By His stripes we are healed

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2. If it wasn't a metaphor for size why mention the mustard seed and not merely the tree? A tiny seed becomes a big tree. Tiny faith achieves a lot / becomes much more.

A Christian is not capable of unbelief.

2. I believe that the metaphor of the mustard seed, while it is very small and Jesus made mention of it, is truly about the great potential that comes from it.

As for a Christian's capability for unbelief---sadly, there are countless Christians everywhere who lack belief in some area or another.
How would moving back in time help me Jim? I would still have the same information because time does not alter the truth of God's Word.

My typing may not reveal my age but you should see me in a mirror.
I have no clue how that would help you but it seemed to fit as you said lived through 8 decades. It reminded me of living through so many places. Well it mades sense in a funny way when i wrote
1. I agree with this. But again, how you believe this and then as you do with healing baffles me. Renewing our mind to the mind of Christ is becoming more heavenly minded. We are less mindful of material possessions and the flesh's constant drama. We enter a peace that surpasses all understanding. Where no matter what is happening, we know and trust that our lives are in God's hands. We cannot think we live for ourselves. Claiming prosperity for ourselves and to a degree healing is selfish / complete opposite to submission to God.

2. In my humble opinion you are not talking about renewing our minds. You are referring to self induced brainwashing / positive confession. We don't fight the devils thoughts of sickness, we fight sin. Yes, sin can cause sickness. No, sin and the devil are not to blame for all illness.

Then perhaps go back and re-read what was said.That might clear it up for you.
And I agree completely with you. If there is a question between what I say and what the Bible says, allways go with the Bible!!!!!

Jim, I encourage you to dig deeper and then be satisfied with what the Word tells you.

I only offer another thought on what the same thing says to me and that does not make me right either.

The more I dig into this and using different translations and with prayer always, I have come to a new understanding. It's not who is right here but rather we all have a portion of what is correct here. What I mean is for those who claim it is a spiritual healing then amen I agree and to those who say it is a physicial healing I say aman and I agree.

From what i saw today it seems to me that this covers EVERY single type of healing a child of God could ever need. From A to Z or from being set free from death unto life to having a toe one just broke simply be healed. This may sound odd to some but the more I chew on this the more it seems clear that this Healing that He bore for us begins with redeemed from the curse of death and goes on through healing of the mind will and emotions (soul) and unto sickness and disease and so forth.

For me it makes perfect sense and I am still open unto the Lord to change my view always.
Thanks again for the encourement and have a wonderful day !
1. I don't agree. The reason things went bad for Job are crystal clear Job 1:6-9
6 When the day came for the heavenly beings to appear before the Lord, Satan was there among them. 7 The Lord asked him, “What have you been doing?” Satan answered, “I have been walking here and there, roaming around the earth.” 8 “Did you notice my servant Job?” the Lord asked. “There is no one on earth as faithful and good as he is. He worships me and is careful not to do anything evil.” 9 Satan replied, “Would Job worship you if he got nothing out of it? 10 You have always protected him and his family and everything he owns. You bless everything he does, and you have given him enough cattle to fill the whole country. 11 But now suppose you take away everything he has—he will curse you to your face!”

2. If you are referring to the promise to look after us / God is good Matt 6:26, Psalm 136:1, I agree. But if you are referring to specific promises like healing and what not, I disagree. We know God is God. He can do anything. The idea of a son needing to know and hold onto His promises for specifics is ridiculous. Playing Christianity VS being a Christian.

3. I agree and no need to say sorry for long post. I appreciate the effort from you :love:. What confuses me though is that you believe that way and then hold to the need to hold to the promise of healing. It makes no sense.

Hi KJ,
What you quote from Job is incomplete and one can not simply stop there and use those scriptures as to say here is why job had his problems or was attacked by satan. This simply is not the reason.
1. Do you treat your kids like that?
2. As pointed out already, this has nothing to do with bodily healing.
3. Ie, become a son.
4. Agreed. Hence we don't have to be anything except for a son of Father God.
5. If God expects of us what you and others propose, then He is petty and lame. God is not petty and lame.
As I said, it's all about protocol. If you don't understand it, it won't work. Sorry I couldn't explain it better. Blessings (y)
The more I dig into this and using different translations and with prayer always, I have come to a new understanding. It's not who is right here but rather we all have a portion of what is correct here. What I mean is for those who claim it is a spiritual healing then amen I agree and to those who say it is a physicial healing I say aman and I agree.

From what i saw today it seems to me that this covers EVERY single type of healing a child of God could ever need. From A to Z or from being set free from death unto life to having a toe one just broke simply be healed. This may sound odd to some but the more I chew on this the more it seems clear that this Healing that He bore for us begins with redeemed from the curse of death and goes on through healing of the mind will and emotions (soul) and unto sickness and disease and so forth.

For me it makes perfect sense and I am still open unto the Lord to change my view always.
Thanks again for the encourement and have a wonderful day !

Jim, if that is the case, can you explain to me why Christians are sick and dyeing and have died????

If what you are saying is correct then no Christian should be sick or have anything physically wrong with them. So we should not die with any disease and we should live to our full potential. If you are not receiving your healing you are missing out on appropriating you divine right in the kingdom. What you are saying by physical healing being in the atonement is that our body is redeemed just as our spirit is. It is not Gods will for any to be sick. That the only logical solution if one follows that to it end.

Then why are there so many faith healers sick,, and have died and many have died of cancer. ????
Jim, if that is the case, can you explain to me why Christians are sick and dyeing and have died????

If what you are saying is correct then no Christian should be sick or have anything physically wrong with them. So we should not die with any disease and we should live to our full potential. If you are not receiving your healing you are missing out on appropriating you divine right in the kingdom. What you are saying by physical healing being in the atonement is that our body is redeemed just as our spirit is. It is not Gods will for any to be sick. That the only logical solution if one follows that to it end.

Then why are there so many faith healers sick,, and have died and many have died of cancer. ????

Major why do so many of His people perish of lack of knowledge ? Why do so many believers allow strife and anger into thier lives when Jesus left us His peace and not the peace like the worlds peace ?

See where I am going with this Major ?
1. I agree with this. But again, how you believe this and then as you do with healing baffles me. Renewing our mind to the mind of Christ is becoming more heavenly minded. We are less mindful of material possessions and the flesh's constant drama. We enter a peace that surpasses all understanding. Where no matter what is happening, we know and trust that our lives are in God's hands. We cannot think we live for ourselves. Claiming prosperity for ourselves and to a degree healing is selfish / complete opposite to submission to God.

2. In my humble opinion you are not talking about renewing our minds. You are referring to self induced brainwashing / positive confession. We don't fight the devils thoughts of sickness, we fight sin. Yes, sin can cause sickness. No, sin and the devil are not to blame for all illness.

See that is where you misunderstand me. I am not claiming prosperity or healing for myself. Prosperity is to be able to make sure that we are able to give to others who are in need or for furthering the work of the gospel. 2 Corinthians 9:7-15.

Something to remember is that God's way of doing things is through the spoken word. And in Matthew 12:34b-37 says that whatever is in our hearts determins what we say, and that by your words you will be justified or condemned. And in Romans 10:17 faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.

Everything is not set in stone, if it were, then there would be no "if" words in the Bible. God places certain things in our control. Even the angels get the wisdom of God from the church Ephesians 3:10-11.

So i would have to say that, you can choose to believe your way, and do things your way. You have that right. And be blessed entirely! I am not here to judge you or force you to believe what i do, i just shared my beliefs in answer to your questions. If you did not desire to hear others should not have asked, because if your heart and mind are already set in its will only hear what you want to hear.
Blessings my friend! I pray that you and your family shall always be prosperous and in good health!
Wow...slogging thru 13 pages and I like to avoid threads on healing because there are always 2 sides in that battle. I have had fibromyalgia since 2001 and thus I am in pain 24/7 (well when I'm sleeping, i don't usually feel pain - it's full throttle when I wake again). And you who espouse that it is my lack of faith that causes and continues it, at one point in my walk would have been offensive to me. If you are right, it would cause me to question my faith and is that a good thing? I'm thankful to God that it wasn't worse - Alzsheimers comes to mind. I have some agreement with things that have been said on both sides. God does heal, even today - but it is God alone, not because I lay my hands on you. I expect to be made whole and perfect but I don't expect it while the world is the way it is. It's a burden that I survive only because of my faith in God, not because I lack it. Don't mix salvation with physical healing.
Wow...slogging thru 13 pages and I like to avoid threads on healing because there are always 2 sides in that battle. I have had fibromyalgia since 2001 and thus I am in pain 24/7 (well when I'm sleeping, i don't usually feel pain - it's full throttle when I wake again). And you who espouse that it is my lack of faith that causes and continues it, at one point in my walk would have been offensive to me. If you are right, it would cause me to question my faith and is that a good thing? I'm thankful to God that it wasn't worse - Alzsheimers comes to mind. I have some agreement with things that have been said on both sides. God does heal, even today - but it is God alone, not because I lay my hands on you. I expect to be made whole and perfect but I don't expect it while the world is the way it is. It's a burden that I survive only because of my faith in God, not because I lack it. Don't mix salvation with physical healing.
I am actually with you on this one. I just simply cannot believe that Christian believers who are sick in any way of form are such necessarily due to some sin in their lives. Although it is possible, I just do not see it always the case.
I can also see the threat that would have to a person regarding his/her salvation and faith, thus we question begs, will God who loves His children dearly allow us to go through that - not so sure of it.
I can also apply my own case, I was diagnosed with Asthma at the age of three months. So what did I do wrong at the sinful age of three months? I still live with that same illness today, and I know how sensitive I can be to lung issues such as bronchitis.
I do believe that I walk in the way of my Lord, I may not yet be perfect, but I hate sinfulness in any way.
So here is the problem - last year after we moved to the coast, I got really ill, I had massive lung issues - if you ask my wife, she would say that for a couple of days she feared for my life, although I never did. Doctors and specialists even reported that a part of my right lung died as evidenced by scans. At some point I told them, this is enough, and withdrawn from their care. Even as I walk today, they cannot believe that I am living a normal life and do not have continual lung issues. So how is this possible? Are any one here convinced that I experienced this as a result of sin? My wife did pray for me, continually. One of our church leaders even laid hands on me with prayer, but did not use the controversial "by His stripes" words, just a sincere plea to an almighty God. Never did He or anyone tell me "you have unrepentant sin". So what now?
How could I have gone from partially dead right lung to normal living until today.
God heals! Does our wording matter that much? Who knows. I believe He knew that I needed healing even before all the prayers reached Him - Jesus said so.
In light of that, should we make too much fuss and get in close on fist fights about a topic - No.
Maybe read Matthew 6 as I think the principles of any prayer lies therein.
You said................
"All sickness is the results of a spiritual condition.

"Then why do we see so many infants dieing with cancer these days??

What sin could a two year old be guility of?????

Now, if that childs parents were sitting across from you looking YOU in the eye and asking you for encouragement and that what you would tell them????????
Brother, why is there death in this world? It is because of sin!!!! If there was no sin there would be no death nor would there be any sickness!!!
You said................
"All sickness is the results of a spiritual condition.

"Then why do we see so many infants dieing with cancer these days??

What sin could a two year old be guility of?????

Now, if that childs parents were sitting across from you looking YOU in the eye and asking you for encouragement and that what you would tell them????????
What did Jesus say to the parents of the man born blind?

Joh 9:1 As he passed by, he saw a man blind from birth.
Joh 9:2 And his disciples asked him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?"
Joh 9:3 Jesus answered, "It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him.

If this man did not sin or his parents, then why was he born blind?
It was not the sin of his parents or his own sin, it was because there is sin in the world!!! He was "born" blind. This man as a infant did not do any sin to cause this to be his lot in life. It was because there is sin in this world that he was born blind. Why are infants dying of cancer? Because of sin in this world!!! Even if a infant NEVER sins in it's entire life, it will still die because of sin in this world. Every body is born with the sin nature, and in death at birth, even if God is not holding it against them.
Sin is the transgression of the law, even though there was no law given between the time of Adam to Moses, and even though God was not holding sin against man, death still reined from Adam to Moses.

Rom 5:12 Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned—
Rom 5:13 for sin indeed was in the world before the law was given, but sin is not counted where there is no law.
Rom 5:14 Yet death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those whose sinning was not like the transgression of Adam, who was a type of the one who was to come.
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No one disagrees that sin is in the world. What is being denied is that when it rains, both the good and wicked get wet. That I may be wet does not state that my specific error caused the rain. Or that I sinned. Your faith is your salvation. Job is a much discussed subject when physical healing is bandied about. At the beginning of the story, God says that Job is a model of what a person of faith should be. Job was tested and kept his faith and he was rewarded when his testing was done. And God goes to great lengths to explain to Job where his weaknesses were during this testing. Why? Neither Job, nor you or I know all or most of the details of His Plan for us. The one thing God doesn't do is try to take Job's faith away from him. But Job's friends all seem to think Job screwed up somewhere to have this visited on him. Most of God's "favorites" in the scriptures suffered. Maybe not all from physical illness but they suffered terribly. I will say it again, stop mixing faith & physical healing. It's not a matter of "I don't need to diet because I am fat with the HS" kinda thing.
No one disagrees that sin is in the world. What is being denied is that when it rains, both the good and wicked get wet. That I may be wet does not state that my specific error caused the rain. Or that I sinned. Your faith is your salvation. Job is a much discussed subject when physical healing is bandied about. At the beginning of the story, God says that Job is a model of what a person of faith should be. Job was tested and kept his faith and he was rewarded when his testing was done. And God goes to great lengths to explain to Job where his weaknesses were during this testing. Why? Neither Job, nor you or I know all or most of the details of His Plan for us. The one thing God doesn't do is try to take Job's faith away from him. But Job's friends all seem to think Job screwed up somewhere to have this visited on him. Most of God's "favorites" in the scriptures suffered. Maybe not all from physical illness but they suffered terribly. I will say it again, stop mixing faith & physical healing. It's not a matter of "I don't need to diet because I am fat with the HS" kinda thing.

Sister, I am not "mixing" faith and physical healing together. I am "mixing" sin and sickness together. Sin and sickness go hand in hand. This is what Jesus taught, these are not my ideas, which is why Jesus said, "what is easier to say your sins are forgiven or rise up and walk"
Brother, when you say a Christian is sick/ill/suffering because the Christian sinned - you are mixing faith and physical healing. When you say that I am suffering because I have not asked God for release or that my faith is lacking in His Word - you are combining physical healing with my salvation/faith.
Brother, when you say a Christian is sick/ill/suffering because the Christian sinned - you are mixing faith and physical healing. When you say that I am suffering because I have not asked God for release or that my faith is lacking in His Word - you are combining physical healing with my salvation/faith.
You can be saved and die of a sickness. The faith required for salvation is not the same faith used for healing, they come from separate scriptures. You tell me why sickness is in this world, and why people get it, and how to get healing.
You can be saved and die of a sickness. The faith required for salvation is not the same faith used for healing, they come from separate scriptures. You tell me why sickness is in this world, and why people get it, and how to get healing.

Read what you have typed? I have faith in ALL scripture. Healing is at God's Will, not whether we are "good" or "bad" Christians. All who have accepted Christ as the way, the truth, and the life, are given a measure of faith. Faith grows out of that bedrock as we "understand" more as we go on our walk. We all have sinned and been born to the flesh of original sin. Why does one Christian get healed and another not, when both have sinned? I don't know. After 13+ years of continual pain, I have some speculations as to my own case and should it be gone tomorrow - I will remember. Sometimes an ailment comes to prevent any temptations to further sin. As for don't have separate faiths for separate scripture. My POV covers all scripture. And harms no one else's faith.
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