The Chips or the Cookie Dough?

The problem isn't about what's legal... it's about the fact that we've made God illegal.

Hmm. I have found it interesting how they like to say such things as:

- God's been kicked out of schools, when in reality no creature has that power
- We're all doomed to suffer God's judgement upon America and the West in general because of "our" rejection of Him
- If God doesn't punish America, then He will have to apologize to Sodom...

On and on this stuff goes, much of it vomited by very famous preachers in the limelight who enjoy star status.

Well, when I look at Sodom, I recall the Lord promising that if only ten righteous were found within her walls, that the Lord would not destroy her.

Sadly, not even ten were within, but in the West, there are millions who are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus...millions!

So, given that I'm not mathematically challenged as so many of those preachers seem to be, I don't see the numbers aligning that point to punishment of the caliber of what was poured out on Sodom...unless they can show to me that the Lord lied when He stated, "I change not," in that He is consistent in His dealings.

So, I agree that there have been attempts at policies and even laws that try to hold back expressions of faith and love for God in public, they do so in vain, for the Lord and His message will continue to move outward and bring in faithful followers, even where blood is flowing.
