hebrew roots

  1. Musicmaster

    Mosaic Law and Our Relationship To It As Shown By Christ

    The modern push by Judaisers pushing to get more Christians to comply with the Law of Moses, specifically the feasts, observances, kosher (dietary) laws, Sabbath keeping, etc., is picking up its feverish pace. I'd like to begin this thread with an observation aimed at Jesus' own relational...
  2. Musicmaster

    Consternation Over Torah-following

    I'm hearing more and more about another growing movement, which is belief that observance of Torah Law (Mosaic Law) coupled with faith in Christ Jesus is required to gain and retain one's salvation. Now, granted, the Mosaic Law was a valid requirement upon Israel, as can be seen through Torah...
  3. Musicmaster

    The Doctrine of Shabbat

    Before we start, I'd like it to be understood that I'm not saying that nobody should be keeping the Sabbath as they choose to observe it.? What I'm going to present here is to address a belief, taught by those who say we should all be living under all or part of the Law of Moses and all the Ten...