The Poor in Spirit

I wondered what Jesus was really on about when he was on that mount.
I kept thinking...
“ well it’s no good saying that to me coz I ain’t even saved yet”

so it’s like what the spiritual teachers mean when they say
“ your already enlightened you just don’t know it yet!”

that used to really annoy me but I eventually realised it’s a good thing, as it inspires hope faith and revrevelation y
Yes it's encouraging
Mattew 5:3 NKJV
"Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
I want to study the beatitudes in depth. I'm stuck already. I have always thought this verse meant the poor in Spirit meant the humble people.
Some people say it means the weak in faith. I still believe it means the humble.
But what do you believe it to be?
I believe it means the is your study going?
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I think it means 'poor' as in not rich.
'in spirit' means that they won't be blessed materially of course, but blessed 'in spirit'.
The meaning is probably clearer in the orginal greek, the english translation is a bit out of order.
I don't think it literally means 'weak in faith' but its tempting to think it encompasses that idea although that kinda contradicts with the rest of scripture that says without faith it is impossible to please God. Though then again you only need faith the size of a mustard its not like you need a huge amount.
Jesus didn't say blessed are the doubters. Or blessed are the rich did he?
🙄The english is not out of order..this is why we have the interpret for us..the word is written to confound the wise in this world..your explanation about the poor I agree with because thats how the spirit eventually revealed it to me..i didnt look at greek or hebrew🤗
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I wondered what Jesus was really on about when he was on that mount.
I kept thinking...
“ well it’s no good saying that to me coz I ain’t even saved yet”

so it’s like what the spiritual teachers mean when they say
“ your already enlightened you just don’t know it yet!”

that used to really annoy me but I eventually realised it’s a good thing, as it inspires hope faith and revelation.

Via.......when we are saved, all we know is that we accepted the Bible fact that Jesus is the Christ and we are sinners. We then ask Him to be the payment for us at the Judgment. That is ALL WE KNOW!

Everything else comes to us by reading the Word of God or listening to a Bible teacher and a Pastor who informs us of WHY we are what we are.

Remember also that there absolutely NO mention of the death, and resurrection of Christ in this Sermon from Jesus. The gospel is not found in the Sermon on the Mount and that is why a lot of people claim it as their religion.

The fact that there is NO mention of the gospel tells us that it is a tragedy to teach to unsaved people before they are born again as a standard of conduct and tell him is he tries to measure up to the Sermon on the Mount.......he is a Christian!
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How about this, which is based upon the accepted rules for interpretation across a broad spectrum of biblical apologists. The culture He was addressing has much to do with an understanding of what He was saying to those people. When shifting the focus over to us today, it may be said that we have a different set of prideful beliefs about ourselves, and maybe, just maybe, some of these items in the Beatitudes can be applied to us today.

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🙄The english is not out of order..this is why we have the interpret for us..the word is written to confound the wise in this world..your explanation about the poor I agree with because thats how the spirit eventually revealed it to me..i didnt look at greek or hebrew🤗
I mean it could have been translated 'blessed are the spiritually poor' and that would have been slightly different meaning but thats what some people think it means when they claim it could also mean 'weak in faith'.

I suppose if you are already (spiritually) rich, then you don't need to be blessed. You are already blessed...?! But then note that Jesus did not say blessed are the rich in spirit, which would actually make sense from most peoples point of view! eg some translations say 'happy' instead of 'blessed'.

To anyone reading this they might have assumed that rich people are always happy. But Jesus is saying the opposite! Also note the translations says 'blessed are the..' not 'these people are GOING to be blessed'.
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I mean it could have been translated 'blessed are the spiritually poor' and that would have been slightly different meaning but thats what some people think it means when they claim it could also mean 'weak in faith'.

I suppose if you are already (spiritually) rich, then you don't need to be blessed. You are already blessed...?! But then note that Jesus did not say blessed are the rich in spirit, which would actually make sense from most peoples point of view! eg some translations say 'happy' instead of 'blessed'.

To anyone reading this they might have assumed that rich people are always happy. But Jesus is saying the opposite! Also note the translations says 'blessed are the..' not 'these people are GOING

I mean it could have been translated 'blessed are the spiritually poor' and that would have been slightly different meaning but thats what some people think it means when they claim it could also mean 'weak in faith'.

I suppose if you are already (spiritually) rich, then you don't need to be blessed. You are already blessed...?! But then note that Jesus did not say blessed are the rich in spirit, which would actually make sense from most peoples point of view! eg some translations say 'happy' instead of 'blessed'.

To anyone reading this they might have assumed that rich people are always happy. But Jesus is saying the opposite! Also note the translations says 'blessed are the..' not 'these people are GOING to be blessed'.
Ok..i think you missed my point🤔and im not sure i get yours right now😅.I dont agree with changing the words of the bible..I interpret as its written because I believe the translators were inspired.they had to be right?If not can we really call our bibles the word of God?
Poor - from the Greek in that Matthew 5 verse, based upon its grammatical construct, is said to mean (According to Thayer's Greek Lexicon):

"to be thoroughly frightened, to cower down or hide oneself for fear; hence, πτωχός properly, one who slinks and crouches), often involving the idea of roving about in wretchedness (see πένης, at the end; "but it always had a bad sense till it was ennobled in the Gospels; see Matthew 5:3" spirit - from the Greek in that Matthew 5 verse, based upon its grammatical construct, is said to mean (According to Thayer's Greek Lexicon):

" the rational part of man, the power of perceiving and grasping divine and eternal things, and upon which the Spirit of God exerts its influence;"

The video I provided above is only three minutes, and sheds some light on this that I think is relevant.

Ok..i think you missed my point🤔and im not sure i get yours right now😅.I dont agree with changing the words of the bible..I interpret as its written because I believe the translators were inspired.they had to be right?If not can we really call our bibles the word of God?

AGreed. God said what He wanted to say!
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Ok..i think you missed my point🤔and im not sure i get yours right now😅.I dont agree with changing the words of the bible..I interpret as its written because I believe the translators were inspired.they had to be right?If not can we really call our bibles the word of God?
haha often we are just offering different views. Doesn't mean we will aways 'get' them.
Well, some translations do change the words, I am sure one translation made everything that was 'blessed' into 'happy'.

This is why I prefer to just read one translation. KJV for me. Poor is opposite of rich in my dictionary anyway. It doesn't always mean humble. Humble is opposite of proud.
🙄The english is not out of order..this is why we have the interpret for us..the word is written to confound the wise in this world..your explanation about the poor I agree with because thats how the spirit eventually revealed it to me..i didnt look at greek or hebrew🤗

haha often we are just offering different views. Doesn't mean we will aways 'get' them.
Well, some translations do change the words, I am sure one translation made everything that was 'blessed' into 'happy'.

This is why I prefer to just read one translation. KJV for me. Poor is opposite of rich in my dictionary anyway. It doesn't always mean humble. Humble is opposite of proud.

It's a fact students of the Bible excel with the translation they prefer or led to study.

When asked what's the big deal with the Hebrew text? Well, nearly all the OT was written in Hebrew. What's the big deal with the Greek text? Well, most of the NT was written in Greek.

What's the big deal with American text? Well, most Americans will respond with, you say it your way and I'll say it my way. lol!

cross reference from English to the original Hebrew or Greek widens our understanding of the Scripture.
haha often we are just offering different views. Doesn't mean we will aways 'get' them.
Well, some translations do change the words, I am sure one translation made everything that was 'blessed' into 'happy'.

This is why I prefer to just read one translation. KJV for me. Poor is opposite of rich in my dictionary anyway. It doesn't always mean humble. Humble is opposite of proud.
Yeah so true about the translators..I read only one translation aswell(KJV) I believe its the only version that is inspired..I believe that history proves that it is inspired and that Gods hand was over it..I believe the fact that God chose a king to decree the translation is evidence of Gods hand and that because in the bible there are stories of God choosing pagan kings to do his work.God foreseeing that Greek would die out as a world language(which is why the new testament is originally written in greek because it was the world language)and that English would be the new world language and that there would be many English translations in time to come,chose his translation(kjv) beforehand by a king as a sign.
It's a fact students of the Bible excel with the translation they prefer or led to study.

When asked what's the big deal with the Hebrew text? Well, nearly all the OT was written in Hebrew. What's the big deal with the Greek text? Well, most of the NT was written in Greek.

What's the big deal with American text? Well, most Americans will respond with, you say it your way and I'll say it my way. lol!

cross reference from English to the original Hebrew or Greek widens our understanding of the Scripture.
The Spirit of God widens our understanding of scripture..only he can show us the deep things of God...if you think about it,when we cross reference the Greek and Hebrew we are simply looking at what a translator has interpreted that particular word to the end its just another translation.🤔
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Yeah so true about the translators..I read only one translation aswell(KJV) I believe its the only version that is inspired..I believe that history proves that it is inspired and that Gods hand was over it..I believe the fact that God chose a king to decree the translation is evidence of Gods hand and that because in the bible there are stories of God choosing pagan kings to do his work.God foreseeing that Greek would die out as a world language(which is why the new testament is originally written in greek because it was the world language)and that English would be the new world language and that there would be many English translations in time to come,chose his translation(kjv) beforehand by a king as a sign.

Although it's laborious to read the introduction to the KJV, they said some things that are worthy to note. In the section they titled “The translators to the reader,” they stated in relation to the Hebrew and Greek, “The original thereof being from heaven, not from earth; the author being God, not man; the inditer [writer], the Holy Spirit, not the wit of the Apostles or Prophets.” Further along they state that all truth must be determined from the original Greek and Hebrew manuscripts. This gives ample reason to believe that they thought the authority and verifiability of all Scripture is found in those original languages, which is actually 6000+ manuscripts from which the KJV was translated.

They also considered the earlier translations to also be the inspired translations of the word of God:

Wycliffe English Bible - 1382
Tyndale Bible - 1525
Coverdale - 1535
Rogers Bible - 1537
Great Bible -1539
Geneva - 1560
Bishops - 1568

What they said about those earlier translations is, “Do we condemn the ancient? We are so far from condemning any of their labors that translated before us either in this land or beyond the sea. We acknowledge them to have been raised up of God for the building and furnishing of His church.” They reiterated that the other translations were also inspired by God, “Nay, we affirm and avow that the meanest (worst) translation of the Bible in English is the Word of God.”

The KJV translators didn't see their effort as one where they were establishing a superior translation to all others. “Who would have ever thought that was a fault? To amend it where he saw cause?” Further along they stated, “That is our business. The difference that appears between our translation and our often correcting of them is the thing that we are especially charged with.” In other words, they saw their task to be only a part of many efforts to update the language of the other translations in the KJV, not that anyone was demanding that God’s Word is outdated, but because the English language, like all others across this earth, changes with time. Therein is the reasoning behind the formation of the 1611 edition, which led to the 1613 edition, and then to another in 1629.

“Truly, good Christian reader, we never thought from the beginning that we should need to make a new translation, or yet to make a bad one a good one, but to make good ones better or out of many good ones, one principal good one.” They were humble men whom I admire.

I mostly use the KJV as well, and sometimes the NKJV from the John MacArthur study Bible. However, every translation goes by the wayside when one asks of the Giver and Inspirer of the Greek and Hebrew manuscripts from which all translations originated. We are promised that Holy Spirit will give to us ALL truth, and will not lie to us, (1 John 2:27) Who gives to us what is utterly infallible, which no translation or language can give to our understanding.

Folks, as a caveat to my Post #34, I also will say that those great men who were the translators for the KJV did not know what was to come far beyond their lifetimes, with transliterations that promote Eastern Mysticism, such as The Mirror Bible, with all its resident horrors and corruptions. The KJV translators were men who greatly desired purity in translation, improving only in the sense of common language and word usage of their modern time.

Folks, as a caveat to my Post #34, I also will say that those great men who were the translators for the KJV did not know what was to come far beyond their lifetimes, with transliterations that promote Eastern Mysticism, such as The Mirror Bible, with all its resident horrors and corruptions. The KJV translators were men who greatly desired purity in translation, improving only in the sense of common language and word usage of their mo dern
Everyday people are are inspired by the Holy Spirit to say or do things without them actually knowing it..whether the translator knew or didnt know where their thoughts came from or why they chose a certain word over another is beside the point.
Everyday people are are inspired by the Holy Spirit to say or do things without them actually knowing it..whether the translator knew or didnt know where their thoughts came from or why they chose a certain word over another is beside the point.

I love it that the Lord does as He so pleases, using whomsoever He so chooses for His purposes.

How He does it all, we can only marvel.

When He does it, we only wait upon Him in total reliance.

Where He does it, we wait upon Him to get us there according to His Will.

Why He does it...that's where we must seek Him for His Thoughts and His Ways, even though they are above ours as the heavens are above the earth.

How magnificent are His Ways, and that is what we rely upon for Him to open up for His body the means to serve Him on this earth.

Inspiration...yes. When it comes to His word to us, He does indeed direct all things by the Power of His Might.

Glory to the Lord for all that He does.

It's a fact students of the Bible excel with the translation they prefer or led to study.

When asked what's the big deal with the Hebrew text? Well, nearly all the OT was written in Hebrew. What's the big deal with the Greek text? Well, most of the NT was written in Greek.

What's the big deal with American text? Well, most Americans will respond with, you say it your way and I'll say it my way. lol!

cross reference from English to the original Hebrew or Greek widens our understanding of the Scripture.

The Spirit of God widens our understanding of scripture..only he can show us the deep things of God...if you think about it,when we cross reference the Greek and Hebrew we are simply looking at what a translator has interpreted that particular word to the end its just another translation.🤔
I love it that the Lord does as He so pleases, using whomsoever He so chooses for His purposes.

How He does it all, we can only marvel.

When He does it, we only wait upon Him in total reliance.

Where He does it, we wait upon Him to get us there according to His Will.

Why He does it...that's where we must seek Him for His Thoughts and His Ways, even though they are above ours as the heavens are above the earth.

How magnificent are His Ways, and that is what we rely upon for Him to open up for His body the means to serve Him on this earth.

Inspiration...yes. When it comes to His word to us, He does indeed direct all things by the Power of His Might.

Glory to the Lord for all that He does.


Yes, RDJ;

"The Spirit of God who widens"
is a fundamental Biblical principle taken seriously by every disciple student of the Word. When we cross reference the Greek and Hebrew, is not what "a translator" has interpreted, but again what God reveals.

Hello, Musicmaster;

Well said!
I love how you articulate how God's Hand is in everything, as He reveals His glory including our study of the Word as also being in the mix.

God bless you, brothers and your families.
Yes, RDJ;

"The Spirit of God who widens"
is a fundamental Biblical principle taken seriously by every disciple student of the Word. When we cross reference the Greek and Hebrew, is not what "a translator" has interpreted, but again what God reveals.

Hello, Musicmaster;

Well said!
I love how you articulate how God's Hand is in everything, as He reveals His glory including our study of the Word as also being in the mix.

God bless you, brothers and your families.

Thanks, Bob, and the glory is the Lord's. Amen.

I seek to do more than mere words. I want to share the Gospel effectively, and to help build others up in their stature in Christ Jesus. Many times I've wished I could open my chest so others could see the raging storm of my passion within me for serving Christ and others, but we're in a cold, hard world that sees itself as loving, tolerant and compassionate. I realize there's nothing new about that. The world has always hated Christ, but that doesn't make it any easier to face it.

I pray the Lord to give us boldness to plod forward in this valley of death, hatred and sin, working with our all to bear good fruit that is pleasing to Him. It hurts so bad when thinking about the suffering of those in the Church where they are persecuted so badly, but in suffering and weakness is His power made perfect, as it is written. Nothing will ever change that.