Poem#123 Didn’t Stay

Felt the Holy Spirit tugging at my heart all day and finally wrote this, btw always Listen when God says so.
it’s also important to me to share upon rough draft completion, never knowing who needs to Hear God Today, as tomorrow could be too late.

Poem#123 Didn’t Stay

Matthew, Luke

Yes God came to be born in a manger from a Virgin of the Holy Spirit

But as Jesus He didn’t stay in a Manger, but grew into the Son of God

Whatever the lowest we find ourselves in, we don’t have to stay there

We have every opportunity to have God walking among us in Hope

The Love we seek is here with us to give the Faith needed to Move

Listening to every Word of God that lifts us in order for us to change

Yes God did miracles among us as the Son of Man to heal our Soul

Then to Save the Spirit born to us in the Flesh of Eden, on a Cross

But Jesus didn’t stay on the Cross as they took Him down in Death

We’re already dying a death condemned from Sins of the Father

But we’re Formed by Jesus written in our hearts the path to change

Given every opportunity to say Yes to Jesus in His death as the Lamb

Yes God was buried in a tomb until the Third day when by the Holy Spirit

Jesus didn’t stay dead & buried, but was Raised up to be the Temple in us

Just like Jesus has been saying, calling for us to change the way we think

Through One Man that sinned we were born to die, through Another Man

We’re given the opportunity to be Born again through the Death of no Sin

So God through Jesus could take our Sin upon His Death to save Us

Yes Jesus comes into our Heart for Salvation, but doesn’t end there

Didn’t stay on the cross after dying daily but to change a New Creation

Learning to prefect Faith daily through Trials, not to stay, but to Change

Which started in Eden began a journey of changes through fulfillment

Which we Celebrate today as Christmas the Birth of God in a Manger

Didn’t stay in a Manger, on a Cross, in a Tomb as Jesus, as He’s God

Who wants to stay in our Heart until He comes back through the clouds

Preparing our Heart for Discipling His People that aren’t meant to stay

We’re not born again to stay on a dying Earth, but to Go Home in Jesus