believing what is written for us, he has sought to accept a teaching he likes.

Nothing new here Jim. Actually Paul wrote to the Galatians about just the same thing 2000 years ago.
Hebrews 4:12.....
"For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart."
Do you think you are telling me something I do not know or experience?
I am sure that is true but do you think it just started to take place???? are making an assumption. You have no idea how many teach in colleges who do not believe in God. YOU have no idea how many preachers in the pullpits do not believe in God.

The comment is without merit my brother as it has nothing to do with the Bible being Word of God and whether it "contains" the Word of God.
How I know this as my wife has taken a couple "New Testament", and "Old Testament" surveys in College her teachers said they do not believe.
How many other cults are out there that use the same Bible we do and they have no clue to who God is, even though they know the scriptures. What is there problem? How can a person know the scriptures and not know God?
Curtis Hi,
There is no debate or question that it is the spirit of God who brings us insight or revelation unto a deeper understanding of Gods word.

However this view that the written word of God is not the word of God until one gains a spiritual understanding is silly.

Gods word is written in such a way that any person can gain "some" insight to His word or ways. Another words "The Basics" of His word. This allows any one to see or understand the way to the Father and that we must be born again and such.

Now then once a person is born again they become "Qualified" to have access to a deeper understanding of the hidden or locked truths of Gods word. This is done through the spirit of God that is placed in us when we are born again.

Therefore this allows a believer the ability to put forth many area's of Gods written word that they could not have gotten to work on their behalf other wise. This does NOT take away the fact that there is many area's of Gods written word that if any one puts them into action will bring results. Not in the depth that a spirit filled born again beleiver can but never the less they can see some results.

All of this does not change the fact that it is the written word of God. What bothers me is this debate going back and forth about what is and is not the written word of God has Lost a big Huge Part......The Integrity Of The Written Word Of God !!

God Bless Brother

Something to also remember is that a believer who takes the time to renew their minds to the Written Word of God will gain much more depth than those whom just attend church on Sunday or even just read ever so often. It has to be done everyday and made a lifestyle in order to get the maximum benefit. Its called watering the Seed from the parable of mark 4 (mark 4 does not specifically say that we should water the seed, but in luke it says that the seed lacked moisture or depth and that is the reason why it did not grow), and evrey person knows that in order for a seed to grow it needs to be watered.

Good post! I agree that the integrity of the Written Word has been lost in a lot of ways. Its time to get back to making it our life and living it or making our lives be governed by it.

God bless
Read the thread.
Really Euphemia ? Now how does this even answer anything ? It was you who siad you see Hostility and I asked where..........This means it is You my dear sister that has to show us where or how you see this. No one else can see what you see or think.

Thank you for replying and may God bless you today with something extra special that only He can !! God Bless