Bet you try and sing 🎤 it? You’ll get stuck in the last verse!

A bit Hokey Koke

Putting just one arm in, one arm out
In, out, in, out
Shake it all about
Just in case…
It’s changed and then you’ve not fully committed your self
Is that what’s it all about?

Just a toe in the water
Then pull it straight out
In , out , in, out,
shake it all about
Then He asked the question
“Are you coming on in,
the waters fine?”
Is that’s what it’s all about?

Should I commit fully to Jesus
Or keep my worldly life in reserve
Full self in, full self out
In, out, in, out
I need to sort my self out,
Can’t have a foot in both worlds or I’ll fall flat on my faith
Is this what its all about?

If God wants me to be separate
from this world
Yet where I live
to live out the Gospel
truth in word and deed,
For God is in me I can’t just keep it in,
So I’ll go into all the world
No going back in,
reaching friends, families, and neighbours
with the only message that gives eternal hope and salvation.

THIS is what’s it all about!