Speak Your Mind 2

Then there is man's insatiable appetite to know the future...to be in control of his destiny, yet God says 'trust Me'.

There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering, anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD. And because of these abominations the LORD your God is driving them out before you. You shall be blameless before the LORD your God, for these nations, which you are about to dispossess, listen to fortune-tellers and to diviners. But as for you, the LORD your God has not allowed you to do this.
(Deu 18:10-14)

And when we read that Scripture, then consider the movies and TV show from Hollywood, what do we see..............
Super Natural/Ghosts/Goonies/Walking Dead/ Parapsychogical nonsense/Big Foot/Yeti/UFS's and the list goes on and on.
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My wife and I were out walking our mutts, and it struck me...all the gloom and doom we hear in media and news; a never-ending litany of stuff the authorities are doing.

Folks, what struck me tonight was like the Lord lamenting how so many of us don't give thanks to Him for all the overwhelming tides of evil that He has withheld from washing over us like a flood wave all these years. Think about how much worse things could be for us, and yet the Lord placed us here, where we are right now, living in a world where the most potent wickedness has been withheld. The antichrist has been held back from coming to power and destroying all our lives, as he will do on this earth at that time when the restrainer no longer restrains.

Oh, but the Lord is more than worthy of our praise for all that He has withheld. Some may talk about how hard it is to give thanks for what they have never seen, but when I think of what might have been, we are sooooo blessed!

Thank you, Lord, for all that You have held back from doing such mischief and destruction in our lives...in Jesus' name...

It has always been the nature of man to blame God.

In today’s society God receives the brunt of the blame for just about everything, including the predictions by the false prophets.

When God’s children are sinful He gets the blame. If His children refuse to be the salt and light on this perishing planet, the lost won’t hear His Word.

God is diminished in the minds of those who are perishing each time a believer fails to stand up for Him. When His children set exact dates for events which have been prophesied in the Bible, but God has not given the exact date, this only reinforces doubt in the minds of those who are already in the camp of doubting Thomas because people are always looking for a reason to dismiss God.

Isn't it wonderful that God has such large shoulders? I'm also glad He isn't reactionary like us.

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Those who complain about the problem of harm fail miserably to give thanks for all the harm the Lord has withheld from ever happening. Mankind would have been destroyed by the enemy of our souls long ago had not the Lord held back the tides of evil as he has done all these centuries. They cannot even begin to imagine how powerful the demon hordes are that, had they not been held back from unleashing the full force of their power and evil, this world would be a barren rock circling the sun long, long ago.

That we are here to mourn the passing of loved ones is a blessing. See how profound perspective can be? In pain and suffering can come growth we would never have experienced in any other way. The Lord is so great and worthy of our praise that we hardly ever notice so much of the time. That's what it means to give praise in the midst of it all, rather than for it all. God's vantagepoint can and does give us reason to give Him praise.

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Those who complain about the problem of harm fail miserably to give thanks for all the harm the Lord has withheld from ever happening. Mankind would have been destroyed by the enemy of our souls long ago had not the Lord held back the tides of evil as he has done all these centuries. They cannot even begin to imagine how powerful the demon hordes are that, had they not been held back from unleashing the full force of their power and evil, this world would be a barren rock circling the sun long, long ago.

That we are here to mourn the passing of loved ones is a blessing. See how profound perspective can be? In pain and suffering can come growth we would never have experienced in any other way. The Lord is so great and worthy of our praise that we hardly ever notice so much of the time. That's what it means to give praise in the midst of it all, rather than for it all. God's vantagepoint can and does give us reason to give Him praise.


One of the most profound things/phrases we have forgotten and hear very little of these days is......."The Fear of the Lord"!
You see my brother......Fear and Love run together! In fact, Biblically, they can not be separated.

How so very true. The Lord is so worthy, and so few offer up to Him what He is so worthy to receive from the whole earth. The best I can do in the place of the whole, rebellious population of people on this earth is to thank the Lord for having held back from this world what it deserves for its evils and wicked indifference to Christ and what He did on that cross of the whole world. The floodgates of Hell are going to be released sometime in the near future, and then they will cry out for the rocks to fall upon them to cover them from the Face of Him who they have rejected up to that point.

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It's Conspiracy Story Time, boys and girls...

I ran across a blurb somewhere on the web today that stated a belief that there is a viral infection specialty lab somewhere on this planet working on a way to make the HIV virus an airborne pathogen, just like influenza. Maybe its the same one that developed and released the COVID virus in China.

If Gates can have a mosquito genetically altered to go out and mate with, and kill, the female mosquitos in the Florida Everglades, then he may be behind this as well.

When I gave the possibilities of all that some thought, I was not at all surprised if any of it be true, given how desperately wicked the heart is within mankind. Making some of the worst STD's airborne pathogens would indeed push the world ever closer to those horrible days to come. Those behind all this would then be placing themselves and all others of their own families in the path of harm from what they paid for with their own money should it ever come back upon them in a visitation from the air currents around their own mansions. They will all reap the rewards of their schemes for population reduction. Smaller populations are easier to control, after all.

In all of this, the Lord shines glorious and bright. He alone will rise up above it all, and set all things right in the end. Meanwhile, what a pleasure it is to give praise and worship unto Him.

How so very true. The Lord is so worthy, and so few offer up to Him what He is so worthy to receive from the whole earth. The best I can do in the place of the whole, rebellious population of people on this earth is to thank the Lord for having held back from this world what it deserves for its evils and wicked indifference to Christ and what He did on that cross of the whole world. The floodgates of Hell are going to be released sometime in the near future, and then they will cry out for the rocks to fall upon them to cover them from the Face of Him who they have rejected up to that point.



What you just described is exactly what will happen during the Tribulation Peroid. God's wrath will be loosened on a world that has forsaken Him!
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Ahhh. A cup of 6th Avenue Bistro from a bag of finely ground coffee I got from Wal-Mart stiffens the upper lip just fine...

Of course, mine is called "coffeeccino" because of all the other goodies I add to make it even better.

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Ahhh. A cup of 6th Avenue Bistro from a bag of finely ground coffee I got from Wal-Mart stiffens the upper lip just fine...

Of course, mine is called "coffeeccino" because of all the other goodies I add to make it even better.


My grandpa used to call that concoction....."Mountain Dew".
My presence around here has been sparse due to currently having a discussion formatted by postings in one of the blogs on the Wordpress platform. A hand full of atheists (so-called) are doing what I've always experienced them doing...resorting to ad hominem plattitudes when they find their shoulders pinned to the wall. They love pointing at the large crowd of people who have funny letters attached to their names, many of whom are "biologists," as proof that evolutionary origins is true. The problem is that biologists are not the experts on evolutionary origins research. They aren't even invited to such research seminars as the keynote speakers. These people in this debate are amateurs trying to act like educated debate experts in the arena of atheistic topics.

So, just wanted y'all to know what I'm up to, because otherwise I'd be posting lots of other stuff in here.

Fight a good fight for our Father in heaven in the name of his Son Jesus Christ Musicmaster. Its tiresome being called delusional for having faith, when the scientific minded have faith in their own theories. Their circular reasoning grows old.

One of the keys I've focused upon and attacked to its utter destruction is their claim to "consensus." I pushed hard enough to get them to back off the "consensus" fantasy, and have driven home the point that the evolutionists are only a "community" of people, not a "consensus" of the scientific community.

These amateurs also seem to have difficulty understanding that biologists simply are not experts on the origins of life. They only know how things work that are already formed, and they are still learning about how vastly complex cells are than what they ever knew before.

Origins of life studies starts with chemistry, not biology. For those who have an interest, here is an excellent video by Dr. Tours who issues challenges that not one biologist or synthetic chemist has ever taken him up on to any successful conclusion to prove Tours wrong.