THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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Faithwoman - what can I say?

As always, you faithfully care and support me by your words and inner spirit. Your love is always there. It's been such a privilege to be involved with you and your growth in Jesus since early 2008.

I love you so much, and am blessed to count myself as a friend!!

- BM
PRAYER UPDATE - 4 (and a Message from my Beloved)

I rang the hospital a little while ago to find out what sort of a night my Beloved had, and how she is today. To my utter astonishment the Sister said, "Oh, she's up and walking and is only a couple of metres away. Would you like to talk to her?"

(Well, yes, I most certainly would love to, I thought - but much better would be if I could bring her home!!! *smile*) Anyway we did chat per phone for some time.

She doesn't have too much pain, which is wonderful. She's still not eating much, concerned at what this may do to her. But she'll be trying to build this up over the next day or so. The lovely nursing staff seem to be treating her like royalty - they are all SO NICE!

MESSAGE FROM HER: Thankyou to everyone of you who have prayed for me (and us) to get me through this operation. I've been amazed at God's prayer answers, even right down to the smallest insignificant things.

I waited a long time in the 'queue' to be operated on. Yet I wasn't stressed, and just sang to myself all the verses of my two favourite hymns. The lady Anaesthetist was lovely and worked hard to give me the least harmful things to help the recovery period after the Op. So far I'm feeling quite a deal better than I would have expected.

Thankyou again for your love and prayers for me and also my Dearest Love!

While I'm missing her so much and want her home right NOW!! - I'm going to try and convince the Surgeon to keep her in hospital at least a day longer than normal. No point in her coming home partially recovered - for each of us then having to try and help the other without doing harm to ourselves.

God's been looking after me also - via your prayers! While she was in the Theatre I was beginning to get agitated for the first time. Then I suddenly remembered I'd totally forgotten to tell John, our (sole) lovely Christian who will always help when we need it. I rang him and we shared the Lord together for the whole time of the Operation - my mind was on God and the things of God, and so absolutely NO concern!! Man oh man, how GOOD is our GOD!!!!

I'm doing reasonably okay, still rather tired from it all. And I'd better stop and catch up on some tasks round the place here.

We both send all of our love to each one of you. Thankyou, thankyou, THANKYOU!!!

- BM
Thanks for the kind words Bondman, (give the Dear Lady a big Jesus hug for us all when you see her).
and yes Faithwoman, I also have to remind myself to rest in Him more often.
Like Bondman reminds us that "we walk with him day by day and He is fully in charge, and we love to live to please Him, AND allow Him to truly be GOD in ALL of our life".

One thing I do know on my part is that that rest sure can bring me peace... as Jesus says: "My peace I give to you; not as the world gives" ...How desirable, in this world to possess His peace!
Like Bondman reminds us that "we walk with him day by day and He is fully in charge, and we love to live to please Him, AND allow Him to truly be GOD in ALL of our life".

I have learned so much from Bondman and man when I stay walking with him my days are much better. I must always put my helmet of salvation on and gird up my thoughts. My mind lately has been my battlefield.. so many things of the past trying to get me.

Today the Care-A-Van ministry is taking the bus to a local town away from here to help build a home for a family that has two small children that are very ill. It will be a 12 hour or more day.. i will just be there to pray with folks and will have an opportunity to rest in him .

Hugs to all!
May we all continue to live with him
Amen Faithwoman, you go girl!
The body of Christ must be praying people. I'm sure your intercession today will be a sweet smelling savor to our Lord as an implying devotion on behalf of others.
I read once (and noted as you can see) that interceding prayer is the vehemency of holy zeal, the ardour of divine love. So I must say I know that a faithful woman of your heart will be an absolute impact on the day.

be blessed my sister, for you are a blessing.
It was an awesome day.
They are 10 and 8 years old. They have Unbalanced Tranlocation Chromosome 15. They were teaching me sign language today.

God is soooo good!

I am exhausted! I took 343 pictures today!
The newphew of the founder of the Care-A-Van Ministry had to do his God Medal Service project for Royal Rangers, so he decided to pick this project to go and help with.

Christian Youth Corps Inc.

Hope things are getting better with the Mrs.


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Things are all getting potentially serious again!!!

Temporal news first. Good news last! *broad grin*

Beloved is not doing quite so well today. This has been quite a concern for us all along, and will remain so. You know how they get you up walking about 2½ minutes after the Operation (well, maybe a little longer than that! *hehe*), okay, she's been doing that, pulling along the thingy with the drip on etc. - and maybe has overdone it a little.

BUT here's the problem spelt out (for prayer). We serious CFS'ers have VERY low reserves of energy (mine is ALWAYS down below 10% of normal!! - hard to believe our bodies can even keep going at such a low level, hey!) PLUS once we've used energy up - which is mighty easy to do! - it simply does NOT come back like it does for well people. We may well be totally wiped out for the next half hour, or 3 hours, or even for a full day; or the worse I've ever had was an astonishing 5 days (2 completely in bed) to fully recover from inadvertantly overdoing it with something so, so simple!!)

Okay, we've talked the Surgeon into leaving her an extra day in Hospital (till Tuesday). Because this is the potentially serious part:

1. She's still not able to eat much - making recovery very hard until this changes.
2. We all need to drink to stay healthy, but she's can't drink much at any time or she throws up!
3. Then maybe this is the most concerning: recovery from ANY sort of physical problem, e.g., a simple cut, may literally take weeks and WEEKS for her to heal from! This is really crazy stuff - and the fact is that she's all cut up inside - so when will this actually be healed???
4. If she comes home too early, then I am her carer, and if I were to collapse from having to do too much for my body to cope with... well, you get the picture!!!

GREAT NEWSES!! (this is my plural of "news" *lol*)

I do wish that I'd been able to keep a list of the things that God has done for us - because, oh yes, He will and DOES answer consistent, fervent prayer!!

There have literally been a myriad if small things that have just "magically" dovetailed in to make things so much better for my Love (and for me). And larger ones too. Like her Surgeon is SO easy to talk to and get along with. Now THAT'S fantastic!! Like the hospital where he managed to get a bed for her is perhaps the best hospital in our city of a couple of million people!! She's being treated like royalty there, with nurses and Sisters so lovely that I am literally astonished!!!

Then there's been a reuniting, almost a 'healing', with a family member, seemingly directly through Beloved needing an op. that her body was not really up to having done. Now, love and care is able to flow again after an absence of this (there were reasons - there always are!) But isn't that God?!!! How awesome!

I just stand back and MARVEL at the things He will do when we get on our knees - and ESPECIALLY a GROUP of us. That's a sight that GOD ADORES: a group of His people in prayer together, agreeing together, bringing our requests to Him together!!! (Doesn't happen anywhere NEAR enough in the West.)

Okay, I'm soon gonna puddle up here, so will stop for now.

Our most HEARTFELT THANKS TO YOU ALL!!! Thankyou for praying; and thankyou for actually reading my longish reports!

All of our love is flowing to each and every one of you in our Lord Jesus Christ!!!

- BM and his Lady (Please go to next post. Thanks!)
Hey, guys!

Ahh, how can I say this? Hmm... in the midst of good things (i.e., things we humans call "good") will come things we humans call "bad", most ESPECIALLY for Believers who are fully committed to Jesus.

So... my computer just died!!! I'm typing this on my Love's PC. Our lives revolve round the computer so much that since way back in the 1990's we've had 2 of them - for exactly this situation.

I've now tried all of the tricks I know to fix it, and so far no-go. An old friend who works in computers has suggested one more thing which I'll try. Failing that it's going to have to go in to get fixed by experts - which of course isn't easy for me to get it all disconnected, packed up, etc., etc - none of which I exactly need at this time, will lose my PC (setup to suit my physical problems), and at the end of the day of course will cost money!

BUT when God allows hardship into my life, I accept it. I accept EVERYTHING from His hands, cos I am totally His!! I'm kind of used to it after all of these years, so please, it's all a-okay (and please know that satan is not wrecking things - cos I KNOW how to deal with him!)

Just wanted to share this burden with you cos you're my beautiful brothers and sisters!

With much love!!

- BM

Once again I feel like a real pain, with another Update! Sorry, but that's how I feel...

Beloved is apparently not picking up. Not at all surprising given her dreadful ill-health. Her blood pressure is up and down and as high as 180/80, and they cannot control it so far, plus her heart rate is high also.

She says that after exertion she feels woozy and a bit funny/strange. The nurses are worried about the BP and heart, so that's making her stressed! I told her she must not allow that but must rest in the Lord. I'm okay - most concerned for my dearest, most wonderful Love, who I can't even be with to comfort her, but I TOTALLY TRUST GOD, and I am resting us BOTH in Him!!

Thanks, guys!

- BM
Wow Bondman So much going on! Prayers are coming your way!
Love ya here! The strength you have through all of this is just plumb amazing!

Hugs Faithwoman

Amen on the strength you have through it all Bondman. Even more so in knowing that greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world. and yes, God can take any bad situation and make good out of it. Our Lord is real, and being so, works in reality - the reality of our lives. and i thank Him for being our God of Truth instead of dealing in our lives indifferently (or like satan's deception). anyway my brother, we are continually taking your (you and the Mrs) situation to the Lord.

I don’t mean to babble on, but just a thought... i don’t watch much TV but my daughter with my granddaughter are watching the movie Transformers ... it just makes me think that how all the trials in life that God has took me through (or allowed me to go through) have transformed me for the better... ultimately to be more Christ like.

& WOW Faithwoman... 343 pictures?!! Like you said I guess- AWESOME DAY!

love ya

(ybiC -your brother in Christ)
my heart really feels for you and your Lady Bondman. I’m sure she’s the half that makes you whole. -thanks for having the love of Christ in your life. Your trust in Him regardless of the situation or circumstances is a true testimony and great inspiration.

even though we’re not together we’re just a prayer away.
I've been reading your reports about Beloved, BM, and we are still all praying for her. Talk about how prayer changes things . . .

I wish to thank all who have been praying for my little EmiliRose and her situation. For those of you who wonder, Emili is a precious 20-mo. old little one whom I love. Her mom was 17 when Em was born, her dad, 14. But the real dad doesn't care about her enough to even meet her. Mom moved in with a 26-yr. old drug dealer, and so I take her on week-ends to give her a break from her home life. I had requested prayer for this sweet thing and things are beginning to turn around.

Mom has lied to herself and others about the way Jered treats her, and now she is pregnant again and due in January from this 26-yr. old.

But, I heard from an acquaintance that Mom had applied for residence at an apartment, where she will only have to pay $25/mo. rent as a single parent. I think she has come to her senses about her boyfriend, and she sees how he is ruling her life, and ruining it.

I love Emili so much, and hope to instill the love of God in her little life. Please continue to pray that I can influence her mom to invite Christ into her life and begin to see the power in Him to forgive and cleanse. Nothing is too hard for our Lord.

I just wanted to thank everyone who has remembered to pray for this situation because, like Bondman said, prayer really works, especially corporate prayer.

Bless you SweetSurrender, little EmiliRose is in our prayers, along with her mom. I’ve seen how drugs can open the demonic realm to run and ruin the life of my own daughter through some guy… but gloryhallelujah, it is a beautiful thing how the sovereignty of God hears and answers the prayers of His people -and her life is right now. Like you said, nothing is too hard for our Lord. Sometimes though, it takes or He has to create a matter of events to happen for things to get right, because He works in our reality. And I do believe you are one of those events in there lives. Especially with little EmiliRose. I know you have dedicated her to the Lord and will instill the love of God in her little life.
I will be praying and will continue to pray, and be praying also that you can influence her mom to invite Christ into her life …and begin to see the power in Him to forgive and cleanse. AMEN!

... to all of you who've love and cared and prayed for us. And to you guys who've posted encouragement and thoughts that have been so lovely and helpful.

I'm pretty frayed around the edges today (mostly from the "extra" of my computer dying and the things I don't have access to), but I will catch up with you individually as soon as I can. A Prayer Update will come soon.

Till then, thankyou and bless you each with heavenly blessings straight from His Throne!!

Much love!

- BM


Blessings beyone measure to the One Who loves us with an everlasting love - all things being equal, my dear Beloved will be coming home tomorrow!!!!! We were agreeing today that to us both it feels like at least a month since she went to hospital last week!

The reason for this decision came after she had a really good talk with Sue, her favourite nurse, who was the one who looked after her in Recovery. They talked together, trying to overview the situation. First things they looked at were: 1) She's still not improving (but that's exactly what's expected in a Chronic Fatigue Syndrome person who's just had a fairly big operation). But: 2) She is not going backwards, i.e., she's HOLDING, and that's purely wonderful!!

Next, looking at the high blood-pressure, and heart rate, Sue said she believed that hospital was now doing that to my Beloved!! - because every day she's becoming more and more stressed from the continual noise, 2 hours sleep a night, totally wrong bed for her back, food at times that do not suit her body, and more. Wonderful hospital - but she needs to get home.

She rang me and put this to me. I immediately felt peace in my spirit about it (whereas I've been wanting her to stay long as possible). And guess what, with just the decision made, BP reduced from 180 to 150 within a few hours!! What amazing things our bodies are!

So Karen will be collecting her at 10am tomorrow and we will be back together again (maybe the best possible medicine!!) Hallelujah!! - and I just CANNOT WAIT!!!!

Now, for 4 days a week (Karen is here for around 3 hours Mon, Wed, Fri) I will need to look after her as well as myself. Gertie will be getting a fair ole workout, as I won't be game to either use my crutches at all, or walk short distances, as this will just use up precious energy. We're perfectly aware that it won't be easy, but I truly believe I can do it - with the help of my Master!!

My computer is still dead, and things I need from it ARE causing me some problems and stress. I hope to be able to access our backup disk maybe tomorrow (would you believe it was not available also!!!), copy from there some things that I don't have, but need, and that will solve some of the problems. My PC will then have to go to be fixed.

Meantime, my heart is so FULL from the love that's literally surrounded us as you've prayed to the Lord for us. No possible way to adequately thank you!! I haven't even had time to create a Thankyou graphic... For those who wish to go, know how many miracles God brought into our lives through your prayers, and how grateful we are to each one of you. I THANK YOU, and my Lady THANKS YOU!!!

For those who will stay with us a little longer, all prayers will help us during the coming days and maybe longer. I will continue Updates for you.

All of our love and blessings to every single one of you dear brothers and sisters!!!

- BM
That is so awesome, BM! God answered prayers through the nurse who advised her to go home. The thought DID occur to me that it might be better if she were home, but then I remembered that you wanted them to keep her as long as possible, so I didn't mention it. oh, well, God got through anyway.

I'll continue praying though. God really does love us! Sweets
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