Men/Women in the Church

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My Reformed friends had a rule where they had no TV :)

In Lutheran thought, grace predominates. The only rules we focus on a lot are keeping the 10 Commandments. Reformed seem to emphasize the third use of the law more, so their groups always came across as more law or rule oriented to me.

I mentioned in another thread that approximately 90% of Americans engage in premarital sex (fornication). It's been seen as the "norm" in society since the 1960s and the sexual revolution. I grew up in the 1990s and 2000s not knowing it was wrong. My parents literally didn't think it was wrong (though they themselves were married).
No TV????

That is elderly abuse!

Take away the TV from an old man and all he can do then is talk to squirells!
Single unmarried women CAN speak in church right?
Only married women must let their husbands speak first. If they want to ask something, they can ask their husbands at home. Or something. I don't know, am not married.

So maybe this doesn't apply to me. I don't know what you'd ask your husband if he wasn't a believer though..

Just looking at 1 Corinthians 14:34-35
Though I don't say anything in church. I've only ever spoken when there's maybe a church notice I need to share.
Mind you it was back in the day when women were not allowed any higher education and if they did speak, they were not believed because they were seen as uneducated or just telling 'idle tales' or 'old wives fables'. Even when Mary saw the empty tomb with her own eyes and then the resurrected Jesus, and told others she was not believed.
Single unmarried women CAN speak in church right?
Only married women must let their husbands speak first. If they want to ask something, they can ask their husbands at home. Or something. I don't know, am not married.

So maybe this doesn't apply to me. I don't know what you'd ask your husband if he wasn't a believer though..

Just looking at 1 Corinthians 14:34-35
Though I don't say anything in church. I've only ever spoken when there's maybe a church notice I need to share.
Mind you it was back in the day when women were not allowed any higher education and if they did speak, they were not believed because they were seen as uneducated or just telling 'idle tales' or 'old wives fables'. Even when Mary saw the empty tomb with her own eyes and then the resurrected Jesus, and told others she was not believed.
Here is a good site explaining the Biblical context of women's silence in church:

she bathed on the roof top i am fairly sure the kings palace over looked the area folks lived. David sinned it cost him dearly . in todays world just go to Walmart you can see about anything you want. even the local water park ive seen women barely have a band aid covering them
we don't have walmart here but we now have a costco.
I don't like Cost co. It just seems like it encourages wasteful spending to me. I suppose for some people wholesale is good but only if you buying for 50 people maybe.

I do have to be careful bathing because I didn't know the neighbours could sort of see into our bathroom even though its got a frosted window. I think curtains are good and I had perfected the art of getting changed/undressing without exposing myself. We learn to do this at school when we get changed for PE and have separate changing rooms for girls and boys. But I know some schools don't afford any privacy in girls and boys toilets which is a vulnerable area because when you are doing ablutions etc you don't want everyone looking at you.

I also don't understand how some bathrooms have a toilet in the same room as the bath/shower. If I were designing it, would be separate rooms or cubicles as you don't want someone walking in, needing to use the toilet when you in the bath!
we don't have walmart here but we now have a costco.
I don't like Cost co. It just seems like it encourages wasteful spending to me. I suppose for some people wholesale is good but only if you buying for 50 people maybe.

I do have to be careful bathing because I didn't know the neighbours could sort of see into our bathroom even though its got a frosted window. I think curtains are good and I had perfected the art of getting changed/undressing without exposing myself. We learn to do this at school when we get changed for PE and have separate changing rooms for girls and boys. But I know some schools don't afford any privacy in girls and boys toilets which is a vulnerable area because when you are doing ablutions etc you don't want everyone looking at you.

I also don't understand how some bathrooms have a toilet in the same room as the bath/shower. If I were designing it, would be separate rooms or cubicles as you don't want someone walking in, needing to use the toilet when you in the bath!
i been told in some countries they have coed bathrooms bathroom doors have locks=== no entry besides if you live in the country no neighbors can either go outside,, or have a out house 👌 just watch out for critters as per changing most rooms for changing are iner rooms if it has window there is blinds ..
I imagine its hard living in urban areas in close quarters/over crowded conditions.
What was the population of Israel at the time of Jesus anyway? Or Jerusalem. Just out of interest.

I know by the time they crossed the Jordan river after the Exodus it was coming up to 2 million.

In revelation there is a number of 144,000
I wonder how big the temple was and whether it could fit that amount of people in there at one time.

Apparently the Romans had communal toilets...! You sat down with your neighbour while taking a dump. No privacy it was like a social thing.
They also had communal baths, though I think men and women were separate.
In some Islamic countries women are just never seen outside or heavily veiled. They have a thing called purdah.
There were a lot of restrictions placed on Orthodox Jewish women too.

I can understand why they may do this. I do come across gender apartheid all the time though..for safety reasons mostly. But you just need to deal with the fact that if you are a woman you live in a man's world.

The woman at the well was very surprised when Jesus spoke to her. I don't think it was the done thing in those days. It seems to be if a man spoke with a woman alone that meant they were a couple or something.
6) I think there are clear differences between men and women
Yes. But it’s not easy to tell today.
I think there should be clear differences between them both.

not so long ago, I was shopping and in a sports shop a young child with long blond hair rushed past me and she looked like a girl. One of the parents rushed by and I said” she’s gone that way” the parent responded by says “she is a he” I felt a bit angry but not enough to respond.

But why blur the lines.

We had boys with short hair so we knew they were boys. We had baby girls in pink dressed in pink so we knew they were a girl. Anything else just reeks of confusion.
Not sure why pink has become a girls colour and boys blue
There's unisex clothing but we all have different body types and shapes. Things are far from the original design though and don't forget we now have test-tube babies and parents paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for IVF treatments.

We don't get to choose what body we are born with. But parents often treat genders differently. Male infanticide was in the Bible.
We know females are horribly treated in many cultures.
in some nations yes... but n the states a woman be what ever she puts her mind to. from housewife/ mother to a general in the military or even a CEO
but not a pastor right? Or a president.
Even though pastoral care for children has always been done by women.
I think women like to have a turn at doing things especially if men are absent/have abdicated their role. Sometimes they have no choice but they turn out to be quite capable, although some go the other way and become just as tyrannical as men can be. I would not say women are usurping men if they've been chosen by God to fill roles that men have vacated from, or made a hash of.

Often she has to do everything like all the household chores on top of it as well, unless she hires a maid. In NZ we don't have maids. Women often have to do everything, and we do have 'hire a hubby'. The male and female population are not balanced, there has actually been a 'man drought' for several decades. I think people discount the effect of the World War taking away large numbers of men. (Gallipoli?)

Of course in the US, who mostly stayed out of World War 1 & 2 (except for the last moment when they dropped bombs) this did not affect their population as much. I don't think they like to mention all the wars that came after that with all different countries - Vietnam, Korea, Iraq. Theres huge numbers of orphans and abandoned children as a result of war in Vietnam and Korea.

In NZ it would be hard to be a housewife these days as people can barely afford houses.
Of course in the US, who mostly stayed out of World War 1 & 2 (except for the last moment when they dropped bombs)

US military deaths in WW2: 416,800
US military deaths in WW1: 116,516

The actual casualty figures of course are much higher, these are the fatalities.
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