Ministering Loss of Respect for Human Life

I can't find more current statistics, but I did find this: The Miami FL crime rate for 2018 was 629.54 per 100,000 population, a 12.68% decline from 2017. The Miami FL crime rate for 2017 was 720.94 per 100,000 population, a 18.77% decline from 2016. The Miami FL crime rate for 2016 was 887.49 per 100,000 population, a 13.1% decline from 2015.

I mean, that has to count for something.

Hello rtm! In this country there have been some headlines about recorded crime. Some offences like bike theft are now not investigated by police as a policy and therefore do not appear on crime statistics. So although crime is increasing recorded crime is going down. Some people do not bother to report crimes because they know it probably won't be investigated. In an era when police/courts are stretched the manner of recording statistics often changes. Just a thought. God Bless :)
Hello rtm! In this country there have been some headlines about recorded crime. Some offences like bike theft are now not investigated by police as a policy and therefore do not appear on crime statistics. So although crime is increasing recorded crime is going down. Some people do not bother to report crimes because they know it probably won't be investigated. In an era when police/courts are stretched the manner of recording statistics often changes. Just a thought. God Bless :)
I agree. I get most of my statistics from the FBI's yearly summary - UCR (Uniformed Crime Report (usually 2 years behind). With this, they create what is called a "Crime Clock" which shoes how often these crimes take place. They only report major crime. Crimes like betty theft and simple assaults are not reported because (1) the police do not initiate an active investigation or (2) they are not reported with any consistency. Other crimes, like shoplifting, identify theft, frauds, etc, get reported but not by the FBI. These are reported by the industries that regulate them. Cities do the same thing but use different formulas.

crime stats.jpg
Hello brothers and sisters;

One of our/my major prayer concerns for decades has been the loss of respect for human life on all four corners of the earth. The crime of violence toward humans since Cain murdered Abel in Genesis 4 has increased especially in these United States and other countries since the 1980s. Has the Lord not heard our prayers?

Christians should not engage in "free for all" domestic fighting. In John 18 when Jesus was arrested Peter took out his sword and struck the high priest's slave Malchus by cutting off his ear. Jesus told Peter to put away his sword. Jesus calls us not to engage in retaliation or violence.

Some of us are prompted by the Holy Spirit to act in aiding a helpless citizen being attacked or in self defense for our family and ourselves. That is not violence or retaliation.

A Christian who is called to serve in law enforcement or the military does not go against Biblical teaching. In Genesis 14 when the enemy took Sodom and Gomorrah, Abram rescued Lot. In 1 Samuel 17 David killed Goliath. These were justified.

1 Peter 2:11-12, 11 Beloved, I beseech you as aliens and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh that wage war against your soul. 12 Maintain good conduct among the Gentiles, so that in case they speak against you as wrongdoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation.

No matter what country we live that is violent infested, how do we apply this teaching from Peter? How to we minister to those who have lost respect for human life?

What are your thoughts?

God bless
you all and your families.
Hello Bob
Your references are O.T. times, the perfect sacrifice had not yet been made. It was an eye for an eye and tooth for tooth. The sacrifices were of animal nature, looking unto the coming of the fulfillment where wrongs would be made right. Under O.T. incomplete circumstances 'the Law' was active but when the fullness of the atonement was made the partial was done away,. How can we live by the law and claim to be living by grace?
Hello Bob
Your references are O.T. times, the perfect sacrifice had not yet been made. It was an eye for an eye and tooth for tooth. The sacrifices were of animal nature, looking unto the coming of the fulfillment where wrongs would be made right. Under O.T. incomplete circumstances 'the Law' was active but when the fullness of the atonement was made the partial was done away,. How can we live by the law and claim to be living by grace?

Hello 2404;

You are correct and I'll be happy to reply to your good question, How can we live by the law and claim to be living by grace?

Aside from the Old Testament's governance, Law and future sanctification, the loss of respect for human life is what I'm specifically referring to in this topic.

God bless you, brother.

I think people can be so badly treated at some food shelters that they don't want to go to them, or they don't know about them.

If its gang violence to feed a drug habit, that is something else but thats where the police need to be involved in shutting down the drug rings. It is also about their hunger too, except food has been replaced by drugs, because they haven't been able to get any nourishing food.

When you are on drugs or meds THE only thing on your mind is your next hit. That is logical when you are on drugs. It is very hard to get off some drugs, and drug pushers and doctors often don't always help.
With respect to all those who find themselves in hard times and can only see violence as a solution, I grew up in a very poor home, slept in cars on the side of the road and spent a large proportion of my young life on Social Welfare, I know that you do tend to live by your wits and at times make wrong decisions based on your circumstances but that shouldn't excuse us from using violence. Violence should only be used during War and in self defence not as an excuse for tough times. We all face conditions that cause anger at times but we can't allow anger to control us, God made us better than that. I know that this world is full of frustration and pain and suffering can overwhelm but God also showed through His son Jesus how we are to respond. Anger should only be in response to injustice not as a means to an end, violence often brings violence whereas Love given with an open hand brings love and peace in return. That doesn't mean everyone will respond that way but it's a start. Sometimes the battles we face are a bit like the battle David faced with Goliath, if he had responded in his own strength he would not have won, with Christ we can do all things, even defeat the giants in our lives.
We may never have perfect peace on Earth but we can find perfect peace in our souls by resting in the Lord, the Apostle Paul found a way to be satisfied in all circumstances because he rested in the Lord even though he endured many trials. Those who do not believe may not know that peace but we do and we can be the representative of that perfect peace if we allow God to work through us, through our responses we can teach them the way.
I am so sorry that many face real hardships in life and cannot find an answer I only pray that someday they will in Christ.
WIth deep concern, Tsavah2
Violence should only be used during War and in self defence not as an excuse for tough times. We all face conditions that cause anger at times but we can't allow anger to control us, God made us better than that. I know that this world is full of frustration and pain and suffering can overwhelm but God also showed through His son Jesus how we are to respond. Anger should only be in response to injustice not as a means to an end, violence often brings violence whereas Love given with an open hand brings love and peace in return. That doesn't mean everyone will respond that way but it's a start. I am so sorry that many face real hardships in life and cannot find an answer I only pray that someday they will in Christ.
WIth deep concern, Tsavah2

Good morning, Tsavah2;

We all face hardships in life and many times we cannot find the answer. It's not that we don't want to, we just don't know how to fix it.

blue-lighted your post of the areas that are tough to respond, but we all are empowered in Christ to sustain respect for human life.

God bless
you, brother and thank you for sharing.
