The men's viewpoints on women's dress

Really funny that you should say this!
I will agree with you on this.:eek:
I also think it is sad for your salvation to be judged on such a shallow and unimportant detail.
I am a bit old fashioned and happen to love long, pretty dresses, but that is a personal preference and not a salvation issue as far as my beliefs go.
I will admit I don't like seeing women in church with skin tight clothing or very lowcut tops.
I am not judging their worth as a Christian but there is a fine line between attractive/classy and sexy.
Be careful.
Have you ever seen TLC's What Not To Wear? If not you don't know what you have been missing! This show has great tips on a conservative and polished look. It also gives you guidelines on gaining your own personal style! What more can I say? :D

~Spinning side kick!~
Life is meant to be a celebration of God's goodness - people should wear clothes they feel most comfortable in, clothes they enjoy, yet clothes that will not cause offense to those around them or attract / tempt any form of badness in them or others (that will spoil the joyful celebration).

Beaux Reflets
Mary17, I've never seen it but I've heard alot about it.

I already have my own style though and they probably wouldn't like it!:eek:
I love Victorian!

My kind of dress!
I second what AmericanAngel said. Where can I get one Violet? :D

Oh, by the way. It's nice to hear you have already gained a personal style. Some people struggle with that, and they just end up wearing whatever they find on the floor. It's sad really, clothes should represent you as a person.

~Hello, soon to be sandwhich artist here *waves~