Did Jesus Die For Everyone...?

Not ALL will/nor have received! But it is God will "...that none will perish...".
If 'none' will perish, life down here on earth is pretty pointless don't you think? It is simply not in His nature to give a ceation such as us anything but true free will. It is quite ironic actually. Hell is proof of God's goodness. An eternal home for those that hate Him.
OSAS vs Shipwreck. Always an interesting discussion :).

Let's look at the facts:

1. A Christian is a lamb in His flock
2. Jesus is a good shepherd, He will not lose any lambs.
3. The heart of an unsaved man is desperately wicked...after their father the devil whose native tongue is lying.
4. The Shepherd will separate the lambs from the wolves in heaven.
5. We are not yet in heaven.


1. Can a lamb become a wolf?
2. Can a wolf think it is a lamb and live peacefully with them?

If someone was continuing in a mortal sin, they could either be shipwrecking their salvation and are en route to hell. Or they were never truly saved and are en route to hell. Both beliefs are viable options.

I believe that like a spouse in adultery we can rid our hearts of our first love. Jesus said ''what God has joined let man pull asunder'' yet He also says ''sexual immorality is grounds for divorce''. OSAS says we can't be separated as one who is in love can't fathom a divorce.

Then there is the OT. With God being impartial to the maximum we have to understand that He can't give preference to us today in the means we receive our salvation. The requirements to come to God have always been the same. Bend the knee and repent / have a heart after His. Doing this OT got you into Abraham's bosom. Salvation that they had nothing to do with, was when Jesus came and fetched them.

Conclusion: Mankind is wicked and full of deceit. Nothing that comes out our mouths can be trusted. Everyone wants to be a Christian. Live as you want and still go to heaven. No better deal exists! God judges the mind and the heart. We can only judge by actions as James 1:27. Someone continuing in mortal sin = en route to hell. We can all agree on that (y).
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Everyone wants to be a Christian. Live as you want and still go to heaven.

clearly the worst distortion ever, but sadly this is what many believe...unrepentant mortal sin is definitely equal to condemnation (they did not believe God)...
If 'none' will perish, life down here on earth is pretty pointless don't you think? It is simply not in His nature to give a ceation such as us anything but true free will. It is quite ironic actually. Hell is proof of God's goodness. An eternal home for those that hate Him.

Life on this earth is pointless ONLY if we do not repent and obey the gospel. Nevertheless, we will receive ample opportunity to do so. "True free will" has been given even to the angels that were created before man. Lucifer used his free will to betray God and try and usurp God's dominion; Judas Iscariot used his free will to betray the Lord Jesus. Both were given more than enough space to remain in a perfect fellowship with God and the son of God.
Hell is NOT proof of God's goodness (though you might have shown a bit of sarcasm there); but it is proof of God's righteous judgment. The crucifixion is the proof of God's goodness; while eternal life in and with God is proof of God's love.
OSAS vs Shipwreck. Always an interesting discussion :).

Let's look at the facts:

1. A Christian is a lamb in His flock
2. Jesus is a good shepherd, He will not lose any lambs.
3. The heart of an unsaved man is desperately wicked...after their father the devil whose native tongue is lying.
4. The Shepherd will separate the lambs from the wolves in heaven.
5. We are not yet in heaven.


1. Can a lamb become a wolf?
2. Can a wolf think it is a lamb and live peacefully with them?

If someone was continuing in a mortal sin, they could either be shipwrecking their salvation and are en route to hell. Or they were never truly saved and are en route to hell. Both beliefs are viable options.

I believe that like a spouse in adultery we can rid our hearts of our first love. Jesus said ''what God has joined let man pull asunder'' yet He also says ''sexual immorality is grounds for divorce''. OSAS says we can't be separated as one who is in love can't fathom a divorce.

Then there is the OT. With God being impartial to the maximum we have to understand that He can't give preference to us today in the means we receive our salvation. The requirements to come to God have always been the same. Bend the knee and repent / have a heart after His. Doing this OT got you into Abraham's bosom. Salvation that they had nothing to do with, was when Jesus came and fetched them.

Conclusion: Mankind is wicked and full of deceit. Nothing that comes out our mouths can be trusted. Everyone wants to be a Christian. Live as you want and still go to heaven. No better deal exists! God judges the mind and the heart. We can only judge by actions as James 1:27. Someone continuing in mortal sin = en route to hell. We can all agree on that (y).

"continuing in a mortal sin": if you mean there is a sin that cannot be forgiven, yes; but ALL sin is mortal if unrepentant.
The Lord did not say sexual immorality was grounds for divorce. He said "fornication" (sex with another person before marriage while one is espoused) was grounds: not adultery!
Repentance is God's invitation to believe the gospel: He calls us to believe that He is righteous and we are sinners, and that we need a savior. That is repentance.
Yes! James 1:27, admonishes us to keep ourselves "...unspotted from the world." Then when we "...visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction...", our works will be righteous before God AND man.
Wanted to add a point here. The Christian Believers who qualify by the standards and doctrines taught by Jesus and his Apostles will never have to stand before Jesus in " The great White throne judgement" in Revelation Chapter 20. This is for all Unbelievers and those who never followed the New Testament Church Teachings..Read: Psalm chapter 1 & 2 for proof..
Christ died for the sins of the whole world...but....if you do not abandon your sins and hate the world more than you love Christ then you will die in your sins and for your love of this world.

you contradict yourself ..
Jesus died for WHOMSOEVER would accept Him and repent ..
...and of one loves him and Repents and follows the Salvation message taught, and obeys what is written..Yes, That Person will be saved. Those who do not follow the exact teachings will not be saved, simply put..