Trick Question

Reunited? What does that mean? I've heard that from Mormons.


You are correct.

Mormon doctrine says that after death, we would return to God and become a god ourselves. Therefore, Mormons believe that when Ecclesiastes 12:7 says the spirit goes back to God, it supports their doctrine of premortal existence.
Mormon doctrine says that once a man is exalted to godhood, he and his wife will reproduce offspring for eternity. These spirit children will in turn inhabit physical bodies and have the opportunity to become gods as well. This privilege is reserved for those who go through the sacred marriage ceremony in the Temple and live in obedience to Mormon teachings.

But it does not end there. God the Father is, therefore, believed to be married to God the Mother, and together they are producing spirit children, therefore All men and women are thus the offspring of this heavenly union and at physical death, we return to that spiritual union in heaven.

Of course, as with all Mormon teachings and doctrine, there is NO Biblical support. It is all Star Trek thinking!
You are correct.

Mormon doctrine says that after death, we would return to God and become a god ourselves. Therefore, Mormons believe that when Ecclesiastes 12:7 says the spirit goes back to God, it supports their doctrine of premortal existence.
Mormon doctrine says that once a man is exalted to godhood, he and his wife will reproduce offspring for eternity. These spirit children will in turn inhabit physical bodies and have the opportunity to become gods as well. This privilege is reserved for those who go through the sacred marriage ceremony in the Temple and live in obedience to Mormon teachings.

But it does not end there. God the Father is, therefore, believed to be married to God the Mother, and together they are producing spirit children, therefore All men and women are thus the offspring of this heavenly union and at physical death, we return to that spiritual union in heaven.

Of course, as with all Mormon teachings and doctrine, there is NO Biblical support. It is all Star Trek thinking!

I was a Mormon many years ago, and never heard anything taught to us that the alleged "mother" of us all eventually suffered menopause, and therefore no longer able to have chillin after that certain celestial age...nor what hormone treatments she would have to endure thereafter. I'll have to look up my old Stake president's contact information and see if he can tell me the answers to those questions...

In that system of religion's beliefs, we all still had a beginning, as did their god, and so beginning of their everlasting lives, according to their beliefs, was at the point when they were born as spirit chillin. when I asked the Stake president about the origin and what brought about the original god among their pantheon of gods, he said that there is no way for us to know that, and therefore should not be questioned by us, nor explored...because, as I was thinking in my mind at the time, we might encounter something the leadership won't like.

So, this thread is indeed a good one that can hit across the spectrum of religious thought and belief.

I was a Mormon many years ago, and never heard anything taught to us that the alleged "mother" of us all eventually suffered menopause, and therefore no longer able to have chillin after that certain celestial age...nor what hormone treatments she would have to endure thereafter. I'll have to look up my old Stake president's contact information and see if he can tell me the answers to those questions...

In that system of religion's beliefs, we all still had a beginning, as did their god, and so beginning of their everlasting lives, according to their beliefs, was at the point when they were born as spirit chillin. when I asked the Stake president about the origin and what brought about the original god among their pantheon of gods, he said that there is no way for us to know that, and therefore should not be questioned by us, nor explored...because, as I was thinking in my mind at the time, we might encounter something the leadership won't like.

So, this thread is indeed a good one that can hit across the spectrum of religious thought and belief.


Well my dear brother, it has been a Mormon theology since Josheph Smith.

It is found in the King Follett Discourse and also Doctrine of Covenants.....132 :19-20.

From memory......please look this up ..The original god according to Mormonism comes from the Book of Abraham.

That is a production dictated around 1835 and the remaining part in 1842 by Josheph Smith after he purchased a set of Egyptian scrolls that accompanied a mummy exhibition. Now those scrolls are just like the "golden tablets" in that no one but Smith saw them.

According to Smith, the scrolls described a vision of Abraham, in which Abraham saw the planet KOLOB.

According to Smith, Kolob is the heavenly star or body nearest to the throne of God.