Honesty Is The Best Policy

Are there only five, why are bats blind even though they have eyes. If you think to say something had to give us our senses, then you might be mistaken, since it shown in nature some animals have senses that are more capable than other animals simply because of adaption and evolution.

But I might be jumping the gun about what your wanting to say, if not then ill finish saying. The human eye is not infact perfect nor the ear, other animals have more developed sense, yet humans are far more intellient.
I'm not asking about senses with different animals or if they are perfect. I'm asking if you believe our senses gave us our senses. Same goes for animals, if you would like to answer.
No I dont I believe our senses come from a pre designed sense. I am not sure what your trying to say. I believe our senses originate from our evolution and millions of years of adaption to our enviroment. And I said that our senses could be better and one day they might be.
Well all animals on the earth as well as us have developed what we call a concience in order to grow and survive as a community. We wouldnt have survived if we didnt develop this sense.
Well just by watching science programs and nature programs and programs about the nature of space and the universe and some light reading. But thats my experience however alot more people know alot more.
The thing is that no matter what I see outside the Bible and ask questions about, it never loosens my faith in God. So what point are you getting too about the senses and concience Lifeasweknowit?
So knowing what people are thinking before they speak it out of their mouth and I say it. Would that be one of the senses not listed. It happens MANY times with me. Also if something happens within my family, my siblings or family sense it. Does this happen to anyone else?
The point is, that there are other explainations to the hows and the whys and I didnt need to turn over one page of the bible to get it.