Is The Holy Spirit Or The Church The Restrainer Of 2 Thess.?

The Day of the Lord is a violent, dreadful day for the wicked, who will be on the earth watching Him (and the Bride) come and not able to do a thing about it. That is not the rapture, which is an instant event and the body of Christ suddenly rises to meet the Saviour and goes to heaven with Him to the Wedding. You err by thinking that the rapture of the Church and the second coming of Christ are the same event. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Please read my post (#74) that describes the differences between the two.

Correct! Ms. E has correctly stated the Bible answer.

First the Rapture.......this is the 1st Resurrection and it is of the born again believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is very easy to tell the difference if ONE has the need.

In the Rapture, Jesus Christ does not come down to the earth and set His feet on the ground. Read about it in Corinthians and Thessalonians. We, the believers are CAUGHT UP TO MEET HIM IN THE AIR and we will be with Him forever more.

At the 2nd Coming of Christ at Armageddon, Jesus the Christ of God COMES TO THE EARTH and stands on it.!!!!

Zechariah 14:3-4
English Standard Version (ESV)
3 Then the Lord will go out and fight against those nations as when he fights on a day of battle. 4 On that day his feet shall stand on the Mount of Olives that lies before Jerusalem on the east, and the Mount of Olives shall be split in two from east to west by a very wide valley, so that one half of the Mount shall move northward, and the other half southward.

IF there is a problem discerning between these two is because you want there to be. I say that because the Bible evidence is obvious and clear. the homework. Dig in! Use context in right dividing the Word of God and believe me it will all fall into place for you if you will allow the Holy Spirit to help you.
LOL, Ok, I'll make this one and only political statemen here: I like JFK b/c he opposed the NWO by moving for the withdrawal of our troops (NWO relies on globalized "controlled conflict" to advance their agenda), signing an executive order to abolish the Fed (they want a central banking system in every country too) and for publicly condemning and vowing to seek out and expose secret societies and their insidious efforts to bring about the NWO . It takes guts to stand up against these wicked, murderous agents of Satan and it's too bad that he didn't live to see his goals accomplished. As soon as he was gone, Johnson reversed all of that like a good puppet president. Anyway, one man's opinion.

I still can't see how we can rip up the 70th week and send it down to the end of time when the Bible says that Jesus died AFTER the 69th which means DURING the 70th, which in effect nailed that week down in history, however much we want to believe in Futurism.

Phoneman! Do you know who the 1st President was that placed troops into Vietnam????? John F. Kennedy!!!!! Look it up my brother. JFK introduced the 1st American advisors and LBJ then followed with the 1st fighting men when the lie of the Gulf of Tonkin event which has now been proven to never have happened..

It was LBJ who removed prayer and Bible readings from schools in 1964 when he did not allow the Justice dept. to argue against the lawsuit in the Supreme Ct. thus allowing both to be removed.

The 70th week definitely has a separation if you will allow the Word of God to speak to you my brother.

Daniel 9:24 says.....
The Seventy Weeks
24 “Seventy weeks are decreed about your people and your holy city, to finish the transgression, to put an end to sin, and to atone for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal both vision and prophet, and to anoint a most holy place. 25 Know therefore and understand that from the going out of the word to restore and build Jerusalem to the coming of an anointed one, a prince, there shall be seven weeks. Then for sixty-two weeks it shall be built again[ with squares and moat, but in a troubled time. 26 And after the sixty-two weeks, an anointed one shall be cut off and shall have nothing. And the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary. Its[end shall come with a flood, and to the end there shall be war. Desolations are decreed. 27 And he shall make a strong covenant with many for one week, and for half of the week he shall put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of abominations shall come one who makes desolate, until the decreed end is poured out on the desolator.”

Context!......the 70 weeks are determined to "Finish the Transgression.....and to restore a prince and Jerusalem: UNLESS,
"the anointed one be cut off".

Christ, the Prince, the Annointed One was crucified...cut off!

Then the prince of verse is the A/C and his people are the Roman people. It is important to note that these events happened after the 1st 69 weeks of years, but still before the final week Daniel spoke of in vs. 27. That means my dear brother that,
The Day of the Lord is a violent, dreadful day for the wicked, who will be on the earth watching Him (and the Bride) come and not able to do a thing about it. That is not the rapture, which is an instant event and the body of Christ suddenly rises to meet the Saviour and goes to heaven with Him to the Wedding. You err by thinking that the rapture of the Church and the second coming of Christ are the same event. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Please read my post (#74) that describes the differences between the two.

We both agree Paul closes 1 Thess chap 4 with a description of how the Rapture will occur but he doesn't reveal anything about the when of it. He then opens the next chapter with, "But of the times and seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you." The opening word "but", a conjunction connecting words, phrases, or clauses, is proof that Paul has not shifted his focus from the day of the Rapture to a future day, but is continuing to speak of the same day of the Rapture, addressing the timing of it by saying "the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night". He declares that it will bring destruction to the wicked, just as Peter says will happen when the "day of the Lord will come as at thief in the night." Anyone who is not confused by Jesuit Futurism can plainly see this. Read 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 to see that the Rapture and the unbelievably glorious and cacophonic Second Coming and destruction of the Wicked occur simultaneously. What other day that this can be called "The Day of the Lord"?????
We both agree Paul closes 1 Thess chap 4 with a description of how the Rapture will occur but he doesn't reveal anything about the when of it. He then opens the next chapter with, "But of the times and seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you." The opening word "but", a conjunction connecting words, phrases, or clauses, is proof that Paul has not shifted his focus from the day of the Rapture to a future day, but is continuing to speak of the same day of the Rapture, addressing the timing of it by saying "the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night". He declares that it will bring destruction to the wicked, just as Peter says will happen when the "day of the Lord will come as at thief in the night." Anyone who is not confused by Jesuit Futurism can plainly see this. Read 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 to see that the Rapture and the unbelievably glorious and cacophonic Second Coming and destruction of the Wicked occur simultaneously. What other day that this can be called "The Day of the Lord"?????

There is nothing in scripture that teaches that the CATCHING AWAY of the saints is simultaneous with the dreadful Day of the Lord when He returns with His Bride. After all, the Bride and Bridegroom need to get married, and the Bride needs to be judged and receive her rewards first. That takes time, earthly speaking.

Placing so much importance on the word, "but" when it doesn't appear in all versions, where the word, "now" is used, is unnecessary, but only necessary to force one's view to fit. It just doesn't.
Phoneman! Do you know who the 1st President was that placed troops into Vietnam????? John F. Kennedy!!!!! Look it up my brother. JFK introduced the 1st American advisors and LBJ then followed with the 1st fighting men when the lie of the Gulf of Tonkin event which has now been proven to never have happened..

It was LBJ who removed prayer and Bible readings from schools in 1964 when he did not allow the Justice dept. to argue against the lawsuit in the Supreme Ct. thus allowing both to be removed.

The 70th week definitely has a separation if you will allow the Word of God to speak to you my brother.

Daniel 9:24 says.....
The Seventy Weeks
24 “Seventy weeks are decreed about your people and your holy city, to finish the transgression, to put an end to sin, and to atone for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal both vision and prophet, and to anoint a most holy place. 25 Know therefore and understand that from the going out of the word to restore and build Jerusalem to the coming of an anointed one, a prince, there shall be seven weeks. Then for sixty-two weeks it shall be built again[ with squares and moat, but in a troubled time. 26 And after the sixty-two weeks, an anointed one shall be cut off and shall have nothing. And the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary. Its[end shall come with a flood, and to the end there shall be war. Desolations are decreed. 27 And he shall make a strong covenant with many for one week, and for half of the week he shall put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of abominations shall come one who makes desolate, until the decreed end is poured out on the desolator.”

Context!......the 70 weeks are determined to "Finish the Transgression.....and to restore a prince and Jerusalem: UNLESS,
"the anointed one be cut off".

Christ, the Prince, the Annointed One was crucified...cut off!

Then the prince of verse is the A/C and his people are the Roman people. It is important to note that these events happened after the 1st 69 weeks of years, but still before the final week Daniel spoke of in vs. 27. That means my dear brother that,

JFK also began plans for withdrawal, abolishment of the Fed, and the rooting out of NWO operatives, which lead to the conclusion that he got wise to the Luciferians that run everything and tried to act against them. Doesn't matter, let's stick to the Restrainer topic, if you don't mind.

Please, please answer this one question: Ready? How can Futurism claim that the 70th week has not started yet and then chop it off and send down to the end of time when the Bible clearly says that Jesus was crucified DURING the 70th week, meaning the 70th week had halfway ticked off the clock by the time Jesus was crucified???
The 69th week closes with the Messiah---the Prince being cut off, but the 70 weeks are not yet complete. The killing of the Messiah stopped the prophetic clock. There is one week or seven-year period remaining. This seven-year period begins with the confirming of a covenant with many regarding a future Jewish Temple. This will happen, generally accepted by most Christians, after the Church has been removed.
The 69th week closes with the Messiah---the Prince being cut off, but the 70 weeks are not yet complete. The killing of the Messiah stopped the prophetic clock. There is one week or seven-year period remaining. This seven-year period begins with the confirming of a covenant with many regarding a future Jewish Temple. This will happen, generally accepted by most Christians, after the Church has been removed.[/QUOTE
Daniel says Messiah was killed AFTER the 7 weeks of vs. 25 and the 62 of vs. 26. What week comes AFTER the 69th? Yes, the 70th. In fact, half the week had ticked off the clock by the time Jesus was crucified.
The 69th week closes with the Messiah---the Prince being cut off, but the 70 weeks are not yet complete. The killing of the Messiah stopped the prophetic clock. There is one week or seven-year period remaining. This seven-year period begins with the confirming of a covenant with many regarding a future Jewish Temple. This will happen, generally accepted by most Christians, after the Church has been removed.
Daniel says Messiah was killed AFTER the 7 weeks of vs. 25 and the 62 of vs. 26. What week comes AFTER the 69th? Yes, the 70th. In fact, half the week had ticked off the clock by the time Jesus was crucified.

Daniel says that as the 69 weeks have passed, the Messiah will be cut off. The 69th week needed to come to pass. Now there are 7 weeks of years remaining. the death of Jesus Christ marks the passing of the midnight point of the 69th week on God's clock---and the clock has stopped.

You can't turn 40 until you complete your 39th year, can you?
Why do people insist that Jesus was crucified in the 69th week when Dan
Daniel says that as the 69 weeks have passed, the Messiah will be cut off. Th 69th week needed to com to pass. Now there are 7 weeks of years remaining.

You can't turn 40 until you complete your 39th year, can you?
You know full well that the text doesn't say "as the 69 weeks"; it says "after". He was killed AFTER the 69, which must mean DURING the 70th.
There is nothing in scripture that teaches that the CATCHING AWAY of the saints is simultaneous with the dreadful Day of the Lord when He returns with His Bride.
Are you serious? "The Lord shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and trump of God, and the dead in Christ shall rise..." LOUDEST verse in the Bible. 1 Thess 4:16-18 The glorious, audible, return of Jesus and the Rapture in the same verse. Believe it.
Why do people insist that Jesus was crucified in the 69th week when Dan

You know full well that the text doesn't say "as the 69 weeks"; it says "after". He was killed AFTER the 69, which must mean DURING the 70th.

You insist that it is well into the 70th week that the Messiah is cut off. That is your own private interpretation, and it contradicts the majority of scriptural understanding. He was cut off as the 69th week was complete.
Are you serious? "The Lord shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and trump of God, and the dead in Christ shall rise..." LOUDEST verse in the Bible. 1 Thess 4:16-18 The glorious, audible, return of Jesus and the Rapture in the same verse. Believe it.

Yes, I am serious. This is something I have prayerfully studied for decades. You make the common mistake of those who do not understand these matters that the rapture of the Church is the same as the second coming. Both are separate events.

Study! But ask the Lord to reveal these things to you.
JFK also began plans for withdrawal, abolishment of the Fed, and the rooting out of NWO operatives, which lead to the conclusion that he got wise to the Luciferians that run everything and tried to act against them. Doesn't matter, let's stick to the Restrainer topic, if you don't mind.

Please, please answer this one question: Ready? How can Futurism claim that the 70th week has not started yet and then chop it off and send down to the end of time when the Bible clearly says that Jesus was crucified DURING the 70th week, meaning the 70th week had halfway ticked off the clock by the time Jesus was crucified???

My dear friend.......bless you but you are the one who brought up the greatness of JFK. I simply wanted you to know that there was another side of that comment. One that cost me several years of torment, and anguish and many good friends in a place we should never have been.

We can have this conversation for years and my perception is that your mind is just as made up on what you believe as is mine.

Now, If you think on the implications of believing the “prophecies” as past events, since you seem to be a "Preterist", then it can change and usely does nearly everything you have ever learned from the Bible. It more than anything requires one to "force" the Scripture to say what we want them to say to match what we have already sat our mind to.

The Preterists view on the book of Revelation is that its primary focus is on events surrounding the destruction of Jerusalem. Preterists insist on an early date for the book of Revelation to tie it into the 70 A.D. destruction of Jerusalem. Clearly John outlasted all the other apostles by more than a few years and is given the final book of the Bible, The Revelation of Jesus Christ (Rev.1:9).

As the first century nears its close 7 historical churches are addressed. History tells us Revelation was written late in the first century. In Irenaeus’ work entitled, “Against Heresies” chapter 13:18, Irenaeus tells us when John had his apocalyptic vision and wrote the book. “For that [referring to John’s vision]Irenaeus wrote the following:.........

We will not, however, incur the risk of pronouncing positively as to the name of Antichrist; for if it were necessary that his name should be distinctly revealed in this present time, it would have been announced by him who beheld the apocalyptic vision. For that was seen not very long time since, but almost in our day, towards the end of Domitian's reign” (written 180 AD).

How is the Preterist view, either partial or full able to cope with real history. Its whole thought is that 70 AD is when the prophecies took place. Then HOW can that be when all of the church fathers do not agree???

Domitian was a Roman Emperor his reign began in 81 AD ended in 96 AD. Irenaeus lived 120-202 A.D. he was discipled under Polcarp of Smyrna. Polycarp was a disciple of the apostle John, and the bishop of the church of Smyrna in Asia. According to Polycarp the Book of Revelation was written after the destruction of Jerusalem.

Then, In his letter called To the Philippians he writes that his church, did not exist in the days of the apostle Paul before the destruction of Jerusalem. Symrna is not mentioned in the Book of Acts, nor in any other New Testament epistle, it was a late planted church. Sardis, Thyatira, Philadelphia and Laodicea are not mentioned in the book of Acts which most believe span 30 years of the early church. Preterists argue that Irenaeus’ writing is in poor condition so we cannot depend on its accuracy. Really?

Again, that is an example of having to make something work to fit our beliefs.

Then, One of the early Church Fathers, The Shepherd of Hermas, written in the early 2nd Century, states “the great tribulation that is coming,” which is a silly thing to state if the church believed it already took place.

Now, all of this is easily available over the inter net or books which can be obtained or accessed so this is not new info at all.
Now, I love you and will not argue.....only talk to you, but you spend a lot of time speaking down about Jesuits and the "Futurist" approach to prophecy and even Dr. John Darby and Dr. Spurgeon's explinations of the Scripture. That is absolutely not problem for me but just as it was our friend, JFK.......what is the other side of this story???????

Having said that, allow me to ask this question......."Where did Preterism teaching come from"?????
The view that 70 AD was the fulfillment some point to its development in the 16th century. This theory is said to be invented in the early 1500’s by a Jesuit named Alcasar to counter the Reformers' claim that the Roman Catholic Church was the “great whore... mystery Babylon” sitting on the beast in Revelation 17.

Alcazar wrote a large commentary, which is available named...... “Investigation of the Hidden Sense of the Apocalypse,” which says the entire book of Revelation is pagan Rome and the first six centuries of the Church's existence.
He promoted that conditions will gradually improve over time, evolving into a world that has become “Christianized”, and ready for the second coming of Christ. All of the prophecies in Revelation (except for Rev 20:4-22:21) were fulfilled at A.D.70., and that Christ returned in A.D.70 in the person of the Roman armies to destroy Jerusalem and dispersed Israel. (just as Preterists believe today).

Isn't that interesting????
The 69th week closes with the Messiah---the Prince being cut off, but the 70 weeks are not yet complete. The killing of the Messiah stopped the prophetic clock. There is one week or seven-year period remaining. This seven-year period begins with the confirming of a covenant with many regarding a future Jewish Temple. This will happen, generally accepted by most Christians, after the Church has been removed.

Agreed. This is called by all scholars I know of as the CHURCH AGE where the Lord is allowing Gentiles to be able to enter the Kingdom. Some also call this the Day of Grace.
Agreed. This is called by all scholars I know of as the CHURCH AGE where the Lord is allowing Gentiles to be able to enter the Kingdom. Some also call this the Day of Grace.
Even the Jews call it the "Age of the Messiah" even though He "didn't" show up!
My dear friend.......bless you but you are the one who brought up the greatness of JFK. I simply wanted you to know that there was another side of that comment. One that cost me several years of torment, and anguish and many good friends in a place we should never have been.

We can have this conversation for years and my perception is that your mind is just as made up on what you believe as is mine.

Now, If you think on the implications of believing the “prophecies” as past events, since you seem to be a "Preterist", then it can change and usely does nearly everything you have ever learned from the Bible. It more than anything requires one to "force" the Scripture to say what we want them to say to match what we have already sat our mind to.

The Preterists view on the book of Revelation is that its primary focus is on events surrounding the destruction of Jerusalem. Preterists insist on an early date for the book of Revelation to tie it into the 70 A.D. destruction of Jerusalem. Clearly John outlasted all the other apostles by more than a few years and is given the final book of the Bible, The Revelation of Jesus Christ (Rev.1:9).

As the first century nears its close 7 historical churches are addressed. History tells us Revelation was written late in the first century. In Irenaeus’ work entitled, “Against Heresies” chapter 13:18, Irenaeus tells us when John had his apocalyptic vision and wrote the book. “For that [referring to John’s vision]Irenaeus wrote the following:.........

We will not, however, incur the risk of pronouncing positively as to the name of Antichrist; for if it were necessary that his name should be distinctly revealed in this present time, it would have been announced by him who beheld the apocalyptic vision. For that was seen not very long time since, but almost in our day, towards the end of Domitian's reign” (written 180 AD).

How is the Preterist view, either partial or full able to cope with real history. Its whole thought is that 70 AD is when the prophecies took place. Then HOW can that be when all of the church fathers do not agree???

Domitian was a Roman Emperor his reign began in 81 AD ended in 96 AD. Irenaeus lived 120-202 A.D. he was discipled under Polcarp of Smyrna. Polycarp was a disciple of the apostle John, and the bishop of the church of Smyrna in Asia. According to Polycarp the Book of Revelation was written after the destruction of Jerusalem.

Then, In his letter called To the Philippians he writes that his church, did not exist in the days of the apostle Paul before the destruction of Jerusalem. Symrna is not mentioned in the Book of Acts, nor in any other New Testament epistle, it was a late planted church. Sardis, Thyatira, Philadelphia and Laodicea are not mentioned in the book of Acts which most believe span 30 years of the early church. Preterists argue that Irenaeus’ writing is in poor condition so we cannot depend on its accuracy. Really?

Again, that is an example of having to make something work to fit our beliefs.

Then, One of the early Church Fathers, The Shepherd of Hermas, written in the early 2nd Century, states “the great tribulation that is coming,” which is a silly thing to state if the church believed it already took place.

Now, all of this is easily available over the inter net or books which can be obtained or accessed so this is not new info at all.
Now, I love you and will not argue.....only talk to you, but you spend a lot of time speaking down about Jesuits and the "Futurist" approach to prophecy and even Dr. John Darby and Dr. Spurgeon's explinations of the Scripture. That is absolutely not problem for me but just as it was our friend, JFK.......what is the other side of this story???????

Having said that, allow me to ask this question......."Where did Preterism teaching come from"?????
The view that 70 AD was the fulfillment some point to its development in the 16th century. This theory is said to be invented in the early 1500’s by a Jesuit named Alcasar to counter the Reformers' claim that the Roman Catholic Church was the “great whore... mystery Babylon” sitting on the beast in .

Alcazar wrote a large commentary, which is available named...... “Investigation of the Hidden Sense of the Apocalypse,” which says the entire book of Revelation is pagan Rome and the first six centuries of the Church's existence.
He promoted that conditions will gradually improve over time, evolving into a world that has become “Christianized”, and ready for the second coming of Christ. All of the prophecies in Revelation (except for ) were fulfilled at A.D.70., and that Christ returned in A.D.70 in the person of the Roman armies to destroy Jerusalem and dispersed Israel. (just as Preterists believe today).

Isn't that interesting????
I love you too bro. But, I assure you that I'm not a Preterist. Yes, you are 100% correct about Jesuit priest Luiz Alcazar and if there were Preterists here, I would certainly have pointed that out more frequently than I have done. However, there are FUTURISTS here, and that is why I have so painstakingly pointed out that at the same time Alcazar was trying to convince Protestants to point their fingers away from the Papacy to the first century for Antichrist, the other Jesuit priest Francisco Ribera was busy with his work in trying to convince them to point their fingers to the last century.

Historicism is why these two Jesuits concocted Preterism and Futurism in the first place, b/c Historicism teaches that Antichrist arose in the 6th century in Rome after the fall of the Roman Empire which was preventing its rise while the Ceasars yet remained enthroned (which is what the ECF claim Paul told them). In response, the Council of Trent convened with its mission to stamp out Protestantism. From it, the Jesuit Order was born, and from that Order came forth Preterism and Futurism. Although Protestantism soundly rejected both for well over 300 years by virtue of the Scriptures, the same Scriptures I present in this forum, it appears that Rome has finally succeeded in accomplishing what it set out to do so long ago. Can it be that the same Papacy that slaughtered mercilessly what some estimate to be upwards of ONE HUNDRED FIFTY MILLION of those who protested their unbiblical doctrines, excesses, and claims that it stands "in place of" Christ (Gr. Anti Christos), is the same organization that God intended for all of us to sit and learn at its feet?
Yes, I am serious. This is something I have prayerfully studied for decades. You make the common mistake of those who do not understand these matters that the rapture of the Church is the same as the second coming. Both are separate events.

Study! But ask the Lord to reveal these things to you.
Sorry, but there is no mystic realm in time that exists between the 69th and 70th so that the 69th might fully expire before His death and that the 70th would remain yet to begin after His death, as you so desperately would like to have so. The word "after" means exactly that: AFTER the 69th week which by default means DURING the 70th week, which nails down the 70th week in the past. Do you really expect a boss to accept the excuse of his employee's 12:00 noon to 5:00 PM lunch "hour" as being that at 12:59 PM the clock stopped and a our hour "gap" ensued before starting again at 1:00 PM? Why are no other time prophechies in the Bible rearranged with "gaps" like Daniel's 70 weeks? Absolutely ludicrous Jesuit theology, which the ECF claim was NOT what Paul told them.
Sorry, but there is no mystic realm in time that exists between the 69th and 70th so that the 69th might fully expire before His death and that the 70th would remain yet to begin after His death, as you so desperately would like to have so. The word "after" means exactly that: AFTER the 69th week which by default means DURING the 70th week, which nails down the 70th week in the past. Do you really expect a boss to accept the excuse of his employee's 12:00 noon to 5:00 PM lunch "hour" as being that at 12:59 PM the clock stopped and a our hour "gap" ensued before starting again at 1:00 PM? Why are no other time prophechies in the Bible rearranged with "gaps" like Daniel's 70 weeks? Absolutely ludicrous Jesuit theology, which the ECF claim was NOT what Paul told them.

Yes there is a great space of time between the 69th and 70th week for the Jew, and we are living in that suspended period---called the time of the Gentiles, the Church Age or the Age of Grace.

The only desperation I am seeing is your own, to cleave to your own personal interpretation.
I love you too bro. But, I assure you that I'm not a Preterist. Yes, you are 100% correct about Jesuit priest Luiz Alcazar and if there were Preterists here, I would certainly have pointed that out more frequently than I have done. However, there are FUTURISTS here, and that is why I have so painstakingly pointed out that at the same time Alcazar was trying to convince Protestants to point their fingers away from the Papacy to the first century for Antichrist, the other Jesuit priest Francisco Ribera was busy with his work in trying to convince them to point their fingers to the last century.

Historicism is why these two Jesuits concocted Preterism and Futurism in the first place, b/c Historicism teaches that Antichrist arose in the 6th century in Rome after the fall of the Roman Empire which was preventing its rise while the Ceasars yet remained enthroned (which is what the ECF claim Paul told them). In response, the Council of Trent convened with its mission to stamp out Protestantism. From it, the Jesuit Order was born, and from that Order came forth Preterism and Futurism. Although Protestantism soundly rejected both for well over 300 years by virtue of the Scriptures, the same Scriptures I present in this forum, it appears that Rome has finally succeeded in accomplishing what it set out to do so long ago. Can it be that the same Papacy that slaughtered mercilessly what some estimate to be upwards of ONE HUNDRED FIFTY MILLION of those who protested their unbiblical doctrines, excesses, and claims that it stands "in place of" Christ (Gr. Anti Christos), is the same organization that God intended for all of us to sit and learn at its feet?

Seems to me that your argument is against the Catholic Church and not the Futurist position of exegesis of the Scriptures.

All the historical facts about the RCC is well documented and I think we all realize that it was not really the Christians in charge to begin with. The Roman Empire cozied up to the Christian faith when they saw that they did not steal rob and lie. It was a convenient marriage where men were able to use their religion as a weapon and obtain more power to do as they wished.

My comment would be that now, today, we all have copies of the Scriptures. There must be well over 100 translations and millions of books and commentaries. That is very unlike the day in which you are talking about when the only Scriptures were found in a Catholic church written in Latin which only the Priest could read and understand.

Today we all have the ability to read the works and thoughts of these older men but NOW we can rightly divide and grasp the meanings of the doctrines in those Scriptures for ourselves!!!! We, at least me have had the opportunity to a higher level of education and I have been able to study the differences between the views of others and make the correct determination for myself.

Having said that, it is in my opinion, having studied the Historical view that the Futurist approach is the one that allows all the Scripture to fall perfectly into place with absolutely no work to make it fit.