TV viewing habits

Well Anthony Bourdain wrote books as he was a writer at heart first so that's why I chose to watch him.
I think tv on demand makes it easier to find things you like to watch.

In the old days people bought weekly listings of tv and they would program their lives around which ones they wanted to watch (or program their VCRS). There used to be just two channels at first so not much choice. I don't know if people these days keep their tvs on 24/7 I certainly wouldn't want to assault myself with that much advertising.
As a kid, I use to sell TVGuide (Remember that?) 15¢ each, I got to keep 4¢ for each copy I sold.

Hey crossnote, Did you sell door to door, by subscription or on street corners - how did that work?

I had paper routes as a kid and this was a set, 7 days week, route that was setup by people’s subscription to the paper.
Yes, it was door to door. I would write the company how many I needed and any unsold copies I would rip off the front cover and send them back.
Later, I had paper routes and sold (The Herald Examiner) on the corner yelling "Hear ye, hear ye, read all about it Russia Flirting with Cuba!"
Yes, it was door to door. I would write the company how many I needed and any unsold copies I would rip off the front cover and send them back.
Later, I had paper routes and sold (The Herald Examiner) on the corner yelling "Hear ye, hear ye, read all about it Russia Flirting with Cuba!"
Wow, I had totally forgotten that I had a paper rout myself. I don't recall doing it for very long. Now I have to figure out how to get those memories back.
Yes we had TV Guide but my Dad would subscribe to one called The Listener (it was originally radio listings) and they never changed it to The Viewer. It had the listings for the week and you would look to see if any good new movies were going to be showing.

But then the listings would also be in the daily newspaper as well.
On Sundays there used to be no advertising, so you could watch an entire movie uninterrupted.
Hello brothers and sisters;

My wife loves to watch Hallmark movies. They are mostly about a guy and a girl who meet and fall in love. I have to admit they are clean movies that don't include anything that is inappropriate or suggestive.

But I do have one problem. Some of these Hallmark movies include the young, handsome and charming prince from England who falls in love with an American, Canadian or UK young lady. These guys act like they've been around the world with hard knocks experience in life, have all the right moral answers while in their 20s or maybe 30 years old.

I know it's fictional television but is incredibly superficial. My wife gets upset when I tell her this and tells me to go log on to Christian Forum Site.

Anyway, I appreciate Hallmark keeping their movies clean but I wish they would stop portraying the English prince, instead, get a construction worker, restaurant manager, or bus driver who live the day to day real life.

😎 🤛
Didn't Princess Margaret marry a photographer. But that didn't end well.

I've never seen a hallmark movie. To me they just seem sappy.

But then I did watch Austenland, that was actually pretty funny. Everyone wants a Mr Darcy, but we know he's a complete fiction. Tellingly, Jane Austen never married. She just observed others go through all the drama.

I think they filmed that one at Chatsworth. Imagine having to wear that get up every single day. I think I would pass out too if I had to wear those corset thingies. Then the guy of course would have to pick me up and carry me out. Just like in the olden days when women in China had to bind their feet, just so they couldn't walk. It made them more attractive to men. Um why?
How about an E
English Princess and a roof worker, shop assistant, postman, delivery man etc.

Hey Cosia;

You mean an English Princess who doubles as a roofer, shop assistant, postal person or delivery person? That's a great idea. It shows they're not afraid of getting their hands dirty while meeting a nice guy who works as a hotel bathroom attendant. lol!

Now that's a Hallmark moment!
Hello brothers and sisters;

My wife loves to watch Hallmark movies. They are mostly about a guy and a girl who meet and fall in love. I have to admit they are clean movies that don't include anything that is inappropriate or suggestive.

But I do have one problem. Some of these Hallmark movies include the young, handsome and charming prince from England who falls in love with an American, Canadian or UK young lady. These guys act like they've been around the world with hard knocks experience in life, have all the right moral answers while in their 20s or maybe 30 years old.

I know it's fictional television but is incredibly superficial. My wife gets upset when I tell her this and tells me to go log on to Christian Forum Site.

Anyway, I appreciate Hallmark keeping their movies clean but I wish they would stop portraying the English prince, instead, get a construction worker, restaurant manager, or bus driver who live the day to day real life.

😎 🤛
My wife watches them all the time. I run away and go into my man-cave.
Sometimes I watch such bad movie, it is all I can do to talk myself into finishing it. yesterday I watched one that was a "triple-crown;" bad acting, bad special effects, and bad storyline. Already forgot the name. World was coming to an end from a flood (oh ... just remembered the name: 40 days and nights). One guy was responsible for creating a modern-day ark, while his girlfriend and some female special forces person, went out to collect various insect DNA to repopulate the world. Granted, it did not explain how they were going turn the DNA into inspects or why they did not just collect living inspects, but that was petty much how I lost 1 hour and 45 minutes of my life.

The only romantic film I watched that glued me was the note book and I cried☹️

Imagine not knowing your partner is sat right next to you and you don’t recognise them anymore, even though all they talk about is them.
Princess Elizabeths story is on The Crown on Netflix
Prince Harry and Meghans is also on there. Harry never had a civilian's job he was in the army.

Most royals go into the army/military and they learn to kill people there. This is what Harry wrote about in his memoir.
Grace Kelly married Prince Albert of Monaco, who operated a casino.

I would never want to marry into royalty, or even be married. I don't see what is great about it. Grace Kelly privately suffered in her marriage, she had to give up what she loved, which was acting. She had to learn a new language, and deal with her wayward children. She could never go back to America.

We also know that Diana suffered in her marriage too, to the point of attempting suicide. So any royal love story I'm suspect.Sure the wedding is gorgeous, but life after a wedding is a big let down for most.

It's always portrayed as happy, but then royals are always posing for photos and know how to work the cameras.
Princess Elizabeths story is on The Crown on Netflix
Prince Harry and Meghans is also on there. Harry never had a civilian's job he was in the army.

Most royals go into the army/military and they learn to go into combat there. This is what Harry wrote about in his memoir.
I think Prince Edwards is the only male member of the Royal family that did not serve in the military. He did do time as a Royal Marines officer cadet. As a working member of the Royal Family, Prince Edward wears a military uniform when present at ceremonial events. Personally, I would be embarrassed to wear a military uniform and not having actually served in the military. We call that "Stolen Valor" on this side of the ocean.
I am not impressed with uniforms and military display and all the pomp and ceremony of the royals.
I just think it's sad.

When men boast about being in the army, being soldiers I am not impressed either. That is not the way to win a woman's heart.

Recall that Jesus raised no army, and came to Jerusalem riding on a donkey.

For every guy in military uniform, there's a nurse in nurses uniform, tending to the wounded, blood splattered and shell shocked. Why do people not see this.
Another child of the 1980s here (born in 1984, as username indicates). I haven't had cable or satellite TV since 2018. I only use the TV for Nintendo Switch video games now, like Animal Crossing. I play about an hour of that in the morning and another hour in the evening, on average.

I do enjoy watching pro sports, but I watch those streamed on my computer or phone, not on a TV. As of right now, since the NBA Finals just ended not long ago, and NFL is in the off-season, there haven't been any sports on my computer lately. NBA is my favorite; I probably stream about half of the Oklahoma City Thunder's season games when they play. I usually catch a fair bit of the playoffs, too, especially if teams/players I like are playing, and especially the Semifinals onward. For the NFL, I typically catch a handful of Chiefs and Vikings games each year.
I'm just doing a little survey on each...I'm not judging anyone ok? Some of us like watching tv, some reading books, and others listening to music or radio. What I'm interested in is how much or often do we do of each activity, and what our daily habits are?

I find myself watching an old rerun on Pluto Free TV, of depressing cases between people who fail to have their differences resolved settle them on a show called Judge Judy.

😎 lol!

These are episodes that aired it's launch date back in 1996. I know this sounds silly but from my personal witness standpoint of a reality show reveals the broken morality in these cases. They are rock bottom, outrageous, hilarious and downright disappointing. After the parties settle chances are 99% of the plaintiffs and defendants have never reconciled almost 27 years later.

July 9th is the US women's soccer game "send off" against Wales followed by the Women's World Cup which will be held in Australia and New Zealand during July 21 and the finals on August 20th.