Groovy Decay

Right here in Tulsa is a HUGE, charismatic church organization that is "groovy and hip," with a smattering of smaller ones sprinkled around town and the surrounding metropolis. They bring in even more hip and groovy speakers at various events throughout the year, just like some of the characters you will see in the attached video. Groovy REALLY brings in the crowds and tickles the ears in ways not seen before from just teaching from the scriptures for what they say, with cultural acceptance being the earmark of so many hip-n-happening churches that take in the younger folks who have grown tired of the boredom they experienced in Bible-centric teaching.

What these young folks don't understand is that the exhilarating thrill they experience while in the groovy cesspool of hip and cool is actually demonic in origin! This is very much like what Constantine accomplished in the fourth century when he created the state sanctioned church that became what is today the largest of all denominational religions. The blend of paganism with Christianity has created an amalgam of departures from Bible Christianity, while appealing to a much broader range of the cultural crowd. The fleshly nature is such that one naturally likes to feel as if we can DO things that will enhance and contribute to our salvation while totally ignoring the words of Christ when He said, "It is finished!"

So, it's likely safe to say that you too have some groovy, hip and cool places of "worship" around your neck of the woods. Finding ways to minister to those trapped in that rut is not an easy thing to formulate.

What experiences have any of you with those of this stripe?

Here we are in Tulsa again...

I've often heard people talking about the "church" buildings becoming targets for radicals wanting to destroy Christianity.

Well, what's a blessing is that TRUE Christianity is not defined nor represented by mere buildings, all of which will eventually burn with this earth and the heavens. However, I don't foresee that all the buildings will be targets to the radicals who hate Christianity. After all, when we have hip and groovy people populating a facility with worldly entertainment and values, those places will enjoy a level of protection that the Bible-centric places will not share.

What of those places that are under a much larger umbrella of falsehoods, lies, deceptions and wickedness? Well, they too will enjoy a measure of cushioning from the violent WOKE gangs wanting to make a statement. After all, when those brands of christianity join with islam in ecumenical unity, they will absolutely enjoy a buffer against the radicals out there who hate the REAL Christ Jesus protrayed within the Bible.
