Economic Downturn Warning

Another question; is the reason for the U.S. warring in the middle east because those countries want to sell their oil without using the petro dollar?
That was one of the reasons for the destruction of Libya and murder of Qaddafi. If you look at the last few decades the US has attacked or strong-armed any nation that has intended to work around or dump the petro-dollar. The reserve status of the dollar depends on it. Once that goes, the dollar will collapse, the rest of the world will have no need for it.
If you can aford to, buy gold or silver jewlry instead of coins; the government won't (or at least hasn't ever) confiscate them...

I am no authority whatsoever on this, but I do know this......Gold and Silver's value are only in the eyes of the beholder. There is IMO no intrinsic value in in either one of them. Just an opinion, no more no less.
I fought against NAFTA (unsuccessfully) as a union leader and I said then that with the trade agreement we would become a McDonald's franchise for government workers. This new chinese deal kills any scraps that were left. Tourism is the only real business left. You might not get to retire........ only lose money in stocks when you SELL them. They may lose "value" but they will still be valuable in time.

If we do a search on this we will see that the markets make a "correction" about every 4 years.
I am no authority whatsoever on this, but I do know this......Gold and Silver's value are only in the eyes of the beholder. There is IMO no intrinsic value in in either one of them. Just an opinion, no more no less.
It's been the standard since who knows when... the devil has put a lot into that and the spirit of want is strong in them. If dollars become worthless, the barter system will kick in just like in Detroit, and having gold or silver will still be worth something to those willing to buy. Every collapse in recorded history fell back to this standard. That's why the Weimar Republic bellied up, Europe wanted them to pay for WWI and took all their gold. China is buying up all the gold it can so its currency will become standard en par with the dollar, Euro, and pound. But you are 100% correct, an old farmer won't want gold if he's in need of fuel or bullets.

Still God is able to make it rain diamonds if that's what is needed to supply your needs. He will always take care of His who are obedient and faithful as long as persecution isn't the reason for the suffering. Even then He'll provide according to His plans. My gold advice is not from Spiritual insight.
Still God is able to make it rain diamonds if that's what is needed to supply your needs.
True, though diamonds have no intrinsic value other than as an abrasive.
Thank DeBeers for their use in jewelry, prior to about 1900
all women wanted colored gems such as ruby and emerald. DeBeers advertising changed all that, and they've been controlling supply to
force up price for a century. Either way, something wicked this way comes. It's gonna get very ugly before it's over.
Well, apparently the shut down corrected whatever was happening because China and NYSE started with up points. I think they did it on purpose. The shut down with no glitch. China's government is able to control tehir exchanges.
Well, apparently the shut down corrected whatever was happening because China and NYSE started with up points. I think they did it on purpose. The shut down with no glitch. China's government is able to control tehir exchanges.
Not exactly. They put everything into a margin debt. To quote Goldman Sachs "easily the highest in the history of global equity markets."


Now I'm not 100% sure I understand all this, but in essence they bought and sold the stocks on a agreed-upon amount at some date in the future. Basically "I'd gladly pay you on Tuesday for a hamburger today." It's the ultimate kick-the-can-down-the-street scenario. Remember the "future's market" on oranges in Trading Places with Eddie Murphy (saw it when I was in high school) where the old guys put all their money in "high" value of oranges in the future and Eddie Murphy's character put all their money in the "low" value of oranges in the future? The old guys bet wrong and lost everything including their seat on the stock exchange due to a margin call - they had to pay the piper for their bad bet. China set new conditions: No new companies on their stock exchange, no "margin calls" like from the movie, and no sell offs by large stakeholders. This agreed upon margin is why/how their stock stopped the great sell off - and why it came back up. All very shady. In other words, no more freedom market! But it brought their market up 500 points! What's going to happen when all this comes due?

This is what it looks like:


AKA China wrote a rubber check - let's hope they don't drop it. :p
So that explains China, why did Europe and the US come back from the brink? Greece relented. Yes, after all the "no" vote, their PM said yes to more concessions. "Yea!! We're saved!" NOT! The Greek PM and the people of Greece played the ultimate game of "chicken" and Greece lost and Germany won - for now. What happened? The Greeks lost big time. Read this article of what the EU did to them:

Rather than keep the immediate suffering, the Greek PM relented and kicked the can down his road too. Why is Germany being so hard of Greece... because it would unravel the Euro - Germany's pride and joy and control of the EU.

These last two entries by me are to point out what is the real issue here:

1 Timothy 6:10 (KJV)
For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.​

AKA Stay out of debt and don't get sucked in.
It's been the standard since who knows when... the devil has put a lot into that and the spirit of want is strong in them. If dollars become worthless, the barter system will kick in just like in Detroit, and having gold or silver will still be worth something to those willing to buy. Every collapse in recorded history fell back to this standard. That's why the Weimar Republic bellied up, Europe wanted them to pay for WWI and took all their gold. China is buying up all the gold it can so its currency will become standard en par with the dollar, Euro, and pound. But you are 100% correct, an old farmer won't want gold if he's in need of fuel or bullets.

Still God is able to make it rain diamonds if that's what is needed to supply your needs. He will always take care of His who are obedient and faithful as long as persecution isn't the reason for the suffering. Even then He'll provide according to His plans. My gold advice is not from Spiritual insight.

I completely understand you my friend. I am just saying that if the economy fails as some have said ....then a shotgun and shells will probably be a lot more valuable than gold.

That's why I have 3 of them. Some will try to take my gold but they can not take the shotgun.
Rofl...I haven't heard that in eons: Wimpy "I'll gladly pay you Tuesday...". Thanks for the smile. You explained it better but that is why they shut down the NYSE because they were falling as a result of what was happening in China (and Greece) and today Greece's situation also looked better. There is only so long you can juggle before gravity wins.
Rofl...I haven't heard that in eons: Wimpy "I'll gladly pay you Tuesday...". Thanks for the smile. You explained it better but that is why they shut down the NYSE because they were falling as a result of what was happening in China (and Greece) and today Greece's situation also looked better. There is only so long you can juggle before gravity wins.
Thanks for the kind words. It really breaks my heart as these politicians and bankers play with people's lives without a care in the world. It really shows how close the bubble came to popping this week. I wonder if this was a foretaste of September. I believe it was another push by God to get people to repent. All this started after 17 Tammuz, the beginning of sorrow for Israel when the first temple was destroyed by Babylon and on 17 Tammuz Jerusalem was surrounded by his armies.
Didn't the Pope say something about money and devil's dung today?
Quoting a fourth century bishop, he called the unfettered pursuit of money “the dung of the devil”, and said poor countries should not be reduced to being providers of raw material and cheap labour for developed countries.
Quoting a fourth century bishop, he called the unfettered pursuit of money “the dung of the devil”, and said poor countries should not be reduced to being providers of raw material and cheap labour for developed countries.

Thanks, Glomung. I kept missing what was actually said - just got the headline. The cheap labor is hurting everyone.
LOL I love this headline:

Dramamine Required: Stocks End Week Unchanged Despite Nausea-Inducing Wild Ride


Looks like the best rollercoaster ever - NOT!
Well, I think I agree with the Pope but perhaps not from the same perspective. Cheap (read slave) labor, ridiculous trade agreements that favor only multi rich corporations benefits neither the developed or undeveloped nations. In one you have a job that pays spit and can kill you, in the other you have no jobs that can kill you in sneakier but just as effective ways. And those few who receive the benefits don't care about anyone else. And the bulk of the market is using yours and my money (retirements/pensions, credit unions, etc) to the few who risk all of our security. I don't think a gun will help so much when things go down....I think only Jesus can. Does that sound hokey? I don't think we can stop this runaway train otherwise.
Well, I think I agree with the Pope but perhaps not from the same perspective. Cheap (read slave) labor, ridiculous trade agreements that favor only multi rich corporations benefits neither the developed or undeveloped nations. In one you have a job that pays spit and can kill you, in the other you have no jobs that can kill you in sneakier but just as effective ways. And those few who receive the benefits don't care about anyone else. And the bulk of the market is using yours and my money (retirements/pensions, credit unions, etc) to the few who risk all of our security. I don't think a gun will help so much when things go down....I think only Jesus can. Does that sound hokey? I don't think we can stop this runaway train otherwise.

However..........if we look real close to these nations in question we see that "Socialism" and "Dictator" governments dominate them.

Neither one of those will work. Socialism ultimately fails because when the reward is great, the effort to succeed is great, but when government takes all the reward away, no one will try or want to succeed. Could not be any simpler than that.

THINK!!!!! Here are some truths about Socialistic countries.

It is IMPOSSIBLE legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.

Then, what one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.

The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.

You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!

Then when half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation.

How many nations right now fit into that Socialism paradigm????

What is the end result......."GREECE".

Now the bills have come due and no one wants to pay for what they have been getting with any effort at all.
I'm not sure I agree with your paradigm, @Major. And I guess it depends on what you define work as. Whether capitalist or communist/socialist...there are some few people who gain vasts amounts of valuables and they do little to no work and reap benefits that even they or their descendants can ever spend. And they do no hard physical labor and everything is pretty much done for them. In the US - nothing is being created/manufactured and the only jobs available (at a premium) are to work in government or service jobs (ie restaurants/stores/amusement/tech). 1% of the population has way too much and there is no way they earned this in any rational sense. And the other 99% has to split up whatever trickles down. IDK - but however it is being twisted, these days, I don't see anything working.
Ohhh this thread again.
Dont worry bout it, your treasures are in heaven.
Even if you have silver and gold, they going to be worthless and burned up on earth anyway.

If you need advice on what to do with your money bible says sell all you have and give to the poor.
Major thats intereting pov bout socialism but i dont think it works quite that way.

Some people cannot work and need looking after. Eg children, elderly, disabled and then theres wives who work at home and dont get any pay at all. Their husbands support them while they look after the household and nurture the children.

Not EVERYONE can work and earn money like an able bodied man. Just pointing that out in case you forgot.