Planting False Memories

It appears that indications are surfacing for the possibility of more and more people falling victim to false memory plants. This is a phenomenon I had heard about when I was a kid. Even in the sixties that was a thing with wars and other events having hit so many of our people by the time the Vietnam war hit.

Of late, I've been hearing more about alleged sexual abuses even going to trial, some with the victim knowingly accusing another falsely just to get attention or for revenge, and others by way of therapists who were found to have been the culprits who planted false memories in the minds of patients for the sake of experimentation, with the ethic being a matter of the end justifying the means in order to measure the success of that phenomenon.

This video reveals how easily many people are at being swayed in the direction of false memory plants.

What I'm aiming at here is to equip YOU with the knowledge of this tendency many can easily fall into without there having to be a therapist, but just watching modern, suggestive programming that has intentionality behind its aims at planting memories into the psyche of those who least suspect the practice, and so my aim here is to therefore help you to be more careful of the things you watch and value as an acceptable form of entertainment.

Dare I say it, even the pulpit can be the launching pad of an attempt to get more and more people to fall in lock step with the messages that lead so many to false doctrines! The Bible speaks of those who have itching ears...and with that knowledge, and coupling it together with a technique such as what we see in the video, I'm not wanting to equip the wrong people with such a weapon, but rather to arm the masses with an understanding of what to watch out for.

Think about it...the doctrine for the requirement to tithe is a powerful one, with the warnings of gloom and doom upon those who don't tithe. That is a perfect example for how some can take that gloom and doom, overlay it upon some terrible and traumatic events in their past, and WAH LAH! Instant false memory that says to them that, YEAH, it was the Lord punishing me for NOT tithing...!

This is insidiously problematic. Now, I'm not saying that all who pounded their pulpits for emphasis upon the downside for allegedly not tithing are guilty of knowing what they were doing to the weaker minds out there... but, then, there are those who did know to an extent what they were doing. Another term for this is mental and emotional manipulations.

Another example is the idea that salvation is "infused" into believers each week rather than instantaneous, and therefore keeping their followers coming back for more infusions each week through the works of their rituals and attendance rather than to understand that being born again is an event, not a process.

Folks, we ALL have at least been around those who have fallen victim to this in varying degrees, and in various forms. The enemy of our souls is always at work, making use of whatever weapons of warfare they can get their grubby hands on that will work on your heart and your mind!

Put on the FULL armor, not just part of it, thinking that your too tough against the need for having to bear all that armor's weight, for the Lord also said that His yoke is "light."

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When we dare think that these Hollywoodesque movies portray only what's in the land of fantasy. This clip of a 2004 movie that's a remake of the original movie that premiered in 1962, this is the extreme, but it does bring to mind the possibilities when we hear about mass shootings and such. The idea of someone unknowingly having been manipulated, triggered by just a mere word or a sound that does not normally exist in any of our surroundings or in the vocabulary in use within the culture around us. I suspect terrorist organizations are rife with the use of these kinds of tactics.

Folks, the Lord can use even the most wicked for His purposes, and I'm thoroughly convinced that Hollywood has at times been used by the Lord warn the masses, and this is one such avenue is one possibility whereby the Lord is trying to reach the masses, and saying "Beware..."
