Qustions on God and Suicide

This is just to assure all those who posted here, that our lady guest had no problems with anything that anyone said on the thread. Rather I believe she was expressing the fact that she was grateful to all here.

I know that sometimes we can feel so frustrated that someone can't seem to see or accept what we know to be true from His word, but it's their right to do, say, think whatever they wish. I feel that we showed her a lot of love which she recognised.

So that's a 'well done, all', okay! *happy smile!*

Love from

- BM

We sincerely invite our new 'Unregistered' friend to re-join us here at CFS so we can all discuss things with you. You may have noticed that our top forum header mentions that this is a Friendly Christian forum... that is God's truth... our members are supportive of all our friends who may need to talk about things that are on their mind.

We are having some posting related software issues with the recent CFS forum upgrade, but we are working around that glitch and will expedite your replies here for posting.

We are anxiously awaiting your return to post here at CFS... May God Bless...

It's me, Unregistered. Thank you so much for your kindness- and most of all, your prayers. I am now under the name Opalina.

I have to share with you the most incredible thing.

Something happened that must have been God.

I had a dream. It was the most vivid and real dream I have ever had. I dreamed that my best friend died- was murdered - her and her daughter- and died horribly. It was the worst dream of my life. I am still shaking. After I found out in the dream of her death, the dream didn't end it just went on and on for it seemed hours. I was so completely overwhelmed in the dream- screaming at the universe, yelling until I couldn't yell anymore, hitting walls. Then I cried and cried. then I refused to eat and couldn't sleep, overwhelmed with the most intense grief I have ever felt in my life. It was so real.

When I woke up, I thought she was still dead. It took a while to realize it had been a dream. I called my friend and just told he I loved her over and over again.

She said "That is the way I would feel if you killed yourself"

I could not bear the pain of knowing my loved one died a horrible death even for a little while. I could NEVER subject my loved ones to that kind of pain.

Now I realize how horrible suicide is. I am DETERMINED NOT TO DO IT!!! I will NOT do it, no matter how bad it gets!

If it gets real bad again,I will call the police and tell them to bring m e to the hospital.It will be embarrassng but I WILL do it.

I love you all, thank you for you prayers, and I look forward to continuing to get to know you for a very long time!

Thank You Jesus for saving Opalina's life. I am so glad to hear this Opalina, God is Good and yes it was God who intervened as we all prayed. God answers the prayers of His children. We look forward to fellowshipping with you as well Opalina.

I will continue to pray that God opens your heart to him.
Thank you for sharing your story. I am so glad you have chosen life. If you ever feel down, come here and talk to someone and we will try and chase the bad clouds away. You are in our prayers. God loves you and so do we.
Dear sister Opalina -

Everyone here at CFS who has spoken with you or followed your threads, is praising God for sending you that vision. If you have an opportunity to get into occasional Bible studies, you will see that there are so many times told of in scripture, where a person was having troubled times and God sent a dream or vision that changed the person's life. Your experience is exactly the type of help that God sends to His children when they are distressed. The members and staff here at CFS have prayed for you and we are so very glad to see you here today. You have joined our Family here at CFS and you are now a part of your new Family. May God continue to bless you.

Oh praise you Lord God Almighty!!

(((((Opalina)))) we love you honey and everyone here is so glad you have chosen life!

My prayer now is that you will grow in a relationship with the God who loves yo so much He has intervened for you so that you may see how precios life really is. I pray you will give Him a chance to show you so many more great and wonderful things as He takes you through life on a new journey with Him. Now is a great time to give your heart and life to Him and let Him bring healing, forgivness and understanding.

And as has already been told, we will be here for you should you ever want to talk and we all look foward to getting to know you more and interacting with you on the forums.

In His love,
Praise the Lord!!

I have deferred posting but have been praying fervently for God to intervene in your life and show you how much better is life. I'll continue to pray that you will come to this family and share and that you will grow in God as well. God Bless and thank you for sharing and letting us be a part of your life.

God loves you and we all love you.
I was really wanting to give my life to Jesus. But the concept of hell has always bothered me, and on another forum somone posted a link that has me very upset. I feel now that I should never have even considered becoming a Christian, and realize now that, even if I had 'said the sinner's prayer" it would have meant nothing, my faith would have shattered in a day or two. Because I am totally against the whole Christian view of God - I posted about this in another thread "Christian site that bothers me."

Maybe you can give me some feedback there.
Please forgive me for not contributing to all these replies..mostly reading..but I too want to praise the Lord for the vision HE sent to you in the form of a dream...Isn't God a wonderful and all loving FATHER?? you betcha:)
<big smile on puppy's face>

That is wondrous news, hon!!!!

One thing you now know is that God is so "BIG", so way, way, way above us, with a mind and brain, and POWER that was easily able to create a Universe comprised of billions of GALAXIES each with billions and maybe trillions of suns in them - all of this made up of a gazillion of teensy ATOMS so small that we cannot even imagine them!!!

That is our God!!! He is "different", VERY different. YET He lovingly made us in His Own image - i.e., like Himself!!! *mind-boggling!!*

He doesn't do things as we would expect. He is always surprising us. He NEVER lets us get "in a rut" (He HATES ruts!!)

Opalina, I have never heard of someone having an experience like yours - but that's God, as I've just been saying!!

Bless you so much, dear one. We are so happy that you are back with us!!!

- BM
I prayed last night, and even mentioned Jesus' name, though I was unsure about it.

However, I think I need to give the subject of hell a break for a little while. My depression is so intense and painful that I cannot think clearly right now. Everything seems so dark, and I KNOW I am not in my full right mind. I can't stop crying, can't stop dwelling on the negative. Unless you have been in this type of bipolar depression, you may not understand- but all I can feel is pain and misery. It hurts so much- and the subject of hell is too painful right now to dwell upon. I feel like I'm in hell already. I just am not capable of wrestling with these theological questions right now I'm just trying to get through the day- minute by minute, hour by hour, second by second.

It hurts so much. I dont even know why I am in so much pain- I never do. I just want it to go away. It hurts so much, I can't stand it. It hurts more than it did when my good friend died of a drug overdose and I don't have any reason to be in this kind of pain- my life is not bad, my friends are here for me, etc. It's just the disease.

I need support right now, not theological advice. Maybe when I'm feeling better I can tackle tha t kind of thing.
Sister Opalina - we completely understand. If you want us to remove the thread for awhile that you started yesterday about the troubling website that you saw, we can place it in a staff holding area until you are ready to have it opened up again. Just use Private Messaging to chat about that with anyone on our Moderator Team.

Some of us here at CFS have relatives and friends who are experiencing the effects of bi-polar issues. Just let us know if there is anything that we can assist with in the forum, but please remember that we are not licensed consultants or medical experts here... however, we will assist you as we are able, as part of your new CFS family.

Blessings to you...
Well, I'm going to see my counselor tomorrow at the depression support group she runs, and I can talk to her then, and maybe get to see her for a session sooner than the 28th, which is my appointment. I think I just need to get through the next week or so and wait for the medication to kick in like its supposed to, (and hope it does) I will keep the professional advice questions for her and my doctor- I will just ask you all for prayer and to keep me in your thoughts, and I'll keep checking in.
Amen, sister Opalina - please review the details in the PM that I just sent to you.

We are here for you - and God Bless.

Pastor Gary

Moderator and CFS Staff Trainer

Your decision seems very sound to me, sweetie. Sounds like with your health, you have more than enough just to try and cope with. We know, because our life is like that also. Nothing like the degree of seriousness as yours, but with what it does to our lives, we can relate and we can empathise!! (My heart hurts for your right now...)

Sometimes you just have to draw back (we call it withdrawing right back into ourself - and we do) and concentrate all of your energies on, well, just making it through today. Otherwise life will simply fall apart. And what we do NOT want is for you, dear one, is to lose ground that you've wonderfully, and with GOD involved, moved forward into. That's mainly why I said I thought your decision to be very sound indeed.

Other than that, Pastor Gary has well expressed what we're here for at CFS. In this case, FOR YOU. Whatever we can do, we will. We care about you massively, we love you, we want good things for you into the future, and we WILL do all possible to stand with you - no matter what!

With all of our love and prayers!!

- BM

Please earnestly pray for Opalina's acute pain she's currently suffering from ill-health and other things - virtually beyond ability to cope with!...

If she continues to be unable to post, I will update this for her so we're praying for actual needs.

Thankyou, guys!

- BM
Just checking in to tell you I'm hanging in there. A friend was over for a little while and was a great comfort for me. I am now just trying to keep busy. I'll be in touch.