Pick One!


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May 6, 2014
Pick One!

Joshua 24:15 NLT

But if you refuse to serve the Lord, then choose today whom you will serve. Would you prefer the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates? Or will it be the gods of the Amorites in whose land you now live? But as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.


We make many choices every day: Cereal or eggs? Black socks or brown? Tea or coffee? Many are seemingly inconsequential. But there is one crucial decision we all make in our lives, and that is whom we will serve. Everyone serves someone or something. We were created to worship. There has been placed before us a challenge: Whom will you serve? God? Another idol? Even those who choose not to serve God, and refuse an idol—they choose themselves and their pleasures—which are idols.

Choose today! We do not know how much precious time we have in this temporal world. We know not when this choice will no longer be before us! Scary thought. Placing family, goods, self, and one’s personal desires before the God who calls you are choices…made every day by many.

Choose Jesus Christ. Be blessed and your entire household---for working and playing in the service of the God who made us and loves us beyond measure brings GREAT rewards! Peace in the home, financial and physical health, and wisdom are all common examples of markers on the life of the one who serves Jesus Christ without reservation!

Just to add, we should also remember that we can serve only one master.. We cannot have one leg in the world and other leg in Christian life.. It is only one..