Gone but not forgotten?

Gone but not forgotten?

That pesky squirrel died
The little dog so proud of its prize,
came trotting in to the house carrying its limp body to show us what she’d found

I felt a little guilty that one of Gods creatures,
that graced us with his presence will no longer bounce along the garden fence,
Show off his athletic skills to steal a few morsels from the birds fat balls

His body once wrestled from the dog was laid to rest in the rubbish bin in a plastic bag,
Feel so guilty that the passing of one of Gods little creations could be so poorly treated so

If God cared for all the birds and bees does that include squirrels too?
Should I have taken more time to love and appreciate that this four legged ball of fur
that chose my garden to make its home?
Played chase with the dogs,
Took its share of seeds and nuts put out for the birds?

I’m sure glad that God is not so prejudice when it comes to welcoming His children home,
Looks at the heart and not wether we hoarded all the nuts!