Rebuking Satan?

That's all fine and dandy, but you might want to check on your personal holiness before facing down the Devil.
Try handling an actual scorpion and see how that works out for you. If that goes well then you may be ready to back talk Satan.
I find that with most folks, their perceived virtue far outshines their actual virtue.

Appalachian Church graveyards are chock full of dead holiness preachers who handled serpents and forgot to stock antivenin.
In the Garden of Eden, Satan was disguised as a what? Serpent!!! Evil spirits are referred to as scorpions, and serpents.
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In the Garden of Eden, Satan was disguised as a what? Serpent!!! Evil spirits are referred to as scorpions, and serpents.

No they are not.

But for the figurative language of verses 14 and 15 no one would have thought of referring the third chapter of Genesis to a snake; no more than he does when reading the third chapter from the end of Revelation (chapter 20:2). Indeed, the explanation added there, that the "old serpent" is the Devil and Satan, would immediately lead one to connect the word "old" with the earlier and former mention of the serpent in Genesis 3: and the fact that it was Satan himself who tempted "the second man", "the last Adam", would force the conclusion that no other than the personal Satan could have been the tempter of "the first man, Adam".
The Hebrew word rendered "serpent" in Genesis 3:1 is Nachash (from the root Nachash, to shine, and means a shinning one. Hence, in Chaldee it means brass or copper, because of its shining. Hence also, the word Nehushtan, a piece of brass, in 2Kings 18:4.

Every single "scorpion" reference in the Bible alludes to the animal, not demons.
Rev 9:2 When he opened the Abyss, smoke rose from it like the smoke from a gigantic furnace. The sun and sky were darkened by the smoke from the Abyss.
Rev 9:3 And out of the smoke locusts came down on the earth and were given power like that of scorpions of the earth.

Do you think God keeps "grasshoppers, scorpions, and serpents" in the "Abyss" for some rainy day?
These are all symbolic for principalities, powers, and wicked spirits. Anyone who goes out and plays with snakes, or scorpions is not smart.
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Rev 9:2 When he opened the Abyss, smoke rose from it like the smoke from a gigantic furnace. The sun and sky were darkened by the smoke from the Abyss.
Rev 9:3 And out of the smoke locusts came down on the earth and were given power like that of scorpions of the earth.

Do you think God keeps "grasshoppers, scorpions, and serpents" in the "Abyss" for some rainy day?
These are all symbolic for principalities, powers, and wicked spirits. Anyone who goes out and plays with snakes, or scorpions is not smart.

Your textual comprehension is abominable.

"locusts came down on the earth and were given power like that of scorpions of the earth"
That states that the "locusts" could sting "just like a scorpion", nothing more. It does not in any way imply that there are scorpions in the Abyss.

Where does scripture say or imply "grasshoppers, scorpions, and serpents" in the "Abyss"?
It doesn't. You are just making this junk up as you go along.

These are all symbolic for principalities, powers, and wicked spirits.

And where does it state that? Oh, it doesn't. Thought as much.
Your textual comprehension is abominable.

"locusts came down on the earth and were given power like that of scorpions of the earth"
That states that the "locusts" could sting "just like a scorpion", nothing more. It does not in any way imply that there are scorpions in the Abyss.
I think you have been watching to many monster movies on TV. There are no monster "locusts" or "scorpions". These are all symbolic for evil spirits that come from the "Abyss"
I think you have been watching to many monster movies on TV. There are no monster "locusts" or "scorpions". These are all symbolic for evil spirits that come from the "Abyss"

It is a sad thing that an apparently intelligent person cannot or will not admit that they were wrong.
Don't throw up red herrings and nonsense and expect me to accept it.
What do you do or say to rebuke him? Do you ever annoint things like your house or the things in it, etc? Do you feel annointing things works for you?

Think about how scripture says in James 5:14 that the elders anoint with oil. The oil or water is not holy on its own. It is simply a substance symbolic of their 'stamp of approval'. Our stamp of approval carries weight when we are close to God. It is significant and not properly understood by most. Think about John 20:23 Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained.

Then on the devil it gets complicated. Sure the devil is not omnipresent like God. But, scripture says 1. All the ungodly are of their father the devil 2. Judas was called the son of perdition 3. all fallen angels take orders from the devil 4. We are not wrong to call all ungodly thoughts the devils thoughts or actions the devils actions as the devil invented / originated rebellion to God.

As Abdicate said Jesus rebuked him by quoting scripture. This is so important to note imho! Jesus did not say ''get away from me you evil twisted moron''. He simply / respectfully said Matt 4 10-11 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. 11 Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him.
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What do you do or say to rebuke him? Do you ever annoint things like your house or the things in it, etc? Do you feel annointing things works for you?
I would like to say about satan, 1. he wanders about on the earth. 2. he roams about like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour, 3. he is the accuser. He is not on your case 24/7, he has bigger fish to fry. But if you start praying more then you will attract spiritual attention, OR if you sin [porn, stealing, gambling, lying, cheating etc etc etc] you will also attract evil forces into your house. What you reap you shall sew, sow? He is out to get you and accuse you. Your sin, lack of prayer, poor fellowship, no bible reading just opens you up to attack. Don't waste your time anointing your house unless you have a 44 gallon drum of oil, cause prayer is a lot easier and cheaper. If you want your house to be clean, keep a clean computer, no PORN, keep anything DVD or paintings or books related to witchcraft or carved demon type Buddha statues or talisman items out of your house. Try not to watch evil stuff, I know its entertaining, I admit I like to watch dexter.
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I have two wonderful bottles of holy water that were blessed on Easter mass; I also have two crucifixes (one of them a St Benedict crucifix, the devil seems to hate it!), a gorgeous statue of the Virgin Mary and that's it. I don't have statues of saints and I don't like too many pictures, many see it as idolatry.
I have two wonderful bottles of holy water that were blessed on Easter mass; I also have two crucifixes (one of them a St Benedict crucifix, the devil seems to hate it!), a gorgeous statue of the Virgin Mary and that's it. I don't have statues of saints and I don't like too many pictures, many see it as idolatry.
I used to have all that when I was a kid...

Do you read the word of God?
I would like to say about satan, 1. he wanders about on the earth. 2. he roams about like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour, 3. he is the accuser. He is not on your case 24/7, he has bigger fish to fry. But if you start praying more then you will attract spiritual attention, OR if you sin [porn, stealing, gambling, lying, cheating etc etc etc] you will also attract evil forces into your house. What you reap you shall sew, sow? He is out to get you and accuse you. Your sin, lack of prayer, poor fellowship, no bible reading just opens you up to attack. Don't waste your time anointing your house unless you have a 44 gallon drum of oil, cause prayer is a lot easier and cheaper. If you want your house to be clean, keep a clean computer, no PORN, keep anything DVD or paintings or books related to witchcraft or carved demon type Buddha statues or talisman items out of your house. Try not to watch evil stuff, I know its entertaining, I admit I like to watch dexter.

Amen to this!
Scripture states emphatically that the enemy can ONLY operate by the will of God.

Unless God allows it, they cannot do anything.

Just as it was a test of Job and Jesus, so it is a test from God and we should answer as did both of the former.

Not lose faith to the adversary. Stay strong, hold the commandments.

Now that is totally opposed to the written word of God.
If what you claim is true then no one would ever be attacked or have the enemy trying to come to kill, steel or destroy. For as it is written in 3John 2.....Beloved, I wish Above ALL THINGS that YOU may PROSPER and BE IN HEALTH, "EVEN AS THY SOUL PROSPERETH"
So what part of this would God will satan to come and attack you ?

This is the problem with too many christians, they refuse to believe that our enemy the devil is out there and is attacking things. It's the perfect cover for him, get christians to not take him serious and hide in the shadows.

When a born again Christian steps out side of living by faith and begins to say what ever they want they open the door asnd give the enemy right to come in. God did not give satan permission to bother job. Job did this on his own.

If the devil has not bothered better check in with God and find out why.
Most likely it is because you are no threat or concern of his and does not believe you will do anything for GOD. PERSECUTION comes for the words sake....Where do you think this persecution comes from ? The cranky kid next door ? NO! It is our enemy the devil who brings this persecution for the words sake. To keep the Written Word Of God from being planted deep in you and to keep it from being watered or moistened and to keep it from ever growing root and then sprouting up and growing and producing fruit. (Mark 4)

Please do not insult God by saying well God is incontrol of everything...and you never know what the will of God is. Yea we is in His written word.
Have a wonderful and blessed day
It has nothing to do with "My holiness" It has to do with "Authority"
Did Jesus say it was our "holiness" that we have power over the devil?

No Brother He did not....BUT He has given us the authority over it. God is not a pupet mastor and has given us everything we will ever need to live a victorious life in Christ. BUT you got to use it. BUT you have got to know what it is that you are susposed to use and how to use it.
Well Brother CCW95A.....does that about sum it up ?
Blessings my friend
No they are not.

But for the figurative language of verses 14 and 15 no one would have thought of referring the third chapter of Genesis to a snake; no more than he does when reading the third chapter from the end of Revelation (chapter 20:2). Indeed, the explanation added there, that the "old serpent" is the Devil and Satan, would immediately lead one to connect the word "old" with the earlier and former mention of the serpent in Genesis 3: and the fact that it was Satan himself who tempted "the second man", "the last Adam", would force the conclusion that no other than the personal Satan could have been the tempter of "the first man, Adam".
The Hebrew word rendered "serpent" in Genesis 3:1 is Nachash (from the root Nachash, to shine, and means a shinning one. Hence, in Chaldee it means brass or copper, because of its shining. Hence also, the word Nehushtan, a piece of brass, in 2Kings 18:4.

Every single "scorpion" reference in the Bible alludes to the animal, not demons.
I would like to say about satan, 1. he wanders about on the earth. 2. he roams about like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour, 3. he is the accuser. He is not on your case 24/7, he has bigger fish to fry. But if you start praying more then you will attract spiritual attention, OR if you sin [porn, stealing, gambling, lying, cheating etc etc etc] you will also attract evil forces into your house. What you reap you shall sew, sow? He is out to get you and accuse you. Your sin, lack of prayer, poor fellowship, no bible reading just opens you up to attack. Don't waste your time anointing your house unless you have a 44 gallon drum of oil, cause prayer is a lot easier and cheaper. If you want your house to be clean, keep a clean computer, no PORN, keep anything DVD or paintings or books related to witchcraft or carved demon type Buddha statues or talisman items out of your house. Try not to watch evil stuff, I know its entertaining, I admit I like to watch dexter.

Hey in all of that you forgot thee most important ones that most Christians fail to believe...
Getting out from the blessing of God and you do this by NOT walking in Faith..which means worsd of doubt and unbelief and FEAR and unforgivness do give satan right to come in.
So much more.......
Absolutely. And some say he can't even read our thoughts and from my own personal experience, I believe this is probably correct.

Hey check this out.....You say he cant read your thoughts.....That's kind of funny cause he reads you. Yea that is what i said, the devil reads you. The devil places a thought in you and waits to see what you will do. The devil watches your actions and waits for your words. You speak what he says or planted in yout thoughts....well ya done did it again....Gave the devil the right to come on in.

Matthew 6:31 says......Take NO Thought-SAYING........How do you take a thought ? You speak it or say it. That is why we are taught to take every thought captive.....What ? the devil dont put no thoughts in me. I make my own thoughts....Sure you do.
Look man is NOT sovereign unto him self. Man was not created like this. Nope man needs and over lord or another words you are either getting your thoughts or influenced by satan or God. There is no such thing as devils words and Gods words and then there is MY words.

You can refuse to except this and thats your choice and it falls under free will or you can search out the written word of God and seek anointed men of God who can teach you and set you straight. The biggest mistake a Chrstians makes where this is concerned is thinking the devil aint a threat.......
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What do you do or say to rebuke him? Do you ever annoint things like your house or the things in it, etc? Do you feel annointing things works for you?
Jesus himself gives to us the best rebuking of Satan when he told off Peter - it certainly always works for as a Spirit-filled Christian:
"Get thee behind me Satan in the name of Jesus."
For the authority is of Jesus who overcame and defeated Satan through the power of his resurrection.

Anointing or blessing objects is of no effect as it is a ritual that looks good but has no power in itself. People still buy bottled holy water from Fatima, Portugal. But other than sprinkling on vampires, I have never heard of it to be effective against real evil.
The power to resist and defy Satan comes from Jesus by the indwelling Holy Spirit.
1Peter 5: 8
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.
Ephesians 6: 11-18
Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
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What do you do or say to rebuke him? Do you ever annoint things like your house or the things in it, etc? Do you feel annointing things works for you?

Whenever I encounter Satan at work, I tell him out loud to hit the road, in Jesus' name. Having had demonic encounters in our home in the past, I dealt with it by declaring our home a place where Jesus dwells and is welcome, but the works of the enemy are not, and I prayed at that time through my whole house--every room and every closet---declaring it a place for the Lord's glory alone, and I did anoint with oil the door frames of each doorway, including our front door. Then we fasted and prayed for deliverance of the family member so affected, and sent her to a place where she would receive help and deliverance.

We've moved since, and our children are now grown, but we have declared our property, at its very perimeter, as belonging to God and revealing His glory. It is hallowed ground because we belong to God.