
hey jacob welcome i just got here 2 but im a girl :p every1 seem rly nice here and i hope u fell realy welcome and the light nad love of jesus chrits fills u from within 2 make u shine

have a fish :fish:LOL
By the way, i apologise for all the (dumb) questions in advance. I don't get much of a chance for discussion at home and i really would like some answers.

By the way, i apologise for all the (dumb) questions in advance. I don't get much of a chance for discussion at home and i really would like some answers.


Hi and welcome. I am sure that you will soon feel right at home. As for the dumb questions a friend of mine says, and I quote,
There is no such thing as a stupid question....but they are the easiest to answer.
If you have genuine questions then they are not dumb and I am sure you will find loads of people on the forum happy to help.
Hi and welcome


even if you bring you to it, Gods grace and mercy will bring you through it! so in all things, God will never leave nor forsake you, so in all things, thank God!:liturgy: