Purwakarta Regent Anne Ratna Mustika closed the church (Indonesia)

Purwakarta Regent Anne Ratna Mustika closed the church building in Cigelam Village, Purwakarta, West Java.

The Ministry of Religion regrets the Regent's decision to disqualify the GKPS church, especially ahead of the Easter celebrations. Referring to SKB 2 Ministers in article 14 paragraph 3, the local government should facilitate the availability of locations for the construction of houses of worship if the requirements for construction have not been met.

Purwakarta Regent Anne Ratna Mustika:

Source : https://www.bbc.com/indonesia/articles/crg0jvev11zo
Dear pelihat, I am unable to read the article you attached due to the language differences, but I gather the church is being closed on the pretext of not having the necessary permits.

Is this the community church you attend?

I took the liberty of finding an article written in English explaining the situation and am attaching a live link below for those interested:

West Java Protestant Church Blocked

I am saddened to see this, and I pray that you are safe and the church membership will find an alternative meeting place.

God bless you.