“This Old Man”

There are times when the believer feels something is wrong; and it seems often related to possibly doing something wrong, but we can’t immediately identify the wrongdoing. Well, something is wrong, and it’s always the same thing which is wrong—it’s just the “old man” again (Eph 4:22; Col 3:9)—knocking on the door and asking, “What are you going to do about it?”

It’s always trying to reach us with bad news; but there is never really any bad news, just it making it more difficult for us to be “exhorted” (Heb 10:25). I believe it’s the Enemy using the old man (sin nature), making repeated attempts at interfering with the encouragement of our growth in Christ! Continue to exercise your innocence in the Lord Jesus—and be encouraged!
Hello netchaplin;

After reading “This Old Man” I wanted to share something that felt wrong. I don’t know if this connects to what you posted but I’ll give this a shot.

I was following up with a young man who is in between jobs and for 8 months has not received gainful employment. He also yearns to serve in ministry and has shown great promise. So in between work he had a interview with a Church but turned it down. He would not be able to support himself on such a small salary. He continued to search for work.

Last week he informed me he was invited for another interview with the same Church. We followed up with him this morning and shared, could this be a sign from God?

He responded that he wasn’t taking this as a sign from God and wasn’t going to “rush into it.” He also was bitter that beside a close relative, no one seems to care about his circumstances or financial well being.

We assured him we would never encourage anyone to rush into a decision without first seeking what God says. I told him he seemed to get this impression from me, that I was getting him to take the Church job rashly, and he turned his frustration on us. He was confused why I would say such a thing.

I could see he was wound up and felt confused by my concern when all we were doing was sincerely reaching out to him.

I do get addressed by people like this and it leaves me wondering what did I say or do wrong when it was my intention to reach out with care to others.

My old self would have called this young man, lashed out and corrected him but this would only have made the matter worse and the Scriptures doesn’t support that. But on the other hand the exhortation doesn’t get any easier as in Hebrews 10:25, but it is the correct way as in “doing something about it.”

I have shared many times that our walk with Christ involves the people business. The outcome may not be said or done the way the other person expected and can turn around as if we are in the wrong. We mustn’t be moved by that but instead maintain our innocence in Christ.

God sees your heart and service to others and by our perseverance (people business) He always guides us through.

Please join me and keep this man in prayer.

God bless you, Bob and thank you for my sharing.

Hello netchaplin;

After reading “This Old Man” I wanted to share something that felt wrong. I don’t know if this connects to what you posted but I’ll give this a shot.

I was following up with a young man who is in between jobs and for 8 months has not received gainful employment. He also yearns to serve in ministry and has shown great promise. So in between work he had a interview with a Church but turned it down. He would not be able to support himself on such a small salary. He continued to search for work.

Last week he informed me he was invited for another interview with the same Church. We followed up with him this morning and shared, could this be a sign from God?

He responded that he wasn’t taking this as a sign from God and wasn’t going to “rush into it.” He also was bitter that beside a close relative, no one seems to care about his circumstances or financial well being.

We assured him we would never encourage anyone to rush into a decision without first seeking what God says. I told him he seemed to get this impression from me, that I was getting him to take the Church job rashly, and turned he his frustration on us. He was confused why I would say such a thing.

I could see he was wound up and felt confused by my concern when all we were doing was reaching out to him with sincerely.

I do get addressed by people like this and it leaves me wondering what did I say or do wrong when it was my intention to reach out with care to others.

My old self would have called this young man, lashed out and corrected him but this would only have made the matter worse and the Scriptures doesn’t support that. But on the other hand the exhortation doesn’t get any easier as in Hebrews 10:25, but it is the correct way as in “doing something about it.”

I have shared many times that our walk with Christ involves the people business. The outcome may not be said or done the way the other person expected and can turn around as if we are in the wrong. We mustn’t be moved by that but instead maintain our innocence in Christ.

He sees your heart and service to others and by our perseverance (people business) God will guide us through.

Please join me and keep this man in prayer.

God bless you, Bob and for my sharing.

Yes, we stick to what we know for certain, that all we desire is to be of help to to others, regardless how one may misunderstand your intentions. It is the intention that means the most, and nobody can get that wrong when they are certain of their motives for God! You're doing good, because you were wanting to truly help; and God uses what occurs to teach us His will and desire!
So in between work he had a interview with a Church but turned it down. He would not be able to support himself on such a small salary. He continued to search for work.
if he is going to be in the ministry its going to have to be for the outcome not income... yes things are tight but unless its a big Church there not going to be able pay him enough to sustain him. bi vocational preaching is tough. if he takes a church he needs to be willing to accept what they give. i have never put a price on being a pastor. he needs some good Godly advice and you might be the person to do it. reach out to him this is your cup of tea