What Do We Do Instinctively?

I can’t stand it!
All this Cultural Marxism is a slow poison and I’m feeling it bad in that I am seeing it poisoning our spirit and eroding away our ability to think critically. Now I am no math genius but I did grow up to value our western ways in that we have been essentially great pioneers of development and progress!

I have been researching all our ancestors developments and infrastructures and systems we put in place only to have strange doctrines try and wipe them out, for what reason? I look at South Africa today and cringe.

These days I resemble one of those dried up zombies because I’m feeling depressed and todays message of these backward teachings is not helpful. It’s an infestation of the worst sort!

It’s crazy and it’s immoral. We used to be a first world nation and now look at us all!

indeed we need to rethink what our pastors are teaching us and how.

Via Dolarossa: Very Cross.☹️
Via, my lovely friend, take heart. Things can change. I know where you are coming from and I am with you.

We can change our corner of the world.
God Bless You
I can’t stand it!
All this Cultural Marxism is a slow poison and I’m feeling it bad in that I am seeing it poisoning our spirit and eroding away our ability to think critically. Now I am no math genius but I did grow up to value our western ways in that we have been essentially great pioneers of development and progress!

I have been researching all our ancestors developments and infrastructures and systems we put in place only to have strange doctrines try and wipe them out, for what reason? I look at South Africa today and cringe.

These days I resemble one of those dried up zombies because I’m feeling depressed and todays message of these backward teachings is not helpful. It’s an infestation of the worst sort!

It’s crazy and it’s immoral. We used to be a first world nation and now look at us all!

indeed we need to rethink what our pastors are teaching us and how.

Via Dolarossa: Very Cross.☹️


Please keep on thing in mind, if nothing else:


Nothing will set in that He did not allow.

Remember this too:

Matthew 16:18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

Yes, cults out there interpret this as meaning that the Church is built upon the fallible man Peter, but that simply is not possible.


The one question those cults cannot answer is HOW the Gates of Hell could possibly be shattered by something built upon a mere, fallible man.

It is ALL ABOUT Christ, and Him Crucified. He alone did what was necessary to win the victory over Hell, and death.

So, keep your eyes upon God, not the storm raging around you. You're sinking into the waves, as did Peter when he stepped out of the boat.

Keep your eyes fixated on no thing and no body else but Christ, and the roar of the storms and the clamoring of mankind around you, it will all subside in the placid peace of God's ocean, for we are now of His Kingdom, not that of this world.
