The Beast's Economic System

I just wanted peoples' take on how the economic system has traces of the coming beastly system in it now and what might be in store when the system of the beast manifests itself. Though I am post-trib...I am not looking for debating or arguing the pre-trib/post-trib serves no purpose since both camps are entrenched. I'm just looking into how the beastly system will operate.
Definitely the fiat dollar will collapse along with the Euro and soon. When the next depression happens life will change as we know it. This will lead to two things, as usual: great revival, the last outpouring of the Holy Spirit; and two, the rise of a system and an individual to fix all the problems. The spoiled rich kids of the West are hungry for a cause and are leaving in droves to fight in Islam's war against hypocrisy and capitalism.

From the last link above:
We keep being bombarded by moves to restrict the use of cash and demands to ban it altogether. These demands seem to mainly revolve around two arguments: one is that “only criminals need cash”, which is on a par with the absurd assertion that we should all be fine with Stasi-like ubiquitous government surveillance “if we have nothing to hide”. The other one is that a cash ban would make life easier for the central planners who are actively undermining the economy with their policy of debasement. We would argue that central banking and fiat money have done more than enough harm already and that the eradication of financial privacy has gone way too far. Money and banking should be freed from the clutches of government-directed monopolization and cartelization and should be returned to the free market.

One of our readers has sent us a few links concerning recent examples of the war on cash waged by governments the world over, which we reproduce below. Indeed, there is little cause for optimism on this score. Given this increase in attempts to restrict the use of cash, the danger that possession of gold will one day be declared illegal again can no longer be so easily dismissed either.
When you talk about economy, you speak of being able to survive each day with what you need. Food, shelter, water. When you say aren't talking about greed are talking survival. There will not even be a false pretense of capitalism - it will be military/martial law with fiats. Dictatorship. With sub lieutenants. There will be no "freedom" to protest.
Maybe I should've titled it the Beastly economic system or something like that. My bad and my apologies if you were looking forward for a post/pre-trib debate. It was not my intent nor my purpose to have that debate here. Please feel free to start another thread for that purpose. God's blessings.
Do you want me to change the title?
the body of Christ has enough members that each does our own special part, we don't need to look to the world for all it offers.
Im not advocating a closed community or anything like that, its just that, like Israelites in the wilderness, they had only God to depend on and everything worked when they trusted Him.
The Federal Reserve is a private corporation. Monies are controlled, not by governments but by consortiums. Physical cash is just paper....and that is why economies are failing.
What form of economics does the IS impose wherever it seizes power? Is it some form of communism? They seem so anti-capitalism.....just wondering.
I think the title of the thread is plain and clear, anybody going off topic should make a new thread if they got something they really want to discuss. I don't come here to argue. Besides, it's Dan's thread and we post in it according to how he wants, right? The same thing when anyone else starts a thread, just out of respect for the OP.