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How much do they know?
Sometimes it’s surprising.

I can tell you that our cats have managed quite well.

With seemingly little effort, and in a relatively short time, they have managed to retire very young, while still maintaining a large home. They are quite “comfortable” financially and are able to keep two full time humans on staff as well as being able to afford unlimited food, transportation and medical services, oh, and toys, a bunch of cat toys.
Yes i can
relate. The house i live in is ruled by Freddy Feline and Susie Feline. They order meals any time of the day or night . If there is a full moon it is chaotic .
8:34pm EST! Hola!
Buenos noches! Just a little something on my mind that happened a few years ago, about for some reason we need propaganda to kill COVID-19, and I’m like what? I’m sorry but no, you can’t KILL viruses, once it comes it stays. The flu once became a pandemic and is now a part of the illness category, and the same is going to happen to COVID-19. Here’s what I’m talking about for example:

According to this guy, NOTHING is ever enough, except to go to the same direction as the times of Nazism. Ridiculous, right?
12:54 EST. So excited! Feeling more strength this afternoon. Tender still body wise. Did Bible study and spend time in the Word. Am very grateful for today and my brothers and sisters in Christ! I found an excellent reference of habits that can destroy your relationship with God which was very good. Keep me in check and examine myself.


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12:54 EST. So excited! Feeling more strength this afternoon. Tender still body wise. Did Bible study and spend time in the Word. Am very grateful for today and my brothers and sisters in Christ! I found an excellent reference of habits that can destroy your relationship with God which was very good. Keep me in check and examine myself.
Wow I really like your reference of habits! Please can I use them?

good evening it is17;41 GMT and its lashing down so I am not going to my real life actual church but going to Pastor Gary church amen
Gos Bless You😊