*****All believers should be aware of what the Bible says is coming.*****

1. Judgement of the Church or as some say, "The Judgment Seat of Christ" ........(2 Corinthians 5:10-11)

This is the judgment of the believers works...NOT THEIR SINS. It is all about rewards for service done after salvation and has nothing to do with the salvation act itself.
This occurs at the return of Christ FOR His church at the Rapture. It is immediately after the Rapture but before the marriage supper of the Lamb.

2. Judgment of Individual Gentiles......"Sheep and Goat Judgment". (Matthew 25:32, Isaiah 63:1-6, Joel 3:2-16 Zechariah 14:13.)

Sheep are the believers are separated from the goats who are the unbelievers. The takes place AFTER THE TRIBULATION PEROID when those Gentiles who have come to Christ during the Tribulation will be ushered into the Kingdom. The goats will be cast into the Lake of Fire.

3. Judgment of Israel.........Ezekiel 20:33-38.

When Christ returns AFTER the Tribulation, He will regather the Jews and scourge those who rebelled. This will be accomplished after He delivers the whole nation from its persecutors. Those who like the sheep among the Gentiles are believers in Christ and they will also be included in the Kingdom.
This Judgment is only for Jewish people who survived the seven-year tribulation period. They entered into the tribulation because they were not saved prior to the rapture.

4. Judgment of the Wicked......."Great White Throne Judgment"....Revelation 20:11-15

This will take place AFTER THE 1000 MILLENNIUAL RULE OF CHRIST. This is the last judgment and it comes to ALL UNbelievers of all the ages and is referred to as the "Great White Throne Judgment".

The Holy God of Creation, the Sovereign Judge, will be seated on His Great White Throne, thus the name.

All the UNbelievers will be judged according to their works. Because NOT ONE of them has their name written in the Lamb's Book of Life, they ALL will be cast into the Lake of Fire. From there, there is no escape, no pardons, no lunch breaks and it will be for eternity.
*****All believers should be aware of what the Bible says is coming.*****

1. Judgement of the Church or as some say, "The Judgment Seat of Christ" ........(2 Corinthians 5:10-11)

This is the judgment of the believers works...NOT THEIR SINS. It is all about rewards for service done after salvation and has nothing to do with the salvation act itself.
This occurs at the return of Christ FOR His church at the Rapture. It is immediately after the Rapture but before the marriage supper of the Lamb.

2. Judgment of Individual Gentiles......"Sheep and Goat Judgment". (Matthew 25:32, Isaiah 63:1-6, Joel 3:2-16 Zechariah 14:13.)

Sheep are the believers are separated from the goats who are the unbelievers. The takes place AFTER THE TRIBULATION PEROID when those Gentiles who have come to Christ during the Tribulation will be ushered into the Kingdom. The goats will be cast into the Lake of Fire.

3. Judgment of Israel.........Ezekiel 20:33-38.

When Christ returns AFTER the Tribulation, He will regather the Jews and scourge those who rebelled. This will be accomplished after He delivers the whole nation from its persecutors. Those who like the sheep among the Gentiles are believers in Christ and they will also be included in the Kingdom.
This Judgment is only for Jewish people who survived the seven-year tribulation period. They entered into the tribulation because they were not saved prior to the rapture.

4. Judgment of the Wicked......."Great White Throne Judgment"....Revelation 20:11-15

This will take place AFTER THE 1000 MILLENNIUAL RULE OF CHRIST. This is the last judgment and it comes to ALL UNbelievers of all the ages and is referred to as the "Great White Throne Judgment".

The Holy God of Creation, the Sovereign Judge, will be seated on His Great White Throne, thus the name.

All the UNbelievers will be judged according to their works. Because NOT ONE of them has their name written in the Lamb's Book of Life, they ALL will be cast into the Lake of Fire. From there, there is no escape, no pardons, no lunch breaks and it will be for eternity.
Revelation 20:7-10 describes a scenario in which a massive rebellion will close out the Millennial Kingdom. From where do these rebels spring? They are descendants of the unregenerated mortals who survived the tribulation and entered the Millennial Kingdom. I find it interesting that in a world where Christ rules directly and visibly that unbelievers would still exist.
Revelation 20:7-10 describes a scenario in which a massive rebellion will close out the Millennial Kingdom. From where do these rebels spring? They are descendants of the unregenerated mortals who survived the tribulation and entered the Millennial Kingdom. I find it interesting that in a world where Christ rules directly and visibly that unbelievers would still exist.

That is because those individuals were never "tempted". Satan was chained in the abyss immediately after Armageddon and he will not be able to temp humanity. When he is loosened after the 1000 years, those people who have not been tempted will be and the result is that they will rebel against God.

It should be remembered that the very same thing happened in the Garden of Eden.