BBC Nativity @2008

It's hard to believe this is not better known. This is a 4 x 30 min series, so you could complete it in one evening.

As script writing goes, it is the best: in 1 minute you know exactly what the problem is, and you are captivated. It will not be resolved for 115 minutes. In usual British detail, the locations are reconstructed and re-enacted.

There is a Babylonian astronomer theme that is very well developed too. Not only did these people have Daniel 2 but they had retained a prophecy from Numbers about a star that would arise marking a savior king. They also have to cover their tracks to stay out of trouble with Herod, who is presented as about as sick a Herod as ever seen. The visuals of a star/planet alignment are stunning, along with my fav sound effect: each time the planets move together, you hear the sound of a massive concrete ball inching along on concrete. It's perfect.

In addition to being rejected for lack of space, Joseph is rejected by family in Bethlehem for bringing a pregnant girl along, even though they are not on the best of terms with each other either.