Poem#81 Cost Of God’s Love

Poem#81 Cost Of God’s Love

Mark 15

The World mocks what it fails to understand & rather accept change

Choose to hold on to which will be their downfall instead of letting go

Like holding on to a burning rope on the edge of hell

Despite the pages of Isaiah open the Leaders of the day didn’t know

As they chose to focus on the do nots of man, instead of the do’s of God

Growing cold to the heart of God & the Love God has for Mankind

The weight of the World fell onto shoulders too heavy to carry alone

Blessed be the One that took the cross from Jesus to the hill of Calvary

Like One in a Million will know the Weight of Love so none should perish

Ignorant are those that say save yourself mocking King of the Jews

Being blinded to their own fate if Jesus would have called for Angels

Instead of calling the Father to forgive them & to forsake Him

What’s impossible for man to understand the Supernatural of God

Takes over through the Holy Spirit’s power that does the unimaginable

Like when leaving the Lifeless Body of Christ in tearing down the Temple

Impossible will be stone cold hearts melting into God’s hands believing

Turning the worst of hearts into hearts bleeding God’s Humbled ways

Nobody will understand the Cost of God’s love until we feel His Scars

Feeling God’s scarred hands every time we turn pages of His Word

That few will ever get because they will never understand being forgiven

For not having the Raised Temple inside, the Spirit of the Living God