Poem#66 Grace And Truth

Poem#66 Grace And Truth

Revelation 11, John 1:14, Luke 12:49-53

Grace and Truth are coming as Witnesses with power we’ve never seen

Because not enough are telling about Jesus being Savior of the World

Everyone’s becoming distracted about everything but Jesus

Good intentions won’t save anyone as it fails to salt the earth

And so the flavor of Jesus falls before reaching the Lips of people

As the Preaching becomes about Sin instead of the Savior

Soon Grace and Truth will becoming to Witness like never before

With Power we should have Believed Enough to have to Witness

The Same Holy Spirit that lives in Them Lives in Us

Unfortunately we’re Believing lies that we’re too prideful in Asking

We’re not asking for help enough in our unbelief to fully Believe Jesus

Be Humbled on our knees in asking Jesus to help our unbelief

Don’t be found sleeping when Grace and Truth come to Witness

The Kind of witnessing we should have been doing without Fear

Let alone excuse for now using the Power of what God has done

So we might not be able to turn waters into blood, or hold off rain

But we can turn to the One that can in the Holy Spirit, in His Power

When we speak of what Jesus does in our life even in death

Like Grace and Truth will be brought back to Life and will Hear

Come Up Here and all those that didn’t believe Grace and Truth

Will be witnessing Jesus who’s had our Backs since the Beginning