The Beast's Economic System

I used to wonder how it could possibly be that churches will fall in line with the Beast. But now I see more of how that can and will happen. In America churches, for the most part are set up as non-profit corporations. Financially and legally.....even structurally churches have more in common with their for-profit corporate cousins. This ties them in, whether they like it or not, to the government/corporate system from which the Beast will arise. Government influence/interference in church business grows daily. Churches who have schools attached are especially vulnerable to government/corporate coersion.
This sums up what I believe about the mark:

case in point - when the earthquake hit Christchurch, there was no electricity, atms didn't work..everyday life was disrupted, lots of people died.
It was the christians and all those who did what Jesus said that helped each other out. Nobody was looking to profit from the earthquake, they just wanting each other to survive and get through it all.
um I don't know about islam being the beast it could be one of them as a false prophet etc. Aren't there four beasts? islam does seem to control or be involved in a lot of the worlds riches eg oil reserves, with their system of trade and bribery.
Um..I don't think so. Christians will be sharing what we have with each other..and also the Lord is going to provide all our needs if we short, so we just need to trust Him.

unbelievers will have a choice, I suppose, take the mark, live a comfortable life so it seems, but be sold out to Satan. Or become relatively poor, and do without, except one has salvation. If you have salvation, then money is really nothing. It's just numbers.

Believers in the Messiah will be a rare breed in the Tribulation. The Church will be absent. Plus NO ONE will have a comfortable life. It will be a time like never before seen on this planet. Read Revelation.
sorry the beast is said in revelation to have 10 heads and 7 horns, also like a leopard, feet of a bear and mouth like a lion.

Leopards don't change their spots.
I don't know about the feet of the bear what that means....
but mouth of a lion? Definitely terrible and a big roar, and wanting to eat up God's children. Like Daniel. Christchurch, their cathedral was destroyed. It was kinda like their temple. Christchurch is an anglican city, pretty much.
I wonder if there will be a return of slavery on a massive scale like in Jesus' time
"Islam institutionalized slavery. Muhammad began to take slaves after he moved to Medina, and had power. Slaves were usually taken in raids on nearby Arab tribes, or war, either through offensive or defensive actions. Islam allows the taking of slaves as "booty", or reward for fighting. This has led to numerous "jihads" by Muslim states and tribes to attack other non-Muslim groups and obtain slaves. Islamic jurisprudence laid down regulations for the proper treatment of slaves. However, abuses have occurred throughout history."
I don't see this thread lasting long...The "antichrist spirit" has been with humanity throughout history. Revelation specifies that the AC will be a person at the head of a one world government. And will want to be worshipped as a God. The number 666 in an "oldest" translations where it seems to be 616 - not 666. I watched a video where an actual top "expert" translator indicates that most translators lean more to 616. I like @Abdicates explanation best - it is the islamic bismallah. There are 3 debated indications that the AC will be 1)from the tribe of Dan 2)from the last empire noted in Daniel's book with Nebuchanezzar's dream of the statue. What these people fail to realize, like the legs of the statue...there were 2 parts of the Roman empire...east (Constantinople) and west (Rome). Matthew was believed to be originally written in Hebrew then translated to Greek. Video below.
@Euphemia is correct about "rapture" being in scripture starting in Genesis with Enoch (who was raptured). If you read your scriptures...the 2nd coming and "rapture" are 2 separate events: one is in a twinkling of an eye-no happens after 7 year trib. and many signs.

***Edit ..I forgot the 3rd belief. I will let someone else say that one.
I had cousins in NYC living near the world trade center when that was destroyed in 2001. Seems an age ago now, yet...ppl still trading.
I had cousins in NYC living near the world trade center when that was destroyed in 2001. Seems an age ago now, yet...ppl still trading.

Matthew 24:38-39
In those days before the flood, the people were enjoying banquets and parties and weddings right up to the time Noah entered his boat. 39 People didn’t realize what was going to happen until the flood came and swept them all away. That is the way it will be when the Son of Man comes.
I don't know what insitutionalised slavery in america then back in the day. Was it the confederacy?
In china communism mean to free the peasants but that just meant EVERYONE became a virtual slave to the communist party cos everyone was a member.
It does seem beast system is anything that has a lot of power and authority over people, mostly to do with economics and govt.
In the media in my country, people are constantly referred to as 'consumers'.
This is due to free market capitalism me thinks. I'm not sure exactly the name of it, some right-wing thing. Nobody is people or soul anymore. Just 'consumers'
I just wanted peoples' take on how the economic system has traces of the coming beastly system in it now and what might be in store when the system of the beast manifests itself. Though I am post-trib...I am not looking for debating or arguing the pre-trib/post-trib serves no purpose since both camps are entrenched. I'm just looking into how the beastly system will operate.
Islam is the end-time religion. From it the Antichrist will rise, just as John said:

Revelation 17:10-11 (KJV)
And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, [and] the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.​

From my book:
Now I’m going to deviate from the norm concerning Rome. In Daniel’s statue, the bronze belly and thighs are Greece. What people forget is that this “Roman leg” division happened at the "thighs" of Greece, with its division into the East and the West. At the knees, the body splits off into two bones – the tibia and the fibula. I believe the western leg was the political Roman system until the knees. The division into two bones became the Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox systems. The eastern leg is Islam, and at the knees, divides into Sunni and Shia systems. All these groups “pray” on their knees.​

The eighth king comes from the seventh kingdom and it is this eighth king that will go into perdition. The sixth kingdom was Rome, so the seventh to rule over Israel was Islam (Ottoman Empire), therefore the eighth kingdom will be the rise of Islam. The Caliphate is the seat of power for all Islam, a ruler who is like a president, a general, and a spiritual leader. The position is inclusive. The first Caliphate was Muhammad in Medina, Arabia around 630 AD. After his death, there were successive Caliphates, but in the end, Islam split into the Shi'a and Sunni belief systems that still thrive today.70 The Caliphate ended in March 1924 with the creation of the secular Turkish government after the abolishment of the Ottoman Empire. Hence, the feet of clay – so mixed and weakened without purity of beliefs. In fact, in Hebrew, “arab” means “mixed people”. Someday soon, the Turkish people will elect a Sharia government, which will reinstate the Caliphate. In an excellent article in the Hudson New York, Steven Simpson writes in his article Turkey: Islamism's Consequences for the West, “For now, Turkey, still a powerful member of NATO, and still presumably a friend of America, teeters between East and West. A ‘neo-Ottoman’ Empire -- like a ‘neo-Czarist’ Russia that appears in the making -- is something that America, the West, and Israel, should take seriously.​
Many people now think their net worth IS their worth.
That is not what God sees, people with prices on their heads, walking economic units to be used. No way.