Poem#2 Heel to Head to Footstool

Poem#2 Heel to Head to Footstool

Genesis 22, Genesis 3:15, Psalm 110:1, Hebrews 10

In the days of Noah the world mocked as the Ark got built

World was still mocking then started raining & doors shut

World will never learn hardened hearts sink & can’t swim

God’s Word is full of Signs that Jesus has been with us since

The Light of His glory shined after His spirit Hovered the Earth

As they Witnessed the Birth of all Creation

The days of Abraham the world wasn’t any different still Evil

As Sodom & Gomorrah found out the hardway harden hearts

Get turned to dust & ash & as Lots wife turned to salt

Can’t take our eyes off of Jesus whether it’s in the Old Testament

Even as Abraham was gathering wood making an altar for Sacrifice

Even though didn’t understand Looked to the Angel of the Lord

The World will never see Jesus as the Perfect Lamb of God

World Will never believe even if someone raised from the Dead

As they never understood what Genesis 3:15 meant to them

The plans of God once promised can’t be stopped or covered up

& once the Heel of Jesus crushed the head of the Serpent the World

Will become the footstool of the same Heel they’ve rejected

Generations of Offspring of Abraham that will include Adopted Sons

Even as the hardened hearts of those that should’ve believed Mock

Pawns of the King of Kings should have known, could’ve been more

We’re to be Salt & Light of the World but we can’t be Pillars of salt

Can’t be caught looking back, got to keep looking towards Jesus

Even as the World tries to hide the Truth, the Gospel stands up

The Cross of Jesus stood taller above the rest as He raises up

Like the Mountain God chose for Abraham to sacrifice His Isaac

God’s Word never returns void & so we proclaim Jesus Lives