Inspiration for Week of December 11 to 17, 2022.

Pastor Gary

Senior Moderator and Staff Trainer
Staff member
Senior Moderator
Staff Trainer
Good Day, Friends; This time of year in the Northern Hemisphere, as the leaves exchange their greens for reds and yellows and finally fall to the earth, as the geese of the north follow their migration paths to the south, and as the many animals on God's good earth store supplies of food, we see that yet another winter season is fast approaching. For some of us, this is a joyous time spent in family gatherings and with friends. For others, the winter is a time of sadness in unhappy memories and thoughts of lost loved ones. When we become sad, we should remember that even though it is winter, God is like a river that runs through our hearts, bringing us warmth, nourishment and contentment. Let God's river flow through you and allow it to soak in to all of the arid places in your soul. A stream of perfect peace will be yours.

May God Bless.
