Poem#111 Preparing

Poem#111 Preparing

Matthew 3

Somewhere before us God has sent a John the Baptist a Elijah

Preparing the Way, not for Us, But He that’s moving Our Feet

That’s about to do Mighty things because We Said Yes to Jesus

The People we see along the Highway with Signs isn’t by accident

Those that hitchhike in the Passenger seat of Our Lives for a moment

Sometimes never to be seen again are sent by God like Rain

God directed Lots of feet of different backgrounds for One Arrival

Preparing the Way for One Purpose, One Destination to the Hill

Called Calvary where Jesus died on a Cross for All Sin to Save Us

Jesus has been Risen just like He Said, ascended to the Right Hand

Still He Sends the John the Baptist for us preparing the Way in Us

The Holy Spirit is about to ascend on Jesus in us like a Dove

Never knowing God will use our Hobbies to pull us to a Covered Bridge

Only to hear Praise Music from a Strangers Car that’s no Stranger to God

Preparing the Stillness inside Our Hearts directing Our Path

They might not be wearing a robe of Hair held together by a belt

Being fed by the Holy Spirit like Prophets of Old Preparing our Heart

For Jesus that will complete a Mighty Good Work in us

So that we Can be John the Baptist preparing a way for someone else

Might not be called Elijah like John was without knowing we’re Sandals

Worthy to be on the Feet of Jesus as He’s on the Move to be On Time