Ethical Issues All Christians Should Know

No Other Gods​

We are always and everywhere in the presence of God, and he will tolerate no other small “gods” at any place or any time in our lives. When societies ignore this first commandment, evil follows. Modern Christians need to be especially cautious of things that we can be tempted to love and serve and trust more than God, such as money, material things, food and physical pleasure, the approval of other people, power, or self.

It pains me to say this, but from 50 years of observation, one of the biggest problems with Christianity today is that Christians do not take seriously enough their relationship with God. Many-many professing believers consider God to be merely an add-on to their lives instead of our Source, Reason, Judge, Sustainer, Savior, and Eternal Future.

Here are some "Idols" we worship today that you may have overlooked..........

1. Our Identity
It’s easy to place our identity as something or someone other than God. Consider what YOU do today =
A. Your social media following.
B. Your position at work
C. Your abilities/skills
D. Your achievements in life.
Many believers have their identity wrapped up in the wrong thing. SELF!

2. Money/Consumerism
It doesn’t matter if you have money or are broke. The pursuit of money and the acquisition of things is an idol for many in our culture. Many people trust their money more than they trust God. They think that if God loves them He will give them things! They have bought into the false teaching that God is a Cosmic Santa Clause!

Hear me on this. Money is not bad. Money is a tool. And like any tool, you have to use it in the correct way otherwise it can cause a lot of damage. Money isn’t the problem it’s how we use it and view it that can become a problem.

3. Entertainment
We are obsessed with being entertained. And it comes in many forms. From Netflix to vacations and video games to podcasts. We love entertainment in all forms and at the expense of prayer and Bible study and worship services.

Again, as with the other idols list, it’s not that entertainment is bad. It can be a good thing. But when our lives become all about the search for entertainment and chase of the best experiences we can find, then it’s become an idol. It’s become more important than God.

How many can relate to spending weeks and weeks planning for a vacation, and then spend NO time thinking about Church attendance on Sunday.

4. Sex
We are obsessed with sex in our culture, it is everywhere. YES, Christians are just as involved. It might be the only thing we think about more than money. We have taken a gift from God and made it into the god of our lives. And for many their lives are controlled by sex. Again, SEX IS GOOD when it is observed in the marriage concept. God invented Sex for us but not to be used as a substitute for Himself.

To even question the sexual ethic in our society will bring a slew of accusations. To even suggest this subject may even bring accusations from some about it being appropriate. That alone Shows how tied to our idol we actually are. Our sexual identity, sexual practices, and sex lives are sacred to us.

The church has some blame for this. Rather than portraying sex as a good gift from God, instead, they have in recent history heaped guilt and shame. Which you could argue is one of the factors that brought this over-exaggeration of sex. But regardless of how we got here, for many today sex is an idol, we value it more than we do God. Listen folks, as a believer in Christ, you can not read Playboy on Saturday night and the Bible on Sunday morning.!!!!!!!

5. Comfort
There is an endless list of products promising to simplify and add comfort to your life. We have made our lives much easier and much more comfortable than any other time in history. Tasks that used to take all day can be done in minutes. Many menial tasks are now automated. While that’s a good thing, our pursuit in life should not be comfort alone.

Jesus tells a very different narrative for his followers. He says that his followers will face trials, persecution, and difficulty. While comfort isn’t bad, it can become damaging when it becomes the main pursuit in life. When comfort is an idol we will struggle when God calls us to something difficult.

Question: Would you attend Church services where there were NO padded pews and NO air conditioning????? Yes I know that is a stupid question.

6. Our Phones
Ten or fifteen years ago I would have never even consider this. Oh but how things have changed. YES, I aslo know that some will say that I am a PURITAN and I need to join the 20th century.
But the truth is that Smartphone addition is increasingly becoming a worrying trend. This is especially true for Gen Z and Millennial generations, but it’s certainly not confined to them. For many, they simply cannot live without their phones (or online presence). This is quickly becoming an idol for many.

It is so bad in church that we had to place a BIG sign and put in the bulletin every week........"TURN OFF YOUR PHONE IN CHURCH"!
Again, The problem isn’t our phones or social media or any form of technology. IT IS US and how we use it. It’s the value we place on it that makes it a problem. When our lives revolve around how many likes we get, what our following looks like, or if we can’t sit in silence for 5 minutes without refreshing our newsfeed we might have an idol. Anything that takes the place of God in our life, anything that becomes more important than him is an idol.

Now..........none of this is to start an Argument and is not intended in any way to be an accusation. It is done to cause YOU to think and to educate!

No Other Gods​

We are always and everywhere in the presence of God, and he will tolerate no other small “gods” at any place or any time in our lives. When societies ignore this first commandment, evil follows. Modern Christians need to be especially cautious of things that we can be tempted to love and serve and trust more than God, such as money, material things, food and physical pleasure, the approval of other people, power, or self.

It pains me to say this, but from 50 years of observation, one of the biggest problems with Christianity today is that Christians do not take seriously enough their relationship with God. Many-many professing believers consider God to be merely an add-on to their lives instead of our Source, Reason, Judge, Sustainer, Savior, and Eternal Future.

Here are some "Idols" we worship today that you may have overlooked..........

1. Our Identity
It’s easy to place our identity as something or someone other than God. Consider what YOU do today =
A. Your social media following.
B. Your position at work
C. Your abilities/skills
D. Your achievements in life.
Many believers have their identity wrapped up in the wrong thing. SELF!

2. Money/Consumerism
It doesn’t matter if you have money or are broke. The pursuit of money and the acquisition of things is an idol for many in our culture. Many people trust their money more than they trust God. They think that if God loves them He will give them things! They have bought into the false teaching that God is a Cosmic Santa Clause!

Hear me on this. Money is not bad. Money is a tool. And like any tool, you have to use it in the correct way otherwise it can cause a lot of damage. Money isn’t the problem it’s how we use it and view it that can become a problem.

3. Entertainment
We are obsessed with being entertained. And it comes in many forms. From Netflix to vacations and video games to podcasts. We love entertainment in all forms and at the expense of prayer and Bible study and worship services.

Again, as with the other idols list, it’s not that entertainment is bad. It can be a good thing. But when our lives become all about the search for entertainment and chase of the best experiences we can find, then it’s become an idol. It’s become more important than God.

How many can relate to spending weeks and weeks planning for a vacation, and then spend NO time thinking about Church attendance on Sunday.

4. Sex
We are obsessed with sex in our culture, it is everywhere. YES, Christians are just as involved. It might be the only thing we think about more than money. We have taken a gift from God and made it into the god of our lives. And for many their lives are controlled by sex. Again, SEX IS GOOD when it is observed in the marriage concept. God invented Sex for us but not to be used as a substitute for Himself.

To even question the sexual ethic in our society will bring a slew of accusations. To even suggest this subject may even bring accusations from some about it being appropriate. That alone Shows how tied to our idol we actually are. Our sexual identity, sexual practices, and sex lives are sacred to us.

The church has some blame for this. Rather than portraying sex as a good gift from God, instead, they have in recent history heaped guilt and shame. Which you could argue is one of the factors that brought this over-exaggeration of sex. But regardless of how we got here, for many today sex is an idol, we value it more than we do God. Listen folks, as a believer in Christ, you can not read Playboy on Saturday night and the Bible on Sunday morning.!!!!!!!

5. Comfort
There is an endless list of products promising to simplify and add comfort to your life. We have made our lives much easier and much more comfortable than any other time in history. Tasks that used to take all day can be done in minutes. Many menial tasks are now automated. While that’s a good thing, our pursuit in life should not be comfort alone.

Jesus tells a very different narrative for his followers. He says that his followers will face trials, persecution, and difficulty. While comfort isn’t bad, it can become damaging when it becomes the main pursuit in life. When comfort is an idol we will struggle when God calls us to something difficult.

Question: Would you attend Church services where there were NO padded pews and NO air conditioning????? Yes I know that is a stupid question.

6. Our Phones
Ten or fifteen years ago I would have never even consider this. Oh but how things have changed. YES, I aslo know that some will say that I am a PURITAN and I need to join the 20th century.
But the truth is that Smartphone addition is increasingly becoming a worrying trend. This is especially true for Gen Z and Millennial generations, but it’s certainly not confined to them. For many, they simply cannot live without their phones (or online presence). This is quickly becoming an idol for many.

It is so bad in church that we had to place a BIG sign and put in the bulletin every week........"TURN OFF YOUR PHONE IN CHURCH"!
Again, The problem isn’t our phones or social media or any form of technology. IT IS US and how we use it. It’s the value we place on it that makes it a problem. When our lives revolve around how many likes we get, what our following looks like, or if we can’t sit in silence for 5 minutes without refreshing our newsfeed we might have an idol. Anything that takes the place of God in our life, anything that becomes more important than him is an idol.

Now..........none of this is to start an Argument and is not intended in any way to be an accusation. It is done to cause YOU to think and to educate!
Amen brother
One thing you mentioned i would like to comment on. You said God invented sex. Doesn't sound quite right. Don't you agreed - there is no such thing as sex in heaven, no such thing as lust. Our procreation behavior in this fallen condition is God's permissive will not His perfect will. His perfect will is the spoken word, that is how Jesus came to this earth.
Thought just came to mind.
Lust is an unfilled desire it is a finite attribute.
Heaven is an eternal condition, nothing missing, we won't have any unfilled desires.
Amen brother
One thing you mentioned i would like to comment on. You said God invented sex. Doesn't sound quite right. Don't you agreed - there is no such thing as sex in heaven, no such thing as lust. Our procreation behavior in this fallen condition is God's permissive will not His perfect will. His perfect will is the spoken word, that is how Jesus came to this earth.

I understand you. However.......before the fall, the Scriptures say that what God created was GOOD, and God told Adam and Eve to populate the earth intended them to have sex because he gave them genitals.

So then, I understand that sexual lust became sinful after the fall, but the act itself was God's original intention and design for humanity within the confins of marriage between one man and one woman.
Thought just came to mind.
Lust is an unfilled desire it is a finite attribute.
Heaven is an eternal condition, nothing missing, we won't have any unfilled desires.

Correct...........Plus, we will have Gorified bodies as do the angels instead of physical bodies with physical needs.
Amen brother
One thing you mentioned i would like to comment on. You said God invented sex. Doesn't sound quite right. Don't you agreed - there is no such thing as sex in heaven, no such thing as lust. Our procreation behavior in this fallen condition is God's permissive will not His perfect will. His perfect will is the spoken word, that is how Jesus came to this earth.

I disagree regarding sex. God told Adam and Eve to procreate and populate the earth.

We are made in God's image and likeness still. And when we die these bodies return to the dust from whence they sprang. And our souls to God who gave them.
Here are some "Idols" we worship today that you may have overlooked..........
1. Our Identity
2. Money/Consumerism
3. Entertainment
5. Comfort
6. Our Phones
You have obviously put some thought, practical experience and passion into this. It makes me think.
Thank you for your work Major.

It occurs to me that the numbered headings here, 1-6, that these could serve as an outline of the temptations or dangers to the human soul to be found now, on the internet.

Piped right into our homes, schools, offices or wherever we happen to be.

Has there ever before been a greater potential for mischief?

I remember reading about how movies in the 20’s, 30’s, and 40’s were sometimes considered to be a corrosive influence on the fabric of society. Then it was rock n’ roll, and after that, television. These influences now seem quaint, even tame, compared to the pervasiveness and influence of the internet.

What comes next I wonder? The meta-verse perhaps. I don’t know, but I am sure you-know-who is working on it already.

Bless you and all those you love Major.
You have obviously put some thought, practical experience and passion into this. It makes me think.
Thank you for your work Major.

It occurs to me that the numbered headings here, 1-6, that these could serve as an outline of the temptations or dangers to the human soul to be found now, on the internet.

Piped right into our homes, schools, offices or wherever we happen to be.

Has there ever before been a greater potential for mischief?

I remember reading about how movies in the 20’s, 30’s, and 40’s were sometimes considered to be a corrosive influence on the fabric of society. Then it was rock n’ roll, and after that, television. These influences now seem quaint, even tame, compared to the pervasiveness and influence of the internet.

What comes next I wonder? The meta-verse perhaps. I don’t know, but I am sure you-know-who is working on it already.

Bless you and all those you love Major.
Thank you for the kind words.

You are 100% correct brother. I was including the Internet under Entertainment. I probably should have had 7.

If we were to do a google search on what the #1 searched subject on all of the internet of all over the earth we would find out that it is PORNOGAPHY!

90 percent of boys and 60 percent of girls are exposed to Internet porn by age 18.

56 percent of divorces involve one spouse (almost always the man) having an obsessive interest in online porn.

Porn sites attract more visitors each month than Amazon, Netflix, and Twitter combined!!!

30 percent of Internet content is porn.

88 percent of porn contains violence against women.
No Other Gods
We are always and everywhere in the presence of God, and he will tolerate no other small “gods” at any place or any time in our lives. When societies ignore this first commandment, evil follows. Modern Christians need to be especially cautious of things that we can be tempted to love and serve and trust more than God, such as money, material things, food and physical pleasure, the approval of other people, power, or self.
It pains me to say this, but from 50 years of observation, one of the biggest problems with Christianity today is that Christians do not take seriously enough their relationship with God. Many-many professing believers consider God to be merely an add-on to their lives instead of our Source, Reason, Judge, Sustainer, Savior, and Eternal Future.
Now..........none of this is to start an Argument and is not intended in any way to be an accusation. It is done to cause YOU to think and to educate!

Hello Major;

It's been awhile since I shared with you and have a question regarding your years of observation. The six temptations will take a lifetime of discipline as an ongoing disciple as well as spiritual maturity which only we can attain from God. To know, believe and have faith that His daily work (if we will allow Him) is because He loves each one of us so much. When a Christian who has a relationship with Him ponders this will say, what an awesome God we serve!

But the discipline factor that God has pointed out over and over in the Old and New Testaments and where we are today is an ongoing reminder because He wants each of us to be delivered from sin and it's consequences, thus salvation and an eternity in Heaven with our Father.

Since we are already saved aren't we promised Heaven? With this, we need to be careful not to mock God and take advantage of Him. The joke then is on us;

The six temptations can start off as mild but can fester.

1. Our
identity as a Christian can be put aside but for a moment and fabricate our disposition for our personal gain. James 2:1-26

2. Our money as a Christian can be fast forgotten (since it is God's provisions) and easily lead us to serve two gods. Matthew 6:24

3. Our entertainment as a Christian. Do we glorify the ways of world entertainment because it's more tantalizing for the moment, compared to our worship of God? 1 Timothy 6:17

4. Our attitude toward sex as a Christian should always be a reminder that God created pure sex for a married man and woman, not only for making babies, but pleasurable and deeply satisfying between a married man and woman. Genesis 2:24 and 1 Corinthians 6:18

5. Our attitude toward comfort can make us lazy and lose that zeal to serve God. But what happens during times of suffering? Jesus gave the greatest example of suffering when He went to the cross for each of us. His example showed us that despite our sufferings, He overcame the world, and the circumstances in our lives. John 16:33 and Deuteronomy 31:8

6. Our phones for many people, especially Christians have replaced face to face fellowship with one another and turned us into lone Christians. There is a time and place for our cell phones but God meant for us to be together - Christians breed Christians. Psalm 115:4-8

As disciples for Christ these six points and many others in life will be a discipline we must stay focused for a lifetime. We may be Christians but we are still men and women who can fall away if God doesn't remain first in our lives.

God must remain first in our lives. God will take care of the secondary things only when it brings Him glory.

Major, I have a question. In your years of observation, the world had different woes in the early days of your ministry but through prayer there have been improvements today, for example, most of the members at CFS are saved, praise God! But darkness still remains in new, variable sin worldwide.

How does a growing Christian reconcile this and what can we do to encourage others?

God bless
you, my brother, and thank you for sharing Ethical Issues all Christians Should Know.
Hello Major;

It's been awhile since I shared with you and have a question regarding your years of observation. The six temptations will take a lifetime of discipline as an ongoing disciple as well as spiritual maturity which only we can attain from God. To know, believe and have faith that His daily work (if we will allow Him) is because He loves each one of us so much. When a Christian who has a relationship with Him ponders this will say, what an awesome God we serve!

But the discipline factor that God has pointed out over and over in the Old and New Testaments and where we are today is an ongoing reminder because He wants each of us to be delivered from sin and it's consequences, thus salvation and an eternity in Heaven with our Father.

Since we are already saved aren't we promised Heaven? With this, we need to be careful not to mock God and take advantage of Him. The joke then is on us;

The six temptations can start off as mild but can fester.

1. Our
identity as a Christian can be put aside but for a moment and fabricate our disposition for our personal gain. James 2:1-26

2. Our money as a Christian can be fast forgotten (since it is God's provisions) and easily lead us to serve two gods. Matthew 6:24

3. Our entertainment as a Christian. Do we glorify the ways of world entertainment because it's more tantalizing for the moment, compared to our worship of God? 1 Timothy 6:17

4. Our attitude toward sex as a Christian should always be a reminder that God created pure sex for a married man and woman, not only for making babies, but pleasurable and deeply satisfying between a married man and woman. Genesis 2:24 and 1 Corinthians 6:18

5. Our attitude toward comfort can make us lazy and lose that zeal to serve God. But what happens during times of suffering? Jesus gave the greatest example of suffering when He went to the cross for each of us. His example showed us that despite our sufferings, He overcame the world, and the circumstances in our lives. John 16:33 and Deuteronomy 31:8

6. Our phones for many people, especially Christians have replaced face to face fellowship with one another and turned us into lone Christians. There is a time and place for our cell phones but God meant for us to be together - Christians breed Christians. Psalm 115:4-8

As disciples for Christ these six points and many others in life will be a discipline we must stay focused for a lifetime. We may be Christians but we are still men and women who can fall away if God doesn't remain first in our lives.

God must remain first in our lives. God will take care of the secondary things only when it brings Him glory.

Major, I have a question. In your years of observation, the world had different woes in the early days of your ministry but through prayer there have been improvements today, for example, most of the members at CFS are saved, praise God! But darkness still remains in new, variable sin worldwide.

How does a growing Christian reconcile this and what can we do to encourage others?

God bless
you, my brother, and thank you for sharing Ethical Issues all Christians Should Know.
I am not sure that there has been "improvements". Most of the time, if you will think about it, changes have come from "Graduality".

Gradual acceptance of actions not allowed have changed over the years and what was rejected is now accepted.

Thanks for the question Bob. It is my opinion that the answer today is the same one that was available hundreds of years ago........
The Written Word of God.

There was an old country song many years ago named........"Dust on the Bible"!

That is our problem. We all have a Bible but we do not read it. Then even when we do, we have grown smarter than God and we have decided that we know more than he does so we do what we what we want to do. How has that changed over the years?

Take ABORTION for an example. The Bible says that "Thou shall not Murder".

But we have a daughter who got pregnant and she does not know who the father is so.........
that child should have a choice!!! Right????? CHOICE today mean ABORTION which is MURDER!

Yes. She had a choice, DO NOT HAVE SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE! But that is my daughter!

But the Word of God says....."Thou shall not Murder"!
You see WE KNOW what is right, but that is MY Child! TWO sins do not correct the 1st sin!

Abortion is now an accepted medical operation that through GRADUAL acceptance is now accepted. Take same sex marriages or any number of things that are now accepted behavior but God condemns as Sin and an abomination. is the problem. We know what God said and when old men like men yell and preach the Word of God......We are called Puritans or old fuddy duddies by the church itself. There is my concern.
Yes let’s talk about idols!😁

Well I’m still being pruned.

It seems like it’s taking forever and I don’t know what to expect next. there is still affliction and suffering going on and I think that’s because I am still attached to some of these idols. I see some people seeming enjoying them and since God has taken them away from me and not others I sometimes feel jealous and I haven’t yet felt any better with them gone.
Yes let’s talk about idols!😁

Well I’m still being pruned.

It seems like it’s taking forever and I don’t know what to expect next. there is still affliction and suffering going on and I think that’s because I am still attached to some of these idols. I see some people seeming enjoying them and since God has taken them away from me and not others I sometimes feel jealous and I haven’t yet felt any better with them gone.

Ok...lets. An idol is anything that gets between us and God, and it is whatever we worship more than God or instead of God.
Now, what is an idol for you will not have to be an idol for me.

Some that come to my mind are...........
1. Money
2. Worship Music........... A substitute for the worship of God.
3. Santa Clause................ A replacement for the blessing of God.
4. Halloween. ....................A deception of the highest order from Satan.
5. SIZE of your church... Size is no indication of a church’s value or its commitment to Christ.
6. STATISTICS......................It comes in many forms: volunteers, attendance, baptisms, giving, website numbers.
7. POLITICS..........................We follow a Political platform where it is different that the Word of God.
8. BIG is BETTER.................If our church is BIG, then God must be in it. If I am successful, God is in it.

Just something to think about! Dont fret...........we ALL got them!
Yes I have my own.

It’s funny but I can identify with the hebrews when Moses led them out of slavery and they wanted to turn back or didn’t even want to go to the promised land . That’s just what it’s like!!
Send me back to idol worshipping as sometimes I am just too tired to do what you ask Lord!

Do you get it?

I know I will overcome it and I’m just acknowledging Gods call and don’t feel equipped yet. But I also know He will finish a good work He started 😁
Yes I have my own.

It’s funny but I can identify with the hebrews when Moses led them out of slavery and they wanted to turn back or didn’t even want to go to the promised land . That’s just what it’s like!!
Send me back to idol worshipping as sometimes I am just too tired to do what you ask Lord!

Do you get it?

I know I will overcome it and I’m just acknowledging Gods call and don’t feel equipped yet. But I also know He will finish a good work He started 😁 is the same age old conundrum..........."We like what we know even if what we know is wrong"!
You see, we are comfortable with what we know and do and it take too much effort to change.
Yes I have my own.

It’s funny but I can identify with the hebrews when Moses led them out of slavery and they wanted to turn back or didn’t even want to go to the promised land . That’s just what it’s like!!
Send me back to idol worshipping as sometimes I am just too tired to do what you ask Lord!

Do you get it?

I know I will overcome it and I’m just acknowledging Gods call and don’t feel equipped yet. But I also know He will finish a good work He started 😁
Hi Via
Many of us are not equipped yet. But many will not admit it. Paul went through anguish trying not to do the things he did. But in the end he said he had gained the victory. It is a lifelong battle. I am with you in your boat.
Hi Via
Many of us are not equipped yet. But many will not admit it. Paul went through anguish trying not to do the things he did. But in the end he said he had gained the victory. It is a lifelong battle. I am with you in your boat.
Thanks. I figured it out now😊

In the moment I think we forget God is with us forever and will always help us.
And even though I do recognise that when I am in the middle of a storm, it will pass, it sometimes does blow us away further than we want.

But there are lessons in everything. I have learned when I am being blown further down the line than I would like, there is a lesson and its this:

We must always have a 'why' for the things we do.

God Bless Cosia 😇
Thanks. I figured it out now😊

In the moment I think we forget God is with us forever and will always help us.
And even though I do recognise that when I am in the middle of a storm, it will pass, it sometimes does blow us away further than we want.

But there are lessons in everything. I have learned when I am being blown further down the line than I would like, there is a lesson and its this:

We must always have a 'why' for the things we do.

God Bless Cosia 😇
I agree with all you said Via. When you feel further away it is the mist horrible feeling. Then when we sought it out we are full off joy again. God is Amazing.
Bless you Via.