Spiritual Pack Rat Problems

Hello brothers and sisters;

I have to deal with a problem in our home, being a pack rat but a spiritual pack rat.

I have boxed and stored in Ikea white cabinet drawers stuff like church documents and documents going back 22 years, old career docs, tax returns, old mortgage docs, and old outdated electronic cables and hardware, etc...

I always felt that one day I may have a need for this stuff and I feel that's part of the trap. I think of the Scripture in Matthew 6:19 - 21, 19 “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, 20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. - ESV

Am I trying to take this stuff to heaven?

Many of you may be able to relate to my problem. I've researched and the first thing I came across, "hold the item in my hand and ask, do I really need it?"

Shall I put it in the trash, recycling, donate?

Can anyone relate and what solutions did you come up with that may help this thread?
Okay I am going to be very transparent here. Coming from being so poor and in poverty growing up this is definitely a big one for me.

I went through a purge just recently because I used to be a professional photographer, dog trainer, did my own business for embroidery and sewing. I'd have SO MUCH STUFF! I didn't want to get rid of it, even though I cannot use it. I sold my stuff and gave away my professional camera [one of them] to my Dad. Since he loves photography. It was hard but necessary. God makes room for more growth, spiritual gifts etc. when we truly surrender things to Him.

I love my blankets, my just cozy leggings because of being immobile to be comfortable so that when they take me to the washroom it is easier, my comfy thermos socks since I never wear shoes anymore since being in a wheelchair or at home - I do admit when they are on sale I do like to pick up a few. I am talking like $10.

Think about what you can use with the tool ]money] when we aren't spending it on unnecessary things like buying things we don't need.

How you can bless a ministry, a friend, a family member and God. People complain about giving God $20 but will spend $100 on themselves. Yet God provides the tool [money as a vessel for His glory and work]. We have been accountable to each other - all of us. Mainly my daughters and I because we live in the same household. We check in, discuss and make choices together based on what we need want and what is necessary. There are times God is going to tell you to give and you are like but I don't have any extra - be obedient. Your knowledge doesn't supersede God's plans. You don't have to be in the know. He just wants to trust and obey gladly! When we are faithful stewards of our money = God blesses us with more than we can imagine. I look at the bigger spiritual aspect of being diligent with our funds. It delays instant gratification and promotes character and contentment. If it was so easy - everyone would be doing it. The point is sin feels good, and that is why so many take the bait. Not realizing the bitter destructive death that comes with it. Once we realize that - we know there is spiritual implications to why it is so hard. It is hard because we are selfish, we want it, it make US feel better and good. Then we need to rely more on God in that area, surrender and face the music with steadfastness and walk through asking God to change us by His Spirit not just as we make that choice to change.
mm I think I have the collector gene a little otherwise I would not be a librarian...but I don't go too far at least its organised and I share rather than hoard.

I find that giving the old away makes room for the new and makes you appreciate what you have got. There comes a point where you need to let go and pass it on to the next person, just as when you read a book you don't keep it but return it to the library so someone else can read it.