Poem#105 When Praying

Poem#105 When Praying


When praying for something over & over it gets frustrating

Just don’t lose heart when answers we don’t want to hear

Because sometimes the Answers we get are least expected

God knows our hearts & hears our prayers, but also of Brothers

Prayers of our neighbors are heard also as plans of God collide

Sometimes God uses prayers of another to answer our prayers

When praying do so with patience with prayers of the Holy Spirit

When praying together on the same page as God’s Will not our own

So when we don’t know the words to pray we become selfless

God knows the need for assembly & the need for making Disciples

God also knows the heart of assembly’s that’s not right with God

Not every Assembly has church steeples or a Pastor for a leader

When praying over & over for the job we want to see change in

When living for God long enough we see God’s hands at work

We know God answered Last time, we know He will Answer again

But what if the Prayers we pray collide together as God’s Answer?

Sometimes the Answer has been in front of our face waiting for us

When Praying for the heart to see the unexpected revealing

We don’t need preachers to make assemblies, or to make Disciples

God looks for Able Bodies that proclaim availability to be His Church

By Opening up the door & inviting others to come into God’s House
Hello brother Walker. I never really could read your poem before they always seemed too profound for me. But one line actually has piqued an interest today ..

So when we don’t know the words to pray we become selfless

I have had this experience, but never quite recognised it for what it truly was.
It's as if, I was just present with what was, and switched my mind off. Unmoved, yet peaceful in allowing what is to just be. It's a wonderful place to be.

Thanks for your insightful poems. Hope to be able to see more glimpses from them😊

Blessings to you bro.
Hello brother Walker. I never really could read your poem before they always seemed too profound for me. But one line actually has piqued an interest today ..

I have had this experience, but never quite recognised it for what it truly was.
It's as if, I was just present with what was, and switched my mind off. Unmoved, yet peaceful in allowing what is to just be. It's a wonderful place to be.

Thanks for your insightful poems. Hope to be able to see more glimpses from them😊

Blessings to you bro.
I understand I never read poetry before writing, still don’t except the poetry in the Bible. I simply write freestyle from what I feel God speaking into my heart and have faith He knows what he’s talking about or who He’s talking too. I share words spoken to me for others to help find confirmation from God