A Single World Government

I don't select oligarchy. I oppose it very strongly in fact. In fact, I'm often alone in opposing it as most people, especially where I live, support a progressive government. I'm often having to explain my criticisms of both parties which ultimately rule under an oligarchic government.

True you select communism or anarchy. Neither do not work in reality. Good point.

Why do you think I haven't done this? It has lead me to having more of an Austrian school leaning moreso than what we often have, which tends to be Keynesian. With all due respect, the fact that you're telling me to do this is insulting because it seems like you think I haven't even given it much thought. I'm not saying that I'm a martyr, but people tend to get upset with me when I make a defense for civil liberties the way that I do, and it's often because it doesn't align with the standard.

One, I do not see of an open mind about the idea of single world government on the grounds so far you have stated. That profile usually comes from someone that has limited travel experience or none at all. Perhaps I am confusing it with a cynical viewpoint or perhaps a nihilistic view point. Many times these go hand in hand.

As for civil liberties. With no government you have NO liberties. You have the law of the jungle.
God says you have to liberties either. He says he is NO respecter of people. Also says all we deserve is death.

But he allowed mercy through Jesus.

Civil liberties are a social reformation from humanism. Humanism is an advocate of unity.

But I don't hold this position to be different or to simply be a contrarian...it's my devotion to Christ that compels me to be this way.

OK so The King compels you to avoid a single world government. How in scriptural has he done this?
You are speaking from ignorance.
There are a hundred more articles out there just like it.

‘An analysis of the relationships between 43,060 transnational corporations has identified a relatively small group of companies, mainly banks, with disproportionate power over the global economy.’

This multi-level and far-reaching ownership by the globe’s top 147 multi-nationals gives them an iron grip on world power and has created one united entity where competition and separation are mistakenly thought to exist.
Commenting on the overlapping corporate ownership of the ‘super-entity of 147’, the report explains, ‘all of their ownership was held by other members of the super-entity - that controlled 40 per cent of the total wealth’.

You have forgotten the Golden Rule: he with the gold makes the rules

I'm sorry can you point to a credible site like a major newspaper or press site like CNN and the like. Not a small little site that already has "drunk the lool-aid"?
You have any proof that anarchy would do better? Also any verification that ALL the world's ills are solely on the shoulders of government and big business, practically speaking? Practically makes it vague which works when using the broad brush.

Anarchy works as well as any other, without the overhead and taxes.

ALL the world's ills are solely on the shoulders of government you misquote my text

Who cases the vast majority of pollution? Big industry or plot farmers?

Who starts wars? Governments or John Q. Public?

I would think that you would not need to be prompted so for such an obvious situation.
I'm sorry can you point to a credible site like a major newspaper or press site like CNN and the like. Not a small little site that already has "drunk the lool-aid"?

I see that you disregard it because it does not fit your world view.
You frankly don't care whether or not the data is true.

How does the sand taste? Pull your head out once in a while and you'll see better.
All major media outlets are owned by the folks who are the core of the problem.
In the US, six companies own over 90% of the media.
True you select communism or anarchy. Neither do not work in reality. Good point.

One, I do not see of an open mind about the idea of single world government on the grounds so far you have stated. That profile usually comes from someone that has limited travel experience or none at all. Perhaps I am confusing it with a cynical viewpoint or perhaps a nihilistic view point. Many times these go hand in hand.

As for civil liberties. With no government you have NO liberties. You have the law of the jungle.
God says you have to liberties either. He says he is NO respecter of people. Also says all we deserve is death.

But he allowed mercy through Jesus.

Civil liberties are a social reformation from humanism. Humanism is an advocate of unity.

Keep in mind that when I say liberties, I am talking about our rights that stem from our humanity, and our humanity only stems from God. Our right to think, speak, worship or not worship, our labor, etc. Our liberties don't come from government because they don't come from man.

OK so The King compels you to avoid a single world government. How in scriptural has he done this?

Being made in the image of God, we are given free will -- we can choose to do right and follow Him or wrong and reject Him. But force, by definition, is a rejection of free will. I believe in governance within the family unit or within private or voluntary contract (I'm governed by God, for instance, because I voluntarily love Him and follow Him).

If you're looking for an explicit verse that says to avoid a single world order, you won't find it, just as you won't find one that says to support it. We'll come to different conclusions.

But not to get into another discussion, but I also don't subscribe to Sola Scriptura, so that's an underlying issue in itself.
Why do you claim that fear is my motivation? I have not stated anything of the sort. Is fear your motivation?
They enjoy different music, different art, different TV, different food etc. Why do you insist on cramming everyone into the same mold? Why cannot people allow other to live in peace, unpestered by those who demand unity at any cost.

I am not sure where people are being pestered by unifying as one race? If we look at the world wide communication system that we are using; people are coming together in ways they have never done. Even more than the ship, train, plane and phone ever did. We are coming together as a global community. Why would you NOT want to be part of this? If it is not fear they what?

Most could not care less about some useless concept of unity, they want to be able to live in peace as they wish, without some mindless bureaucrat telling them how to go about it.

Again, the net is changing that. They want to come together in peace. We are seeing the birth of a Type I civilisation. Will you be in or out? Your choice.

You are also completely glossing over those who refuse to live in peace, i.e. Islam. There can be no unity amongst those who, due to the religious belief, feel the need to conquer the world on their god's behalf.

Well if it was not for humanism coming around and changing western government models that enforce individual liberties; Christians would be at war too. Killing each other, Jews, Muslims, Gays and all manner of sorts of people that don't fit conveniently into their particular schism.

So really what is stopping unity and a single world government?

People that refuse to change. Change is scary for most. That's why there are still so many with old wine in them.
Keep in mind that when I say liberties, I am talking about our rights that stem from our humanity, and our humanity only stems from God. Our right to think, speak, worship or not worship, our labor, etc. Our liberties don't come from government because they don't come from man.

God's only right to humans is death. You have the right to die because you deserve it.

He gives grace. Which is a gift, not a right.

So your individual rights come from man, not God.

Being made in the image of God, we are given free will -- we can choose to do right and follow Him or wrong and reject Him. But force, by definition, is a rejection of free will. I believe in governance within the family unit or within private or voluntary contract (I'm governed by God, for instance, because I voluntarily love Him and follow Him).

If you're looking for an explicit verse that says to avoid a single world order, you won't find it, just as you won't find one that says to support it. We'll come to different conclusions.

But not to get into another discussion, but I also don't subscribe to Sola Scriptura, so that's an underlying issue in itself.

There will be a single world government, it is part of how The Beast comes to power. This is prophecy. It will be.

So why are you against it when The King said it is his will?
And which of these nations inspired you to come up with the ideology that you have expressed?

All of them have. After meeting thousands of people, hearing and seeing they are JUST like me. I realised that we are all one people. We may look different, but we are all born, live and die. There is no difference in us really. We construct differences in our heads due to a tribal mindset that we no longer need.
I am not sure where people are being pestered by unifying as one race? If we look at the world wide communication system that we are using; people are coming together in ways they have never done. Even more than the ship, train, plane and phone ever did. We are coming together as a global community. Why would you NOT want to be part of this? If it is not fear they what?.

You are missing the point ENTIRELY. What happened to the right to be "left alone"?
We can have all the sing-a-long Kumbayah drivel without having any change in government structure.

Again, the net is changing that. They want to come together in peace. We are seeing the birth of a Type I civilisation. Will you be in or out? Your choice.

Herein lies the rub. There is no "choice". It is join or die, it always is. Those who won't play the game get run over.
If you think otherwise you need to put down the crack pipe and start paying attention.

You mentioned " Type I civilisation", I see you have been doing crack, that's some pretty silly futurism you've bought into.
Only works if you completely disregard human nature. Not buying it.

Well if it was not for humanism coming around and changing western government models that enforce individual liberties; Christians would be at war too. Killing each other, Jews, Muslims, Gays and all manner of sorts of people that don't fit conveniently into their particular schism.

That happens to be a blatant lie, sad you don't grasp that.

Humanism is a poor attempt to place one's hopes upon the only completely unreliable being in existance -> mankind.

So really what is stopping unity and a single world government?

People that refuse to change. Change is scary for most. That's why there are still so many with old wine in them.

Again with "fear", that really must be an issue for you. What is it you fear so?

You still have not answered the most basic question "Why would it be a good thing to have in the first place?"
I see no advantage, and a host of disadvantages.
God's only right to humans is death. You have the right to die because you deserve it.

He gives grace. Which is a gift, not a right.

So your individual rights come from man, not God.

I beg your pardon, but our right to respond to God comes from God, and likewise, He has given man the right to accept Him or reject Him. We are not forced into it. That's the beauty of what God is.

There will be a single world government, it is part of how The Beast comes to power. This is prophecy. It will be.

So why are you against it when The King said it is his will?

He doesn't will it, but He recognizes what will happen. Just as He doesn't will for some to reject Him -- He will all to come to Him, but He knows not all will choose Him.

Just because we know something will indeed come to fruition doesn't mean we ought to support it. I know I will sin, but I don't want to support that. It would be better to deny myself altogether, to quote C.S. Lewis.
All of them have. After meeting thousands of people, hearing and seeing they are JUST like me. I realised that we are all one people. We may look different, but we are all born, live and die. There is no difference in us really. We construct differences in our heads due to a tribal mindset that we no longer need.

I've been around the world myself and although people are the same in many ways the cultures are very different.

I actually like the fact that there are different cultures and would hate to have one blanket government blurring the different cultures into one.

I agree with you about stopping wars and corruption but one world government just puts all the eggs in one basket and make things more vulnerable. It won't wake long before a psychopath comes along and uses the power of a unitized government to implement a plan of tyranny.
So your individual rights come from man, not God.

I saw that one and could not leave it alone.
My natural rights come from the fact that I exist, my liberties are based on those rights.

Just as a rabbit may run where he pleases, eat what he finds, build a hole, defend himself as best he can, sire children as he is able, so I too, by being within the natural realm (created by God) have certain inherent rights just by being here.
No man has given them to me, nor government. They may try to limit or usurp them, but I will always have them.
I have to right to be at peace, to have a living space, to grow or acquire food, to move about as I see fit, to associate with whomever I wish (or not associate with those I despise), and the right to defend myself against those who would harm me or mine.
I'm afraid I have to agree with Glomung, Dave Lucas.

I mean no disrespect, but at least speaking from myself, I'm not basing my perspective on a lack of travels or comfort (especially since I'm not comfortable with the government we already have). I have to base them on Christian morality, history, whether it be common knowledge or fringe, and what we see currently happening.

Not all Christians will agree on political ideologies, and as best I can, I try to stay away from making my political views an agenda. Overall, I want to be a saint. I want Christ to look at me when I come home and for Him to say "Well done, good and faithful servant."

That said, while I can tell you have a heart for people, we ought not use emotion to strictly rule over what could overlap into imprudence. Prudence as well as compassion ought to be what we should strive toward.
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