Poem#51 Rooting For

Feb 11, 2019
Glen Rock, PA
Poem#51 Rooting For

John 3, Acts, Romans

Theirs going to be Sinners we’re not going to like

After hearing the devil tell their stories of being bad

Trying to get us to root against their coming to Salvation

Do we think wasn’t some followers of Jesus thinking of Saul

Guarantee wasn’t rooting for him to meet Jesus on that road

After hearing the stories of how Saul treated Christians

Good thing it’s God seeing inside Our Heart & giving another chance

Even while the rest count us out God chose Paul to write 3rd of His Book

Using the Chief of Sinners to bring Good News to Gentiles

Just reminding we’re All Sinners coming up Short to God’s Grace

Thankfully God chose to give us Mercy & more Grace then deserved

Flesh & blood isn’t our enemy even on the Neighbor we don’t like

Those we’re watching on the news on TV doing bad bad things

Don’t be listening to slander & spreading more gossip to kick them

God doesn’t want anyone to go to hell so why do we root for it?

We need to be praying for those we don’t like & disagree with

Certainly not rooting against their Salvation, we’re all Learning

What we have in our pockets shouldn’t matter, it’s our Heart

Where would we be without Stories of how God gave Chances

Not just 2 but many chances until we hit rock bottom to find Jesus

Jesus had His Arms Stretching East To West Rescuing each of Us
Poem#51 Rooting For John 3, Acts, Romans

Theirs going to be Sinners we’re not going to like

After hearing the devil tell their stories of being bad

Trying to get us to root against their coming to Salvation

Hello Kyle;

Good poem for thought. The first paragraph is one I struggled with in my younger years. I didn't like myself for my sins. When I read the Scriptures about forgiveness the devil was there trying to convince me otherwise.

Ephesians 4:32, 32 And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.

In my own words, as I've gotten older I've learned to forgive and take care of myself. I'm but a man and there will be other mistakes in my life but I'm now mindful to go immediately to God to help me focus on Him first, asking to guard my heart and tongue. It's a work in progress but I'm getting there.

I was blessed reading Poem#51 Rooting For

God bless you, Walker, and your family.
Theirs going to be Sinners we’re not going to like

After hearing the devil tell their stories of being bad

Trying to get us to root against their coming to Salvation

This poem speaks to me...😊

I still do struggle and fall into the trap of being judgemental. I like to think <my sins> are whitewashed and pale in comparison, and are not as bad as other peoples sins.

Maybe one day, there will be a news channel that, as well as reporting crime, the newsreader finishes off by saying, 'Lets all pray for them, for they know not what they do'.
That would make a refreshing change.