Alphabet Soup Garden Varieties

Thank y'all kindly~ Hugs, happiness, peace, and blessings to all ox'

I see you have been reading some of my writes Tsavah2. We know the trials of sleeplessness for sure. I do find rest, just not sound sleep on most days. My body plays catch up when I do finally get quality shut eye. His peace is what has kept me alive among the many great tribulations Ive endured on this earth. It is the hope of heaven that has been my breath, and nourishment on many a day.
Thank y'all kindly~ Hugs, happiness, peace, and blessings to all ox'

I see you have been reading some of my writes Tsavah2. We know the trials of sleeplessness for sure. I do find rest, just not sound sleep on most days. My body plays catch up when I do finally get quality shut eye. His peace is what has kept me alive among the many great tribulations Ive endured on this earth. It is the hope of heaven that has been my breath, and nourishment on many a day.
There is a spot on Youtube that is absolutely brilliant, a collection of video scenes by Tim Janis, He combines music especially christian music with his amazing video which is very good for anxiety and depression. He has an amazing collection. Many times I have sat in my recliner and fallen asleep watching. It is worth checking it out if your tv is set up for streaming. God Bless from Tsavah2
Listening to binaural beats with isochoric tones, is therapy that helps me achieve good rest. They help change brain chemistry, and are suppose to work for solid rem sleep. I wear an eye mask and get whatever rest my body allows. Every three to five days I get more than three hours of quality sleep at a time. It is what it is. Thank you for the suggestions, but I really have tried it all.
composure and contemplation
are great tools of navigation,

I dont take for granted the energy
our Lord gifts on our path to see,

the ability to observe our weakness
might lead us to greater meekness,

to discern what is shallow within
may fill some voids caused by sin,

as we practice the stillness of mind
we are able to leave the world behind,

for deep personal introspection
is a good place to start for direction,

to discover our lives through His love
leading us to things heavenly above~

ox' peace and happiness
composure and contemplation
are great tools of navigation,

I dont take for granted the energy
our Lord gifts on our path to see,

the ability to observe our weakness
might lead us to greater meekness,

to discern what is shallow within
may fill some voids caused by sin,

as we practice the stillness of mind
we are able to leave the world behind,

for deep personal introspection
is a good place to start for direction,

to discover our lives through His love
leading us to things heavenly above~

ox' peace and happiness
It seems at times I allow myself to be overwhelmed by worldly woes and the pressures of the day, so much so that introspection becomes clouded by the uncertainties of the times. Inwardly I seek the Lord's instruction on how I might respond to the events that surround me yet only see the enemy. Perhaps at those times we need to see God's army protecting us as Elisha's servant Gehazi was shown in 2 Kings 6:16 - 18. Certainly we know that " If God is for us who can be against us?" (Rom 8:31) but it is our humanness that causes us to cower in the shadows. I for one need to trust more and fear less, to rest in my Saviour's arms rather than hide under the covers. Too often I know that when I should have stood my ground I ran from the battle. Every day we have to put on the Armour of God, everyday we need to stand or we will fall. God Bless you for your encouraging words, Tsavah2
Certainly, the woes of this life weigh upon us, but they can be lifted through faith in our Lord.
Everyone saved is tempted by the evil. Courage, strength, and perseverance are not just tools to withstand this turbulence.
They are gifts acquired through tribulation. Romans Chapter 5 is always in my heart.

1Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: 2By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. 3And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; 4And patience, experience; and experience, hope: 5And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. 6For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. 7For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die.

These verses are like nourishment, and fill me in ways I cannot explain as the spirit assists me in prayer.
They give me the hope I need to use introspection like a looking glass.
When I do I feel His spirit with me, like it has been magnified.
That beautiful hope of salvation is all I need sometimes.

Sometimes in our own humanity we make things more difficult than they need to be.
Other times, it is our humanity itself that makes life difficult.
During those times is when I find myself most thankful for our Fathers love, in the name of His Son Jesus Christ.

You are always an inspiration to be a better soldier for Christ, Tsavah2. ...and you're welcome :)
I signed on the be poetic today, but was inspired to respond.
Maybe later I will share a write.
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Certainly, the woes of this life weigh upon us, but they can be lifted through faith in our Lord.
Everyone saved is tempted by the evil. Courage, strength, and perseverance are not just tools to withstand this turbulence.
They are gifts acquired through tribulation. Romans Chapter 5 is always in my heart.

1Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: 2By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. 3And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; 4And patience, experience; and experience, hope: 5And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. 6For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. 7For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die.

These verses are like nourishment, and fill me in ways I cannot explain as the spirit assists me in prayer.
They give me the hope I need to use introspection like a looking glass.
When I do I feel His spirit with me, like it has been magnified.
That beautiful hope of salvation is all I need sometimes.

Sometimes in our own humanity we make things more difficult than they need to be.
Other times, it is our humanity itself that makes life difficult.
During those times is when I find myself most thankful for our Fathers love, in the name of His Son Jesus Christ.

You are always an inspiration to be a better soldier for Christ, Tsavah2. ...and you're welcome :)
I signed on the be poetic today, but was inspired to respond.
Maybe later I will share a write.
Thank you for your advice and support. God Bless, Tsavah2
No Rules For Grief

want to stay in bed all day to just cry
it will be ok cause those sheets will wash,
have a headache and your mouth is too dry
and that big pile of tissues needs a squash?

do you smell more awful than a stray dog
wish to linger in your dirt a while,
have no fear there is soap a cure for that
its time to unload your feelings pile,

release them until empty once again
it is the first step to heal these sorrows,
maybe this seems to be somewhat insane
but exhaustion leads to bright tomorrows,

so for now sleep rest and recuperate well
you may feel like you've been robbed by a thief,
good moments are coming after this spell
and there are no rules for this pain or grief~
Guard your heart.

Encourage the best of others.
Believe them out of the pit.
Even when they show their worst.

Eventually the dam will break and
We Will get off the wobbling turntable as needle cleans itself..
And our friends
They see us, pure and sound, and not condemning,
They lend us a hand

When we are blind.
And its only thereafter, when
Were back on track
That we see
We slipped down the slope of doom and its all because we didn’t guard our heart.
Even at 59, my heart is right here on my sleeve.
I express my thoughts and feelings knowing it will get stepped on.
Might I try to guide my steps and guard it more :)
Too often our words are twisted and remolded to become totally opposite to what has been said and unfortunately as a Christian we spend an immense time in damage control, in regards to family and friends who fail to see the original intent of our words. God knows the truth. God Bless Tsavah2
The railroad king. By via Dolarossa. Just now.

I know a guy who
Likes to drive my train
When I’m not looking out of the right window.

Back on track
He takes the wheel
It’s so funny
Coz I don’t half wanna crack him
With my handbag.

But since it all works out better
I just let him off.
I think you’ve grown brother,
Or I am getting tame in my old age!

Last I looked I still find I am following the one who’s follow the one 😂
Every sunrise brings tears to my eyes for all the love that my God brings on the wings of the morning, every breath I take makes me even more thankful for the gift of life given through the blood of Christ my Saviour and King, I sing His Praises even when the storms come, I sing them when in the midst of the darkest valley and will praise Him for evermore for He is always my companion and fellow traveller long the way, and when He calls me home I know that He will never leave me, He will still be right beside me, His hand in mine. 'If God is for me who can be against me.'
  • John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
  • 1 John 4:7 - Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.
  • 1 John 4:19 - We love him, because he first loved us.
  • 1 Peter 4:8 - And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins.

Morning Thoughts

you are in my soul my Lord
as I converse with you in my mind
my best friend and redeemer
from sunrise to sunset

thankful for another day
in charity grace and compassion
praise your holy name
without you I am nothing

my heart is filled with joy
for you first loved me
and I love you Father
in the name of your Son

through Jesus Christ
many have eternal life
and here you are with me
in my morning thoughts
Dear hell.
I’m sorry I can’t make it but I’ve got a date with God.
We hit it off so well
And so good, that it’s time to say goodbye.
I haven’t earned it,
And I certainly don’t deserve it,
But He just removed me from heading your way.
And On His terms I fly.
I’m raised up in His Righteous Arms as A Joyful wonder..
What ever next.?
I don’t mind.
Coz whatever happens
He will equip me to deal with it at the time.
So best be prepared
For the worst just in case,
Whilst at the same time I strive to
Hope for the best.
And Believe myself up there with the rest
An inflated high, all of us
No one needs to join me,
But by all means,
You can come along for the Christmas ride
If you want.
