General calling or Special calling

God chose to people into a specific ministry, but not everybody. God called everyone to be in His presence but it is we called in theological term; general calling.

You will see many people in the platform or oitside, a hundred of thousands of people. Some are in good background, good family, good income but they cannot involved in the ministry, even part of it. They felt the need of reaching out to the people but they don't have a specific calling that they don't involve it.

When we say, you are special in God's eyes because you do what everyone is not willing to do. A person who received a specific calling will be part of the Lord's ministry, whether or not he/she has good income or not, they take charge of what the can in a way for God's specific ministry. They may be homeless, less income still then take involved in full time service. They rejoice on it. This is we called in theological term; a special calling.

You may be working in outside not part of church work, but with your support a specific ministry is running smoothly, reaching out many people or people accepted Christ by your support. In this case, we can say you have a specific calling.

How is your call from God?
Hello Mei Kor;

Thank you for sharing General calling or Special calling. I appreciate your outline of 3 points regarding God's calling for those who desire to follow our Lord.

I lived a life during a time of need and a time of plenty. As a man of God I took on what others would not do and gave back to the Lord what I could and times when I couldn't give. I felt so undeserving and unworthy of God but He saw my heart and I'm incredibly amazed how He has used me. There were tasks that were
general, ministries that had me use my talents was special, and serving / accomplishments during missions that was specific.

God doesn't measure the general, special or specific calling. That's secondary. He sees the heart, first, whether they are believers who serve God in the most undesirable places and the worst conditions of people's lives.

Those who serve and enjoy the "rewards" of the world, even Christians, who cannot involve themselves in ministry expose their hearts. God sees this and will instead choose from His unlimited reinforcements who will go forward for Him.

My calling was not realized until later in life. Whether His purpose was a general, special or specific calling, there were many setbacks, mistakes, sin, foolish decisions, mostly with people. I repented, sought His forgiveness and God redeemed me. Then I had to wipe the mud off my shirt, get back on my feet and continue the work for the Lord.

I have no regrets because God knew what He was doing and He used and guided me through the miry clay. For this I'm forever grateful.

God bless you, brother, your entire family, and
Merry Christmas.
God chose to people into a specific ministry, but not everybody. God called everyone to be in His presence but it is we called in theological term; general calling.

You will see many people in the platform or oitside, a hundred of thousands of people. Some are in good background, good family, good income but they cannot involved in the ministry, even part of it. They felt the need of reaching out to the people but they don't have a specific calling that they don't involve it.

When we say, you are special in God's eyes because you do what everyone is not willing to do. A person who received a specific calling will be part of the Lord's ministry, whether or not he/she has good income or not, they take charge of what the can in a way for God's specific ministry. They may be homeless, less income still then take involved in full time service. They rejoice on it. This is we called in theological term; a special calling.

You may be working in outside not part of church work, but with your support a specific ministry is running smoothly, reaching out many people or people accepted Christ by your support. In this case, we can say you have a specific calling.

How is your call from God?

Mei.........A believer’s “calling” is God’s drawing him to salvation in Christ Jesus.

2 Peter 1:10 tells us that God wants us to have assurance of our salvation, and the best way to do that is to be pursuing godly virtues and actively growing in the Christian life.

The Bible then says that those whom He calls he gives gifts.

1Peter 4:10-11.......
"God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. 11 Do you have the gift of speaking? Then speak as though God himself were speaking through you. Do you have the gift of helping others? Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies. Then everything you do will bring glory to God through Jesus Christ. All glory and power to him forever and ever! Amen."
Mei.........A believer’s “calling” is God’s drawing him to salvation in Christ Jesus. 2 Peter 1:10 tells us that God wants us to have assurance of our salvation, and the best way to do that is to be pursuing godly virtues and actively growing in the Christian life. The Bible then says that those whom He calls he gives gifts. 1Peter 4:10-11.......
"God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. 11 Do you have the gift of speaking? Then speak as though God himself were speaking through you. Do you have the gift of helping others? Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies. Then everything you do will bring glory to God through Jesus Christ. All glory and power to him forever and ever! Amen."

Hello Major;

On a personal note, 2023 has been a doozy for my family and me. Would we agree that God's calling to salvation or gift giving isn't without it's struggles?

A couple of young men that I mentor enjoy "cruising" (I was there once) in their separate services to the Church but I can sense hesitation when they are faced with challenges, mostly people.

When we look to the Old and New Testaments many who were serving wasn't always smooth sailing to get to where God wanted them to be. The same goes for today.

God bless you, brother, your family, and Merry Christmas.
Hello Major;

On a personal note, 2023 has been a doozy for my family and me. Would we agree that God's calling to salvation or gift giving isn't without it's struggles?

A couple of young men that I mentor enjoy "cruising" (I was there once) in their separate services to the Church but I can sense hesitation when they are faced with challenges, mostly people.

When we look to the Old and New Testaments many who were serving wasn't always smooth sailing to get to where God wanted them to be. The same goes for today.

God bless you, brother, your family, and Merry Christmas.
Amen brother.

I have had an on-going eye problem, my wife is needing bladder surgery, a knee replaced and just today her cardiologist told her she needed to wear a heart monitor or a week!

Life is a struggle but God holds our hand through it all.
God chose to people into a specific ministry, but not everybody. God called everyone to be in His presence but it is we called in theological term; general calling. You will see many people in the platform or oitside, a hundred of thousands of people. Some are in good background, good family, good income but they cannot involved in the ministry, even part of it. They felt the need of reaching out to the people but they don't have a specific calling that they don't involve it. When we say, you are special in God's eyes because you do what everyone is not willing to do. A person who received a specific calling will be part of the Lord's ministry, whether or not he/she has good income or not, they take charge of what the can in a way for God's specific ministry. They may be homeless, less income still then take involved in full time service. They rejoice on it. This is we called in theological term; a special calling. You may be working in outside not part of church work, but with your support a specific ministry is running smoothly, reaching out many people or people accepted Christ by your support. In this case, we can say you have a specific calling.
How is your call from God?

Hello Mei Kor;

Please share about your home Church and community, how have your brothers and sisters received and applied your message of general, special and specific calling?

How is your call from God?

God bless
you, brother and your entire family.

Amen brother.

I have had an on-going eye problem, my wife is needing bladder surgery, a knee replaced and just today her cardiologist told her she needed to wear a heart monitor or a week!

Life is a struggle but God holds our hand through it all.

Given the issues you outlined above, that video was still classic, and so funny. Isn't it something that we, so very contrasted to unbelievers, because we have a hope for eternity, we can look at our present situations and find hope and humor? That video is what had me laughing.

Given the issues you outlined above, that video was still classic, and so funny. Isn't it something that we, so very contrasted to unbelievers, because we have a hope for eternity, we can look at our present situations and find hope and humor? That video is what had me laughing.


Life is hard and God never said that it would be easy. What He did say however is that through it all, He would walk with us!
Is this why some church people always ask what you do and if you work, so they can calculate how much income they can get from you?
I never got why they did that because if you have income, wouldn't you be busy working, and if you have no income then you are free to volunteer but you need a paid job as well because how could you afford to volunteer all the time and pay bills?

If you come from a bad background, as opposed to a good one? What would be a bad background? What would you consider a good background?

Wouldn't it be easier to leave a job that wasn't paid very much, to join a ministry that fed and clothed you, then to leave a high pressure job that relied on you to join a ministry that wasn't able to do those things or not to the standard of living to which you are accustomed? Isn't it like the rich man trying to get his camel through the eye of the needle?

For many ministries you need transportation to be able to reach out to people where they are at. I know some paid gas for you to get there and back if you lived far away but some did not. Jesus called fishermen because they were able to use a boat, and he borrowed donkeys to get to Jerusalem.

If you were a Wesleyan/Methodist back in the day, you needed a good horse. They called these circuit riders and they travelled far and wide to reach people.

Instead of the traditional church graveyard, today's church buildings have giant carparks. What this modern age needs are giant billboards on the motorway so that every time someones driving to work, they see the message, and christian radio on their car stereos..and church gatherings held in open air sports stadiums. People can have chapels in their own homes little prayer closets where they can go anytime to pray and open their houses. A stone church with a bell in a village just won't work anymore in metropolitan suburbs, and buildings all need maintanence and overheads. Just getting there and back after driving to work/school each day adds more stress to people's lives.
God chose to people into a specific ministry, but not everybody. God called everyone to be in His presence but it is we called in theological term; general calling.

You will see many people in the platform or oitside, a hundred of thousands of people. Some are in good background, good family, good income but they cannot involved in the ministry, even part of it. They felt the need of reaching out to the people but they don't have a specific calling that they don't involve it.

When we say, you are special in God's eyes because you do what everyone is not willing to do. A person who received a specific calling will be part of the Lord's ministry, whether or not he/she has good income or not, they take charge of what the can in a way for God's specific ministry. They may be homeless, less income still then take involved in full time service. They rejoice on it. This is we called in theological term; a special calling.

You may be working in outside not part of church work, but with your support a specific ministry is running smoothly, reaching out many people or people accepted Christ by your support. In this case, we can say you have a specific calling.

How is your call from God?

For those who are called to preach, who are they to preach to? Is it not to them that believe, according to 1 Cor 1:21?

Verse 18 - For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness (1 Cor 14) foolishness, but unto us which are saved (delivered by the new spiritual birth), it is the power of God.

God's children that are saved eternally, but have been blinded, by God, for their worshiping of idols (Rom 11:7) Romans 11:14, Paul says, "if by any means, I may provoke to emulation, them which are my flesh, and might save=deliver some of them (not eternally), but from their ignorance of Christ's doctrine.

Those, of God's children who are blinded, are known as "the lost sheep of the house of Jacob/Israel" (spiritual Israel).
For those who are called to preach, who are they to preach to? Is it not to them that believe, according to 1 Cor 1:21?

Verse 18 - For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness (1 Cor 14) foolishness, but unto us which are saved (delivered by the new spiritual birth), it is the power of God.

God's children that are saved eternally, but have been blinded, by God, for their worshiping of idols (Rom 11:7) Romans 11:14, Paul says, "if by any means, I may provoke to emulation, them which are my flesh, and might save=deliver some of them (not eternally), but from their ignorance of Christ's doctrine.

Those, of God's children who are blinded, are known as "the lost sheep of the house of Jacob/Israel" (spiritual Israel).
No one knows who is actually saved or not saved. We can hear the words said, we can see the works done but we can not see behind the curtain of anyones mind and heart.

In 1 Corth. 1:21, Paul understood that his message, the gospel, looks and sounds foolish to most of the world. People trusting their own wisdom or the wisdom of others will miss it. The gospel is not something that can be worked out by logic and philosophy. Only Evidence can lead us towards the truth.

You said...
"Those, of God's children who are blinded, are known as "the lost sheep of the house of Jacob/Israel".

That would seem to be saying the Jews. May I say that only born again people are the children of God.
No one knows who is actually saved or not saved. We can hear the words said, we can see the works done but we can not see behind the curtain of anyones mind and heart.

In 1 Corth. 1:21, Paul understood that his message, the gospel, looks and sounds foolish to most of the world. People trusting their own wisdom or the wisdom of others will miss it. The gospel is not something that can be worked out by logic and philosophy. Only Evidence can lead us towards the truth.

You said...
"Those, of God's children who are blinded, are known as "the lost sheep of the house of Jacob/Israel".

That would seem to be saying the Jews. May I say that only born again people are the children of God.

There is the nation of Israel, who are Jews, and there is Jacob/Israel. Jacob's name was changed by God to be called Israel. Jacob. as Israel represents spiritual Israel, which is mane up of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation (Rev 5:9)

They are not all Israel,( Jacob/Israel) which are of Israel(the nation) (Rom 9:6-16)
There is the nation of Israel, who are Jews, and there is Jacob/Israel. Jacob's name was changed by God to be called Israel. Jacob. as Israel represents spiritual Israel, which is mane up of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation (Rev 5:9)

They are not all Israel,( Jacob/Israel) which are of Israel(the nation) (Rom 9:6-16)

It's unfortunate that some have gone down the path of Replacement Theology by using that verse and others.

God chose to people into a specific ministry, but not everybody. God called everyone to be in His presence but it is we called in theological term; general calling. You will see many people in the platform or oitside, a hundred of thousands of people. Some are in good background, good family, good income but they cannot involved in the ministry, even part of it. They felt the need of reaching out to the people but they don't have a specific calling that they don't involve it. When we say, you are special in God's eyes because you do what everyone is not willing to do. A person who received a specific calling will be part of the Lord's ministry, whether or not he/she has good income or not, they take charge of what the can in a way for God's specific ministry. They may be homeless, less income still then take involved in full time service. They rejoice on it. This is we called in theological term; a special calling. You may be working in outside not part of church work, but with your support a specific ministry is running smoothly, reaching out many people or people accepted Christ by your support. In this case, we can say you have a specific calling. How is your call from God?
For those who are called to preach, who are they to preach to? Is it not to them that believe, according to 1 Cor 1:21? Verse 18 - For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness (1 Cor 14) foolishness, but unto us which are saved (delivered by the new spiritual birth), it is the power of God. God's children that are saved eternally, but have been blinded, by God, for their worshiping of idols (Rom 11:7) Romans 11:14, Paul says, "if by any means, I may provoke to emulation, them which are my flesh, and might save=deliver some of them (not eternally), but from their ignorance of Christ's doctrine. Those, of God's children who are blinded, are known as "the lost sheep of the house of Jacob/Israel" (spiritual Israel).
There is the nation of Israel, who are Jews, and there is Jacob/Israel. Jacob's name was changed by God to be called Israel. Jacob. as Israel represents spiritual Israel, which is mane up of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation (Rev 5:9) They are not all Israel,( Jacob/Israel) which are of Israel(the nation) (Rom 9:6-16)

Hello, Secured;

Please elaborate, brother, I'm just trying to understand your posts, "For those who are called to preach, who are they to preach to?" As far as God changing Jacob's name, the spiritual people, what does all that mean and how does this reconcile with preaching?

Aside from loving God first, then one another, another of our biggest priorities is to preach the Good News, to everyone. Speaking for myself, in my lifetime I've fallen into foolishness, folly and trying to expose my wisdom of the world. Point is, I'm a believer and still need the Gospel preached to me.

Hello, Mel Kor;

I do understand what you are conveying (from my previous post) but I would like to add that whether general, special or specific ministry, God sets our appointments and doesn't measure the validity, only His purpose for each of us who discern and are obedient to Him in serving His people for His glory.

God bless you, brothers.

Hello, Secured;

Please elaborate, brother, I'm just trying to understand your posts, "For those who are called to preach, who are they to preach to?" As far as God changing Jacob's name, the spiritual people, what does all that mean and how does this reconcile with preaching?

Aside from loving God first, then one another, another of our biggest priorities is to preach the Good News, to everyone. Speaking for myself, in my lifetime I've fallen into foolishness, folly and trying to expose my wisdom of the world. Point is, I'm a believer and still need the Gospel preached to me.

Hello, Mel Kor;

I do understand what you are conveying (from my previous post) but I would like to add that whether general, special or specific ministry, God sets our appointments and doesn't measure the validity, only His purpose for each of us who discern and are obedient to Him in serving His people for His glory.

God bless you, brothers.


Yes it is true that we all need to be refreshed in the doctrine of Jesus Christ, and we all glean more understanding in hearing the word preached.

The preach gospel is nourishment to the new born babes in Christ helping them to grow in a knowledge of the gospel, my point is that the preached word, will fall on deaf ears to those who have not been born again.
Can you give a more detailed explanation?

Some branches of what is today called Reformed Theology, are going more strongly down the path similar to the beliefs of the likes of Augustine and Luther, in that the Church has allegedly replaced the nation Israel, and is therefore in the "place of" Israel in prophecies and since the crucifixion of Yahshuah. Augustine and Luther, both of whom were extreme anti-Semites, blundered in this regard.

As an Israeli I can say that no such replacement has at all taken place. Israel still has a role to play on the basis of promises made to Abraham. Eschatological study also tends to point the glaring spotlight of error upon this horrid doctrine that appeals to the pride of some, which is a weapon of weakness exploitation upon human pride that is most unfortunate.
