Poem#37 Raised Humbled

Poem#37 Raised Humbled

Ephesians 6, 2 Corinthians 10:3, Luke 12:49, John 1:14-17

The Training we do at home will prepare us for what’s unseen

Which begins with honoring those that Raise us in Honor of God

Honoring Our Parents even when they bring their battles home

The Battles they faced that go unseen but to God who sees all

Everyone else just sees the eyes after getting up on the wrong side

Not knowing the forces attacking between the right side of the bed

By Listening in honor of our Parents by being obedient to the Word

We’re training, we’re letting Armor mold to the way God shapes us

Hearing Jesus, doing Jesus gives us the Faith needed to be a shield

We’re not being Raised to use the Word of God to condemn to beat

The Sword Word of God isn’t to win debates, its to stand for The Truth

For Cutting through the Darkness so that His Light gets in with Love

The Battles were being prepared for isn’t against flesh & blood

The Battles we’re going to fight will be forces hating the Light

Use God’s Word as A Sword to cast themout with Love

Through the Humble God’s Armor, holding shield of Faith, His Word

Will be more then just a sword separating darkness, will seperate Dirt

For the Planting of His Seeds to sow through Prayers feeding to grow