"Fear Fits You for Failure, Not for Fighting"

I always loved this man, who served the Lord with honor and integrity.

What A great man of God!!!!

Many years ago he spoke at the SBC national conference I was at. I hope that you will take time to read this as it is a story he told and said that it was a true story.

The 1st Baptist Chruch that Pastor Rogers was Nashville. It was always packed and never had any empty seats. One Sunday as he came to the podium he looked out and sure enough the place was full and there were no seat available, As he started to speak he saw a "rough" looking young man come in the back door. He had tattoos all over his arms, long greasy hair, chains holding his wallet in and was bear footed.

Pastor Rogers said he watched the ushers shake their head and perceived that he was told their was no seats. Then as the ushers dismay, this disrespectful Hippe walked down the aisle of that huge auditorium and as he did he could see and hear the gasps of the people. The young man came all the way down to the alter and sat down on the floor in front of Pastor Rogers.

At the same time, Pastors Rogers chairmen of Deacon, a 92 year old WW1 vet. who won the Silver Star, was heard walking down the aisle. The whole room could hear his cain tapping the floor with every step and everyone turned and they all knew that the Old Deacon was going to smack that young man in the head and drag him out.

When the Old Deacon got to the young man, he put his hand on his scholder, knelled down and SAT DOWN ON THE FLOOR NEXT TO THE YOUNG MAN.

Pastor Rogers told us that after he shed some tears over what he witnessed, (He was not bragging just stating what He felt) he went on to preach one of the best sermons he ever preached. After the conference I and several others personally sought him out and told him he was wrong and the sermon he JUST gave was the best he ever gave!!!!

He was the best!